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How to Write a Research Paper Introduction Paragraph

Written by David Santana
Posted: February 4, 2022
Last update date: January 8, 2025
8 min read

Just like the alphabet begins with the letter “A,” any essay begins with an introduction. When you’re ready to write a research paper, start with an opening section. These are not common sentences but ones that form the entire thesis. Working on the research paper introduction, you will explore the body paragraphs of a research project. A good research paper introduction should guide the reader through the topic and present the importance of your university research and its results.

What Is an Introduction Paragraph for a Research Paper?

Writing a research paper is a mandatory task in almost any educational specialty. Coming up with a great research paper introduction is essential. We know how difficult it can be to collect your thoughts and start doing work by arranging an introduction. You may think of existing research or look into your literature review to have a good start. That is why we are ready to come to your rescue and tell you about the rules. A good research paper introduction is an integral part of an entire paper that you should not ignore. After all, it represents a thesis statement. While at it, we shall share some useful tips for correctly writing the opening passage.

How to Write a Research Paper?

While everything will depend on your research question and existing research on a topic, a research paper introductions are a piece of information placed at the beginning of the paper. The size of this section depends on the general requirements and usually is about 350-450 words. Moreover, everything you write in the research paper introduction should attract the reader’s curiosity. This part of your work is designed to help the reader identify whether he or she wants to read the paper. It is a reason why every point matters as you deal with a specific scientific problem. The purpose is to prevent your target audience from getting any wrong answers (they should not feel confused) as you discuss the key goals. The same is true with a case study, as you should provide the main point in a particular area with a clear statement.

To see how an introduction is written, check out the example of an abstract for a research paper. While it is not a research paper introduction in a classic sense, it is a vital part of your research paper that still addresses things. It is a short form of the research question that shows your research aims and provides a brief overview of academic writing. That is why it is incredibly important to approach this section’s writing responsibly. Focusing on your existing research position, ensure that you clearly and interestingly position your research topic. A well-written research paper introduction will make you more likely to get a high score and show that original empirical research has been done.

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How to Write a Research Paper Introduction?

After shaping your research paper, you will have a broad picture of your entire research and analysis. A research paper introduction will be based on a research question and a literature review. You will eventually know what your paper presents as you can provide sufficient background information. The paper’s structure will start with a clear introduction, a brief history, your conceptual boundaries, and a thesis statement. You can adjust your research paper depending on your current research and other research papers. Still, about 10-15% of the total word count must be there. The length depends on how many pages long you are planning to present. If there is a specific research problem, you may have to extend your introduction section slightly.

Being an expert in the research niche of your scientific paper, you will be able to come to valid conclusions and highlight the main points of your research paper’s introductions. This will help you to create an outline, identify the key notions, and include them in the introduction. The key is to ensure that your reader understands every vital point. Build your arguments logically and use a strong quotation if necessary. You should also define a hook that can catch the reader and increase interest in reading your project. For example, if you talk about climate change, start with a creative narrative style. It will make the subject related to previous studies. Start with something that you will repeat in the final paragraph! This way, a climate change paper will be easier to fit within the current literature and also use your previous work.

However, the problem with writing the first section is the difficulty in determining the importance of information. You can make a paper introduction with in-depth research, yet it is not always the best solution. It is much better to show what your paper argues as you mention relevant literature or discuss a research gap within the current research.

While investigating key characteristics, you will probably feel that all the data you provide is essential. However, you need to be concise in writing a good introduction with all the key elements. Your general erudition of background information must be combined with specific knowledge of the general subject area. If you approach your research paper this way, it will help you write a great introduction.

Here are a few simple guides that can help to make your research paper introduction shine:

  • State Your Research Theme

The first sentences should be common about the general topic. Then, you should add some details about your original research topic. This is called the “inverted triangle” when you start a research paper with a broad theme and then narrow it down. Be concise in your presentation of the research issue to avoid any kind of ambiguity. Your study should be presented as a direct continuation of the introduction. Keeping the narrative logical as you deal with a particular topic is crucial.

  • Be Original

If you write a dissertation paper in humanities, you can start the introduction with a quotation. If your research fits, it can even be an anecdote. If your academic area is science or medicine, you can add extremely interesting data or even provide shocking statistics. Help your reader understand where you are coming from in terms of the importance of your introduction section.

Start with your own research with a strong thesis statement. See if there is a research gap that you can address with an existing assumption. Such an approach will help you develop an attractive research paper introduction. However, be careful with fact-checking and sources as you look for the research gap. All the statistics you provide in academic writing must correspond to reality. According to the methodology, shocking research should be done by you or reputable institutions.

  • Explain Key Terms

Before you add a thesis statement, list the notions you used. The same is true for definitions you base your definitions on to avoid reader confusion. Remember that there is a phenomenon when one term can have different interpretations due to the background. You may mention previous research or other research papers when you have a literature review. If you need an example of how it’s done or are in trouble, ask us for research paper help right now. We can help you address every point and answer the most complex questions. To help the matters, you can use a glossary to explain. It will show your knowledge level in the scientific context and help expand the audience to which your article may be useful. Whenever you find yourself in trouble, ask us to research paper help, and we’ll come to help.

  • Size Is Important

It would help if you chose your ideal length for the introduction. It should be short enough to be readable and gain readers’ attention. As you explain things, it should be long enough to address all the main features of your essay. And, of course, remember that the size of the introduction should be directly proportional to the size of your study. You need to describe the main sections in the past tense briefly. They must guide your reader and provide a clear overview of what happens in your research paper.

  • Refer to the Keywords

The keywords should be used in the introduction to give a general overview of the research questions. These could be separate words or word combinations that describe your topic. If the literature review that you have studies Abnormal Psychology, use this combination. Most research papers have an abstract with a list of keyboards. Still, your paper should have keywords in the introduction too. This trick aims to write a research paper that is easier to find. In addition, they help the reader quickly understand the direction of your research, showing the problem and the subject of investigation.

  • Follow the Rules of Logic

You should be consistent in writing to provide a clear overview of your research paper. As we mentioned in one of the other sections, your work must be holistic and have something generally accomplished. Each new thought should continue the previous one to explain things. A well-elaborated outline in research papers may help in solving this research problem. The first passage should logically introduce the reader to the subject, explain, and also give a preview of what will be described next. Logical links between sentences will make your text coherent.

An introduction paragraph of a research paper is essential for readers to get an overall idea of the paper. It helps grab their interest and gives them an understanding of the content’s purpose. Writing an informative and catchy introduction can be difficult, but hiring professional nursing essay writers can help remove the burden. They can provide an excellent introduction that introduces the topic in a detailed and easy-to-understand manner.

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Common Research Paper Introduction Mistakes and How Not to Slip Up

As you can already understand, writing a decent introduction is quite difficult. You should remember the purpose of your university research to stay on the topic. We will see the most common research problem to be aware of when writing.

An extended introduction When you conduct scientific research, each word you write carries much necessary information. However, working out a quality introduction, you find that the size is very limited, and you need to spend time filtering unnecessary information.
Lack of a hook Good introductions are not limited to just a list of data you have received. It is this paragraph that presents the first impression. Try to make it informative and catchy. If you face problems elaborating witty hooks for a paper, consult a writing service that can provide you with professional advice.
Inconsistent Data The problem of inconsistency in the presentation of information appears when you first write the introduction and then the main body of the study. To avoid the error of lack of previous research, follow our advice. Study the background of the hypothesis you have chosen and then describe the results of your research.

Most importantly, remember to keep your introduction related to what shall follow in the paper! 

How to Write a Research Paper Introduction Examples

The theory is good, but the practice is quite different when writing a research paper introduction. Read our examples to get good ideas from other researchers about how to write an excellent structure and introduction.

Contemporary literary marketing has become digital because of the demands of the online era. Popular best-selling authors such as J. K. Rowling or Dan Brown profit from the internet and use it as a source for advertising to show the audience their creations. On the other hand, many writers find digital literature harmful and destructive to their livelihood because many users can get their books without paying for them. However, more studies reveal that the business side of the book industry is not far from the negative. This research paper will define whether the culture of digital book consumption has to be changed due to the creations of writers becoming worthless due to online piracy and because people have stopped valuing non-digitized books.

The second sample of the introduction paragraph concerns the paper topic, “Behavioral Study of the Phenomenon of Obedience.”

Modern theories tend to associate misbehavior and intentional actions that harm others with personal characteristics. A survey of psychologists and doctors predicted that only a small portion of people (about 1-3%) would intentionally harm someone after being told to do so.

A good example of this phenomenon is a recent war trial with Adolph Eichmann, who claimed he was only following orders to carry out Nazi war crimes. Therefore, is it possible that people can harm others by only “following orders?” Are people capable of betraying their moral convictions if ordered to do so?

During the experiment, we will see whether someone can continue administering painful electric shocks that harm another person simply because he or she is told to do so. Very few are expected to continue and most participants will not obey the order.

Writing an engaging research paper introduction is equally important as conducting research papers or providing a high-quality context for your issue. In fact, a great intro is even more important for your success! An opening paragraph that attracts attention and keeps the reader engaged is the key to success with this academic work.

The intro is the first thing a reader sees when reading your paper. It is exactly what helps them get the first impression of your work, which carries their opinion about the merits of your paper while they finish reading it. That’s why it’s so important to get it done right.

How do you create flawless intros for your research papers? These tips and examples in this article should help you deal with this assignment effortlessly while avoiding common mistakes. However, it also requires practice. We encourage students to practice writing as much as they can and master these skills and never face difficulties writing academic papers again!

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What should the introduction of a paper accomplish?

The introduction is a piece of information placed at the beginning of the paper. Moreover, everything you write in the introduction attracts the reader’s curiosity. This part of your work is designed to help readers identify whether they want to read the paper.

How long does an introduction in a research paper have to be?

The size of this passage depends on the general requirements for the work and usually is about 350-450 words. This means the paper volume is limited, and you must be concise. Don’t forget to consult the specific demands for your research.

Can you start a research paper with a question?

Your paper intro may begin with a research question if it is a hook sentence. This way, you may interest the reader in reading your work. You are supposed to give a complete answer to the question you started with in your paper.
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