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How to Write an Interview Essay Without Mistakes and Succeed

Written by Bonnie Adair
Posted: December 20, 2024
Last update date: March 18, 2025
9 min read

What Are Interview Essays?

If you have been asked to learn how to write an interview essay for your school or college assignment, you will be able to find all the necessary information here. Before we continue with the rules, requirements, and formatting, let’s take time to see what interview essays represent. Basically, they are meant to provide readers with general information about the essence of the interview and their thoughts on a certain topic(s). While this is not always the case, a good interview essay must offer a chance to have a deeper insight into the analysis and evaluation of the given responses within a specified research context.

An interview essay is a task to check your data collection skills and organize all the information gained. While it may seem overly complex initially, the hardest part is to start and introduce an individual correctly. You have to understand why you are conducting an interview and ensure you are prepared well before you start writing.

The Main Purpose of Writing an Interview Essay

It will depend on your subject and even the target audience. This means you must understand your scientific purpose before writing an interview essay. The same is true for all the work that lies ahead. An interview has to provide background information about your subject and outline the subjects and matters you address. First, the target audience must be inspired and interested in your take. It has to happen in your interview essay introduction. The list of questions, the interview format, and even how you collect the responses all matter here. You will have to provide your analysis of responses since we call it an interview essay. The purpose is to record and collect research information and explain why the interview has been conducted.

Choose an Interview Format Correctly: Interview Essay Outline and Interview Essay Introduction

Most successful interviews include at least six vital stages that must be included regardless of the type and formatting you choose. These are the following that you must include for an average reader:

  • An introduction with a topic hook. It has to present an interesting sentence and something during the first minute or the first paragraph. An interview essay outline must be included as well. Your essay must not sound like a scientific article, as you must show the essence of a person interviewed. Examples with a successful format have a good introduction and comments from an interviewer.
  • Information about the subject of an interview. It is where you must present and write information about the person behind an interview. This is where a thesis statement may be included for an interview assignment.
  • The list of questions. These can be as many as your chosen format allows. Adding details is essential as you expect to have decent answers. Your final essay may not have all the questions, but it must have good research and the bits that answer the main thesis. A good summary usually helps outline the details and format things correctly.
  • An opportunity to discuss things not originally included. It makes an interview more lively with a good focus on things and a summary of what has already been discussed. Add some examples that show your research during the conversation. It will improve the structure of your essay as well.
  • Conclusion.  This is where you wrap things up a little bit.
  • Your analysis and review after the interview. It can be a single paragraph or up to three essay paragraphs, depending on the original interview’s volume.

Now, the types of interview may include another six popular options to use in your paper:

An Individual Interview It is the most popular essay type that you may be requested to do. It deals with a single person and presents a list of interview questions.
A Group Approach This is where you may interview a group of people. For example, consider researchers working on the same project or summer camp volunteers.
Panel Interviews You may be paired with another student to interview for your essay.
Telephone Interviews These are conducted online or over the phone. Good questions must be made ready early on for your essay.
Video Interviews Consider Skype and Zoom options, especially when talking to someone overseas. Talk to your interviewee about options while working on your paper’s details.
Technical Approaches  These are meant for a technical audience and may include fewer questions but lengthier replies. Think about IT specialists, programmers, and engineers.

Now, the most important thing is to prepare for any type of interview before you can continue with the questions and write an essay.

Time to Get Ready for the Interview

First of all, you must take time to learn about the subject of your interview. It includes both the person and the subject of your discussion. When you know the topic well, even if it’s new for you, you can correct the questions right away and help the person channel the answers correctly. Remember that not everyone is born a storyteller, so some professionals will look for the right words and try to explain things. That is why you should start with preliminary research and learn the basic terms, especially if things get technical. The same applies to events or things discussed in the news story. See the list of other people interviewed and talk to other students as you discuss ideas that may finally work for you!

Take your time to read the press or see research publications related to your subject. Never ignore this matter, and always take time to create the main point or a strong thesis statement for your interview essay. It is as important as preparing your list of questions and proofreading for mistakes in advance! The same is true when finding a quiet place to conduct an interview and taking notes of each answer and idea. Research good places first and read some related interview examples on your chosen topic. See all the information included and show due respect to your interviewee by showing your knowledge during your conversation.

How to Conduct the Interview: Rules

If we do not talk about basic patience and listening to your opponent’s general rules, one has to remember the following:

Most importantly, you have to identify the purpose of your interview essay. It helps narrow things down and develop a list of good questions. You will fail without a proper interview essay format if it is not done. Once you address this part during your writing process, go on with the research of your subject. It is not about what you know but about what your target audience must know as they start reading your interview papers.

The next stage is the preparation of your interview questions. You should talk to your interviewee and ensure you are both on the same track before the writing process. If you compose one of the I believe essays with the inclusion of an interview with a celebrity, think about related questions! Adding more details in an essay helps! Think about reading an article on a chosen individual first. A written text usually helps to get your facts and avoid confusing an interviewee with unnecessary details. Once everything is clear, you can conduct an actual interview. Always thank the person who has been answering your interview paper questions.

Once ready, start formatting your paper and check all the materials you have gained. Listen to them twice or read your interview essay notes.

Write an outline next and write an actual paper based on your requirements and written word count. Do not forget about editing and proofreading! If you do everything correctly for your interview essay, you should not have any paper issues with accessibility and readability.

How to Organize Your Interview Essays Paper Findings?

It is never easy to find a way through a myriad of questions, and interview paper answers as you write them down. As a rule, these must be corrected before you present them to your reader. It’s important to determine your findings and ensure the topic is followed. Use direct quotes and always support the context in your paper as you write. You can also leave comments and organize things based on how the interview progressed.

An example may be an answer by the interviewee where he or she defines something for your paper or provides details that go beyond the initial format. The trick is to highlight all your article’s key subjects. Do not try to include it all; you will easily go beyond the word count and ruin the original paper requirements format! Synthesize the most important data and make the flow feel logical to your readers. Using subheadings in an interview paper to separate the paragraphs or a clever numbering system is also possible.

An Interview Paper Outline Matters

Although it is technically possible to go on without an outline, it will make your interview format much better if you decide to work on it and focus on details. The best part is that you can narrow things down and choose only the best questions and answers. Most interview essay paper examples have the following four vital interview process parts:

  • An introduction of an interviewee with an interview essay subject paragraph.
  • A brief explanation of what you will discuss (add context).
  • A list of questions with brief comments (especially for authoritative individuals).
  • A conclusion with your interview subject analysis with possible interviewee comments.

It is not obligatory in research writing, but you can add a small paragraph example with your explanation between the questions. It is usually done to explain certain aspects that may improve the readability of your interview essay for your readers. Check your format rules for details on how it’s done.

Learn How to Write the Interview Essay

In writing an interview essay, readability is always the key! It’s true, especially when working on an interview essay or going for a job interview. The actual writing part must not include every single point or a reply that has been collected. You must make it readable and choose only the strong points. At the same time, never alter the words or change the meaning. After all, it is not about how you perceive things because you have an analytical paragraph. It is the tricky part of the interview essay tasks. If you are unsure about some part, you can either use a direct quote or rephrase something that has been said with a personal comment in italics. Regarding the formatting chosen, it is one of the standard methods to explain things in an interview, even if it’s a job interview.

The analytical part always goes at the end and has a sense of conclusion. It helps your readers have an impression based on your ideas and thoughts. Take time to check various narrative essay topic ideas to see how the subject can be introduced or what wording may be used. It also completes your interview essay in a correct way academically and serves as a strong thesis that is repeated.

Formatting Rules and Citation of Sources

If things get more complex and you include more external sources, an MLA format style requires the following:

Interviewee’s Last Name, First Name. “Interview Title.” Interview by Interviewer first name Last name. Newspaper Name, Day Month Year, URL. or p. Page number(s).

Consult your grading rubric to ensure you follow all the rules specified, and always ask for written permission for an interview first! Read previous interviews to see if there is a question-and-answer format. Also, see first- and second-person rules to choose the narrative format that suits you best.

Main Aspects of Revising and Proofreading

Unfortunately, this important aspect is often ignored by college students who conduct an interview and work on their essays. The reason is the lack of professional skills and the patience to do everything correctly. An interview with a poor structure, little details, and grammar mistakes can never be good and earn the best grades. Therefore, you should start with editing, follow your interview outline, and proofread things twice for readability and style. It has to flow easily and be accessible to your target audience. If necessary, add a glossary of the terms at the end of your essay. Depending on whether you use direct quotes format or quotation marks writing to catch your reader’s attention, your author’s voice with all the key elements is still important!

A concluding paragraph with diverse key points and a strong central statement must be added. For example, when you write an interview essay to define happiness, add your thoughts with details to the rest of your essay format. It has to be more than what’s on your recording device! Good writers always revise and see things from different perspectives for a perfect final product.

Writing an interview essay is the same as revising, as it helps you improve things and properly edit before submitting and publishing your essay. If you are still in doubt, do not hesitate to get in touch with our trained specialists, who can help you with all of your writing and proofreading challenges. Just share your write my essay message, and we shall get in touch for most of the essays you may have trouble with.

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