Evaluation of the Teen Pregnancy Program

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The teen pregnancy program that I created can be evaluated with formative, process, outcome, and impact evaluation. Each type of the evaluations listed above can be used in parts of the teen pregnancy program. This teen pregnancy program evaluated can have a formative evaluation by performing randomized and controlled trials that will test the efficacy of sexual and reproductive health programs. These trials will be developed with different groups in the community that will receive parental or adult consent to receive the controlled condition or intervention.

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Some interventions used could be lessons to the young people and parents. These lessons will be on sexual health, reproductive knowledge, condom usage, and condom use self-efficacy. The outcome from these interventions will deliver to teens and adult caregivers successful outcomes (“Tingey, Chambers, Goklish, Larzelere, Lee, Suttle, Rosenstock, Lake, & Barlow,” 89). These interventions lead to a part of the teen pregnancy program that can be used to attract minority youth.

The part of this teen pregnancy program that a formative evaluation could be used is when text messaging could be used in engaging young people. This program would be theory-based and contain a mobile phone texting component that will attract minority youth. This program would gear towards reducing teen pregnancy and the rate of them dropping out. There will be methods used such as formative research to explore reactions to text messages which can allow young people to express their opinions without feeling judged. This will lead to engaging texting curriculum that will enhance and complement the text program. The successful area of this program would be that teenagers would be enthusiastic about the text messaging program and would result them being attentive to teen literacy about sexual and reproductive health. There are areas of the teen pregnancy prevention program that can be improved. Some of these improvements would be to offer text messaging by other platforms to young people that may not have access to a mobile phone, having rewards given to those that express their opinions without the feeling of being judged (“Koh,” 2014). There is another type of evaluation that will determine whether the teen pregnancy prevention program activities has been implemented as they have been intended. This type of evaluation is called process/implementation evaluation.

The process/implementation evaluation can be used to determine whether the teen pregnancy prevention program’s activities has been implemented as intended. The teen pregnancy prevention program could invest grant funds to develop and test new strategies to address what is known about how to prevent teen pregnancy. The teen pregnancy prevention program would develop new approaches to prevent teen pregnancy. This would be done through systematic and comprehensive reviews of literature that will show how to reduce teen pregnancy, STD’s, STI’s and risk behaviors. This type of evaluation would assess the effectiveness of the program in reducing teen pregnancy, slowing down sexual initiation, and improving the use of contraceptives. The participants of the program would be required to maintain fidelity to the program and adhere to evaluation expectations. This would need to be done to meet the standards for quality of research for review. There would be a collection of data prior to the program implementation, short and long-term follow-ups and evaluations to measure behavioral outcomes (“Farb, & Margolis,” S9-S15). There is a type of evaluation that will measure the teen pregnancy prevention program’s effects in the target population by assessing the progress in the outcomes of objectives that the program is to achieve. This type of evaluation is called outcome/effectiveness evaluation.

The outcome/effectiveness evaluation will be able to measure the teen pregnancy prevention program’s effects in the target population by assessing the progress in the outcomes of objectives that the teen pregnancy prevention program is to achieve. With this type of evaluation, we would compare teen birth rates in communities where there is intervention relative to control communities that are synthetic in nature. The control communities that are synthetic in nature are developed through a data-driven technique. This technique constructs these type of communities by combining information from a great amount of communities that are similar to the previous intervention community listed above. There can be a project developed to implement evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention interventions. This will allow for collaboration with clinical partners to increase reproductive health services. Mobilizing the community will support teen pregnancy efforts and educate them about teen pregnancy prevention efforts. This will be done by implementing media campaigns which will ensure pregnancy prevention services from young people from socioeconomic backgrounds. There will also be approaches from practical evaluations that will be guide program implementation, which will access the outcomes of the community-wide preventions. These successful implementations will give positive reinforcements which will increase reproductive health services. It will reach teens that are at higher risk for teen pregnancy (“Tevendale, Condron, Garraza, House, Romero, Brooks, & Walrath,” S63-S68). There is a program evaluation that will assess program effectiveness in achieving the program’s ultimate goals. This type of evaluation is called impact evaluation.

The impact evaluation will assess the teen pregnancy prevention program’s effectiveness in achieving the program’s ultimate goals. This particular type of evaluation will provide a basis for federal funding decisions. This will help guide practical decision-making that will shape policies. The evaluation will use standard methods for assessing, identifying, and screening research studies. It will identify programs with evidence of effectiveness in reducing rates of teen pregnancy. These programs will fund evidence-based approaches. One type of program that could be introduces is a community-based competitive grant. This program would maximize the impacts of limited federal funding. The second type of program that could be introduced is a program where the funds go to a state formula grant program. This type of program would fund new and innovative program models to address high rates of teen pregnancy (“Goesling, Oberlander, & Trivits,” 27-49). With the formulation of programs and implementations there are anticipated outcomes,

The anticipated outcomes for the teen pregnancy prevention program are to prevent teen pregnancy. The outcomes of the program will reduce teen pregnancy and risky behavior associated with teen pregnancy. They will address the gaps that will prevent teen pregnancy. This program will be able to obtain at least $80 thousand annually for evidence-based programs, which will evaluate and develop approaches to prevent teen pregnancy. With this funding, the concentration would be on ways to reduce teen pregnancy, improving contraceptive usage and slowing down sexual initiation. It will create a strong system of support from project officers, grantees and evaluation specialists. It will build a body of evidence to contribute to added evidence-based programs involving the teen pregnancy program. The outcomes will show a positive scaling as in the effectiveness of the implementations and trials for the teen pregnancy prevention program. This teen pregnancy prevention program can be evaluated in many ways.

The evaluation of the teen pregnancy prevention program can take place by synthesizing program evaluations, summarizing data and assessing implementations. The synthesis of the program will include reports from federal program evaluations and performance measured data from those that give grants for the program. The program data will be summarized by using data that come from evaluation reports from the program. The implementations will be assessed from behavioral outcomes and the quality of the program. From these there will be a meta-analysis of the report, evaluations and implementations. The reports from the federal program evaluations will include research questions, descriptions of control conditions, evaluation of outcomes and methods, findings for the implementations for the teen pregnancy prevention program. The organizations involved will review these reports to ensure that the plan is adhered to, the control conditions are accurate, the analyses are correct and the conclusion and data are justified (“Farb, & Margolis,” S9-S15).

As mentioned above, the teen pregnancy prevention program has organizations that will provide grants for its success. These organizations will have the responsibility of collecting measurement data and reporting on them at least twice a year. This data will show updates about those that provide the program with grants and the program itself. The information included will be the types and number of teens serviced, quality of the program implementations, and the dissemination of the results of the program. The data will also include attendance numbers on the percentage of teens who attend at least 75% of the schedule program classes. This data will allow the involved organizations to judge the quality of the implementations dependent on the participants, fidelity to the program and the information dealt to the participants (“Farb, & Margolis,” S9-S15). Since we have synthesized and reviewed information about the teen pregnancy prevention program, now let’s discuss significant goals and accomplishments.

The United States has one of the highest ratios of teen pregnancy. Researchers and policy-makers have focused on the effects of teen pregnancy and Planned Parenthood. Teen pregnancy is a ramification, rather than a cause of reasonable and civil disadvantage. Taxpayers are paying billions of dollars because teen mothers could have offspring which is born prematurely, the mothers could to badly in college, and drop out. The Georgia Department of Health has developed a comprehensive approach to address teen pregnancy. Educating teenage girls on the best option for them, and how to use the chosen method consistently and correctly would be the best option. The plan is to convince teenage girls to use contraceptives such as intrauterine contraceptives, implants, and pills to prevent pregnancy. There will be planned actions that will entail healthcare personnel having a long-term affect teenage mothers by having constant discussions about consistent contraceptive usage and effective birth control. There are changes in the teen pregnancy prevention program that can be evaluated.

Building and monitoring the capacity of the teen pregnancy prevention program is important. Partnering with school will lead to reaching out to more teens. For this program to achieve high-capacity level, the interventions should be large in numbers in regards to the youth. It will be implemented with attention to careful adaptation, fidelity and using evidence-based approaches. There will be an implementation multi-component with community-wide initiatives that will aim to prevent teen pregnancy among different areas of the community where there is high rates of teenage pregnancy. Also, evidence-based implementation will be effective when the protective and risk factors will be addressed in preventing teen pregnancy. These things will mobilize the community, educate partners involved in the program, work with the community, and incorporate components to increase teen access to reproductive health care.

Achieving this high level of capacity will increase state and community-based organizations, support the selection of evidence-based interventions by the program’s partners, increase the number of teenagers within our target community that are being exposed to the interventions to prevent teen pregnancy. There will need to be a total of 8 classes that the participant would need to take to complete a needs assessment. These classes would entail training in relevant topics and support the evidence-based implementation. The data from these classes will be analyzed and will be based on the type of curriculum and environment where the programs will be delivered. There will also be surveys given to the participants before and after the assessment of interventions in regards to their attitudes and knowledge. The assessment from the community-based organizations will be based off of collected information about teenagers sexual behavior with the pretest assessments (“House, Tevendale, & Martinez-Garcia,” S18-S23).

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Evaluation of the Teen Pregnancy Program. (2021, May 17). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/evaluation-of-the-teen-pregnancy-program/