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Legal Essay Topics for Student

Written by Helen Burgos
Posted: June 26, 2023
Last update date: January 27, 2025
10 min read

There are more aspects of the Constitution than merely laws and regulations. It concerns the justice system, power, and the proper distribution of duties and rights. Because of this, studying it is exciting, and there are countless options for law essay topics.

This article will discuss some of the most common law topics for essays and advice on picking the best legal essay topic for you, whether you’re a law student, a lawyer, or someone interested in legislation.

Key Points

  • There are countless options for law thesis ideas, including ethical issues like criminal offense, civil law, law enforcement, contract law, and more.
  • The requirements of your assignment, as well as your areas of competence, should be considered while selecting a law research title.

How to Select the Best Law Essay Topic for Your Study?

Choosing the right legal study topic can be a daunting task. There are so many good essay topics to choose from, and it can take time to know where to start. You can get the writing assistance you need at PapersOwl for your next study assignment. And with a few simple tips, you can narrow your options and select the perfect topic for your thesis.

Listed are some tips to remember when choosing legal and business law essay topics.

  1. Consider your interests and expertise
    What areas of law are you most interested in? What do you know the most about? Choosing a topic that you are interested in and have some knowledge about will make the writing in due process much easier.
  2. The assignment requirements
    What is the length of the paperwork? Do you need evidence? Once you have the answer, you can narrow your list of potential good topics.
  3. Seek for help
    If you’re stuck, talk to your professor, a librarian, or a classmate. They can assist you in generating ideas and locating appropriate resources. Likewise, you can buy custom essay online to avoid missing deadlines.

Good Essay Topics on Law Enforcement

There are numerous engaging groundwork titles for college students on law enforcement. Your interests and the assignment’s prerequisites will determine the appropriate topic for your education. Also, before you start writing, consider essay planning just after you decide on a research paper topic. However, any subject that enables you to analyze the place of government in law enforcement in society today will be a suitable pick.

Among the top law enforcement essay topics are:

  1. A Major Reproducer of Social Inequalities Due to Law Enforcement and the Judicial Court System
  2. Requiring the Usage of Body Cameras in Law Enforcement
  3. Police Brutality and Racism
  4. Profiling in Law Enforcement: is it Effective Policing?
  5. Law Enforcement Systems
  6. Corruption of the Criminal Justice System
  7. How Drones Improve Law Enforcement Performance
  8. Social Media and Law Enforcement
  9. Challenges for Women in Law Enforcement
  10. Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement
  11. Police Brutality Against Black Communities
  12. The Change in Relationship between Law Enforcement and the Black Community
  13. Women in Law Enforcement
  14. Law Enforcement and Relationship with Americans
  15. Law Enforcement Against Crime
  16. Police Brutality against Latinos in the U.S.
  17. Police Brutality – Aggressive Overuse of Power
  18. Police Brutality – Misconduct and Shootings
  19. Police Body Cameras Friend or Foe
  20. Racial Bias and Racial Injustice
  21. Fighting against Gang Violence
  22. Should all Police Wear Body Cameras
  23. Cost of the Death Penalty
  24. Juveniles should not be Tried as Adults in the Legal System
  25. Body-Worn Cameras by Police Officers

Best Law Essay Topics on Criminal Justice

The issues in criminal trials are contentious and hotly contested, making them perfect for legal studies. They also present an opportunity to investigate the relationship between moral, law, and social fairness.

Write on the following subjects if criminal legal ideas are your major goals:

  1. Racism in Criminal Justice System
  2. Three Problems of the Criminal Justice System and How to Fix Them
  3. About the Death Penalty
  4. The Current Trends and Issues of Social Media and its Effects on the Criminal Justice System
  5. Latinos in Criminal Justice
  6. Does the Death Penalty Effectively Deter Crime?
  7. Alaska Natives Criminal Justice System
  8. U.S. Criminal Justice System Overview
  9. Should Juveniles be Tried as Adults
  10. Presenting Juveniles as Adults in the Criminal Justice System
  11. Criminal Justice System
  12. Gender Equality and Crime
  13. Supervision in the Criminal Justice Field
  14. Women’s Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System
  15. The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance
  16. Gender and Crime
  17. “Just Mercy” is Bryan Stevenson’s Perspective on the American Criminal Justice System
  18. Dispute Resolution in Criminal Justice
  19. Social Issues and Criminal Justice
  20. Racism and the U.S. Criminal Justice System
  21. New York City History: Abner Louima Case
  22. Core Components of the Criminal Justice System
  23. Treatment of Genders Within the Criminal Justice System
  24. Criminal Justice and Media
  25. How does the Media Portray Crime and the Criminal Justice System?

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Law Essay Topics on Crime

There is a legal thesis title for everyone, regardless of your interests. It is crucial that you know how to write an essay to do justice to this niche, whether it is in offence prevention, crime prevention strategies, or capital punishment.

Legal groundwork titles on crime that are common include:

  1. An Issue of Social Media and Cyber Crimes
  2. Does the Death Penalty Effectively Deter Crime?
  3. About the problem of gang Violence
  4. O.J Simpson and the Crime Scene
  5. Source of Information about Crime
  6. Poverty and Crime
  7. Cyber Security and How to Prevent Cyber Crime
  8. The Effects of Illegal Immigration
  9. Crime and the why
  10. Does Gun Control Reduce Crime?
  11. Crime and Deviant Behavior: Birds of a Feather Flock Together
  12. Is Graffiti Art or a Crime of Vandalism?
  13. Street Crime and Corporate Crime
  14. Famous Examples of Cybercrime
  15. Why People Commit Hate Crimes
  16. Hate Crimes and the Biblical Worldview
  17. Border Wall Critical for Reducing Crime
  18. Ineffectiveness of NYPD’s Stop-and-Frisk Program in Taming Crime Essay
  19. Should abortion be Illegal or Not?
  20. A Hate Crime
  21. The Problem of Cyber Crime and Security
  22. Why does the Number of Sexual Assaults Continue to Increase Throughout the Army?
  23. Cons Police Discretion
  24. Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking
  25. Should Prisoners be Allowed to Vote

Law Essay Topics on Policy

There are many possible government ethical policy-related legal groundwork research paper topics. Even though these subjects are conflicting, they can be a fascinating approach to examining how law and policy interact.

Examples of legal research subjects for policy include:

  1. Mass Incarceration in America
  2. What is Discrimination?
  3. China’s One-Child Policy
  4. Homelessness Policy in the United States
  5. Illegal Immigration and President Donald Trump’s Zero-Tolerance Policy
  6. Police Brutality – most Serious Violations to the Black Community
  7. Rethinking the Drugs Policy
  8. United States Policy Should Treat Refugees More Kindly
  9. Immigration Policy of Donald Trump
  10. About the Black Lives Matter Movement
  11. Immigration Policy in Texas
  12. Repercussions of the Chinese Government’s One-Child Policy
  13. Two Main Strengths and Weaknesses of International Law
  14. Efforts to Improve Handling and Training on Sexual Assault in Army
  15. The Effects Police Brutality Has on Society
  16. Substance Abuse and Homelessness
  17. Is the SHARP Program Effective?
  18. Strengths and Weaknesses of American Democracy
  19. Gun Control Laws in the US
  20. Human Trafficking in the Philippines
  21. Pros and Cons of Increasing the Minimum Wage
  22. Importance of Freedom of Speech
  23. Employee Relations and Trade Unions
  24. Environmental Policy in the United States
  25. What are Private Property Rights?

Law Essay Topics on Human Rights

These topics explore ethical and legal frameworks, international conventions, and domestic laws governing ethics, freedom of speech, right to privacy, and the balance between public safety and individual rights and responsibility in a country.

It also addresses legal issues around Artificial Intelligence on intellectual property rights, intellectual property protection, civil rights act and employment contract.

The research paper topics in this category are:

  1. The 14th Amendment: a Discourse on Human Rights
  2. Challenges to a Group’s Human Rights
  3. Hillary Clinton and Her Speech about Human Rights
  4. Is Capital Punishment a Violation of Human Rights
  5. Human Rights are Basic Rights Given to a Person Mainly because they are Humans
  6. Why is the Declaration of Independence Compelling?
  7. United States Key Role in Support of Human Rights
  8. Human Rights and Democracy
  9. The Human Rights of Native Americans
  10. Violence against Women is a Form of Human Rights Violations
  11. International Law and Human Rights Law
  12. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  13. Freedom of Speech and Censorship
  14. Discrimination in Workplace
  15. Should Same-sex Marriage be Legalized?
  16. What is Freedom of Speech
  17. Women’s Rights in Pakistan
  18. Civil Liberties Definition
  19. Issue of Regulation or Censorship of Internet Porn
  20. First Amendment and Social Media
  21. Religious Discrimination Throughout Cultures and the Workplace
  22. Roles of Civil Rights Advocates
  23. Prostitution should not be Legalized
  24. About Child Labor in Nepal
  25. Analysis of Sexual Harassment of Women

Criminal Law Essay Topics

The thesis research paper topics about criminal offenses are a fantastic approach to delving into the intricate realm of criminal law. These subjects can all be examined in various ways and are pertinent to the criminal trial system.

When selecting one of the topics below, take your assignment and area of interest into account:

  1. Criminal Law & Procedure
  2. Criminal Law’s Impact Areas on Law Enforcement
  3. History of Criminal Law in California
  4. Sentencing and Criminal Law
  5. 7 Principles of Substantive Criminal Law
  6. My Opinion of Criminal Law
  7. Sources of Criminal Law
  8. Specific Penalties for Hacking in Criminal Law
  9. The Solution to the Death Penalty
  10. The Debate of the Death Penalty
  11. Education Requirements for a Career in Criminal Justice
  12. The Constitution of America and Laws
  13. Monster by Walter Dean Myers Overview
  14. How Can a Criminal Charge Affect Your Future Essay
  15. Racial Profiling in the United States
  16. Criminal Vs. Civil Law
  17. The Problem of Police Brutality in Chicago
  18. America’s Mass Incarceration Problem
  19. Police Brutality and Abuse Towards Blacks
  20. Criminal Justice System Lives
  21. Hate Crimes and Hate Speech
  22. Resolving Police Brutality Issues
  23. The War on Drugs: Explained
  24. Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements
  25. The Department of Homeland Security

Law Essay Topics on Death Penalty

The death judgement is an issue of debate, with several arguments in favour of and against it. Legal research paper topics on the death sentence can explore the ethical and legal issues of the death punishment and the legal questions for and against the death sentence, amongst others.

Such form of essay examples include:

  1. Death Penalty and Justice
  2. Stephen Nathanson’s “An Eye for an Eye”
  3. The death Penalty should be Abolished
  4. The Death Penalty should not be Legal
  5. About Carlton Franklin
  6. The Controversy of the Death Penalty
  7. Effectively Solving Society’s Criminality
  8. Pro Death Penalty
  9. Religious Values and Death Penalty
  10. Is the Death Penalty “Humane”
  11. The death Penalty is Immoral
  12. The Death Penalty and Juveniles
  13. Is the Death Penalty Morally Right?
  14. Should the Death Penalty be Legal in all Fifty States?
  15. Ineffectiveness of the Death Penalty
  16. Euthanasia and the Death Penalty
  17. George Walker Bush and Death Penalty
  18. Why the Death Penalty is Unjust
  19. Costs: Death Penalty Versus Prison Costs
  20. The Death Penalty and People’s Opinions
  21. Death Penalty as a Source of Constant Controversy
  22. Is the Death Penalty Politically Just?
  23. Just Mercy – Powerful Argument against the Death Penalty
  24. Death Penalty Violates 8th Amendment
  25. Is the Death Penalty Effective

Law Essay Topics on Punishment

There are numerous competing hypotheses regarding why punishment is given and no one theory has gained widespread acceptance.

The various theories of punishment, the efficacy of various forms of punishment, and the ethical and legal implications of punishment in different countries can all be explored in legal  research paper topics.

In this area, the most popular essay examples are:

  1. Crime and Punishment: Women’s Mental Health in Prison
  2. My Opinion on the Capital Punishment
  3. Twelve Years a Slave Analysis: Religion, Gender Roles and Punishment
  4. The Death Penalty: Right or Wrong?
  5. Capital Punishment or Permanent Punishment
  6. Why Capital Punishment Should be Abolished
  7. Abolition of Corporal Punishment in Australia
  8. Mass Incarceration and Prison Reform
  9. The Problematics of Capital Punishment
  10. Mass Incarceration in the U.S
  11. Inappropriate Behavior
  12. Cruel Capital Punishment in George Orwell’s Story “A Hanging”
  13. Redemption and Capital Punishment
  14. The Birth of Mass Incarceration
  15. The Inclusion of Capital Punishment Through History
  16. The Idea of Capital Punishment
  17. The Death Penalty is not Worth the Cost
  18. Punishment and the Nature of the Crime
  19. Capital Punishment Vs. Juveniles
  20. The Use of Capital Punishment
  21. Should Capital Punishment be Allow in Modern Society
  22. Texas Capital Punishment
  23. Corporal Punishment System
  24. Why Capital Punishment is Cruel: Argumentation
  25. The Abolishment of Capital Punishment

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Law Essay Topics on Prison

This field can be examined through a variety of legal study titles. These topics offer the opportunity to investigate a range of legal challenges, racial profiling and are all pertinent to the law.

Below are some good topic ideas for studies in this field.

  1. Care of the Mentally Ill in Prisons
  2. Protecting Prisoners from Criminal Injustice
  3. What is Worse than Slavery
  4. Institutional Racism in Prisons
  5. Stanford Prison Experiment and American Prison System Overview
  6. The Behavior of Prisoners in the Stanford Experiment
  7. A Comprehensive Prison Reform to Help Reduce the Number of Inmates Detained in Prison
  8. Juvenile Justice System and the Prison System in Ethiopia and Venezuela
  9. Prison Corrections from a Sociological Perspective
  10. An Assessment of the Morality of Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Prison
  11. Analysis of Freedom and Democracy
  12. A Look into Our Natio’s Criminal Justice System and Immigration Laws
  13. Gang Membership
  14. Racial Disparity Amongst Caucasian Americans, African Americans and Other Minority Groups
  15. Gun Control and Violence
  16. Book Summary: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
  17. Just Mercy: a Story of Justice and Redemption
  18. Just Mercy – Equal Justice Initiative
  19. The Topic of Mass Incarceration
  20. The American Ill of Mass Incarceration
  21. Major Problems in Modern-day Russia
  22. The Problem of Overcrowding in Confinement Centers
  23. Mass Incarceration Exposed
  24. The Slave Ship a Human History by Marcus Rediker
  25. Executive Summary: Re-Entry Obstacles Ex-offenders Face

Common Law Essay Topics

Because common law is a precedent-based system of law, judges must follow the rulings of other judges in similar cases in the court. Due to its complexity, there are countless options for common legal thesis titles.

Common law essay questions include:

  1. Stop and Frisk Theory and Racial Profiling
  2. Racism is Wrong and should be Stopped
  3. Capital Punishment is Morally Indefensible
  4. The Three Strikes Law Analysis
  5. Racial Profiling in Stop-and-Frisk
  6. Minority Rights in the Criminal Justice System of the United States
  7. Transparency Paper
  8. Laws Regarding Rape
  9. Offenses against the Government, Administration
  10. The Unreasonable Practice: Stop and Frisk
  11. Hate Crime and the Legal Process: Options for Law Reform
  12. How Many More?
  13. The Necessity of Profiling in FBI
  14. Racism and Wrongly Conviction
  15. Elements of Constitutional Law
  16. “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” by Patrick Henry
  17. Miranda V. Arizona (1966)
  18. Percy Jackson and the Olympians
  19. Terry Vs. Ohio and Fourth Amendment
  20. Description of Our Society Today
  21. Judicial Review – Main Documents
  22. Colonialism in the Tempest
  23. The Supreme Court and Parental Rights Termination
  24. The Issue of Police Brutality
  25. Constitution and Bill of Rights


Legal research paper topics are an excellent method to learn more about the intricate and always-changing legal system. There are countless options, ranging from international law to forensic science. A strong law study research should be well-planned and brief. Likewise, it must be thoroughly investigated and backed up by data. With the tons of topic ideas in this article, good luck with your writing!

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