Harriet Tubman: the Road to Freedom

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Harriet Tubman is well known for her courage and bravery. She was a nurse,civil rights activist, and led many African Americans to freedom. She was born in Dorchester County, MD. around 1820, or so they think. And she died in Auburn NY.on march 10, 1913. Her original name was Araminta Ross but she later changed her name to Harriet like her mother.

Unfortunately no records were kept over Harriet Tubman so her exact date of birth is unknown. Harriet Tubman was born on a plantation in Dorchester County,Maryland in the 1820’s.

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Her name was Araminta Ross. Harriet Tubman didn’t have a long childhood. She had the job to take care of a baby as a five year old kid. And it was hard because every time the baby cried her misstress would slap her or hurt her. Over and over harriet would get fired by one and hired by another. When she was seven years old she collapsed because of working to collect muskrat traps. When she was eight she ran away because she took some sugar and the Mistress found out.

After everything that Harriet tubman has gone through as a child has not destroyed her but has made her stronger. She was five foot tall and stronger than some men. She was hired to work on a plantation by a man named John Stewerd. She worked longer and harder than needed, to bring more income. She saved up so when she was ready to escape she could.

In over ten years she had took trips to the south nineteen times to free friends and family. She had people that she trusted to help along the way, too. Harriet Tubman worked as a nurse, cook, and spy in the civil war. Her mindset and experience with freeing slaves along the underground railroad was helpful because she knew the land. She got a group of former slaves to hunt for bad camps and tell on the moves of the confederate troops. Harriet Tubman was not only a rights activist, a nurse, a spy, a cook, a babysitter, a maid. But she is a wonderful well rounded, loving person, that deserves the most respect.

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Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom. (2021, Jul 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/harriet-tubman-the-road-to-freedom/