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Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics for College Students

Written by Helen Burgos
Posted: May 7, 2023
Last update date: March 5, 2025
8 min read

An essay attempts to communicate information, opinions, or feelings and usually presents an argument on a topic. In an academic context, an essay is an exercise for students to explore and clarify their ideas on a subject. The most important is to find great, persuasive essay topics that may deal with something that inspires you.

If you are thinking about how to write a persuasive essay, you need to know that writing an essay is a complex process. Issues such as choosing a topic and conducting thorough research are involved with the chosen topic. The paper’s analysis and the arguments’ design must also support the issues presented. Therefore, an important focus will be placed on creating a strong, persuasive essay. Choosing an engaging and persuasive essay topic will set the construction rules and its final form.

How to Choose an Interesting Topic for a Persuasive Essay?

Hiring a writer’s professional persuasive essay writing service can be an option when you are facing some problems in creating an essay. There are professionals available online, from people with skills in this area. This is an important option if you have to make a speech about a topic and a written presentation.

Essential Components of a Persuasive Essay

To be successful, a persuasive essay must contain several essential components:

  • Clear thesis statement: A compelling thesis statement, that clearly expresses the writer’s opinion on the subject, is essential. This statement also serves as a guide for the rest of the essay, ensuring every point made is relevant to the overall argument.
  • Strong evidence: Solid evidence is essential for a persuasive essay. Building credibility and trust is paramount for any successful argument or attempt at persuasion. Establishing one’s authority on the topic can be done by highlighting one’s expertise, personal experience, or standing within a community. This will make readers more likely to believe the opinions and convictions being expressed, making the message even more powerful.
  • Counterarguments: Addressing counterarguments is an important part of a persuasive essay. The writer should acknowledge and respond to potential objections to their argument. This shows that the writer has considered opposing views and strengthens their argument.
  • Appeals to emotion: Emotional appeals are often used to persuade readers, as they help establish a connection between the writer and the reader. This can be done through personal stories, examples, and descriptive language that creates empathy or a sense of outrage. Pathos is an emotional appeal that helps create this link and make the narrative more powerful. An impacting emotional connection to the story can leave an unforgettable impression on readers and ensure the message resonates with them.
  • Call to action: It encourages the reader to take a specific action or change their behavior.
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Here’s What You Should Know When Writing A Persuasive Essay

The first step in making an essay is to find a relevant topic to make the task more engaging and motivate yourself to help write a more convincing essay. At this stage, narrowing the topic by adopting a particular position toward a subject or sub-topic is also necessary.

If you have problems establishing a position on the subject you want to address, brainstorm with others or work individually and write down the ideas that go through your mind, no matter how irrelevant or strange they may seem. At the next stage, connect ideas and group them into sub-topics, developing and exploring them in detail. If you find yourself at a dead end, you can buy an essay online today and get a ready-made result in the time frame you need.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Education

  1. Education Impact on Psychological Development
  2. Is Attending College Still Worth It?
  3. The Importance of Early Childhood Education
  4. The Power of Arts Education
  5. The Benefits of Bilingual Education
  6. Supporting Students with Disabilities
  7. Promoting Critical Thinking in Education
  8. Reducing Standardized Testing
  9. Financial Education for Life Skills
  10. Advocating for the Importance of Physical Education
  11. The pros and cons of banning violent video games.
  12. The current trends among high school students.
  13. The matters of debt in college education.
  14. The role of social media and virtual education.
  15. Social media and the negative body image.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Society

  1. Are Immigrants Good for the Americans?
  2. The State of Gun Violence in the US
  3. Promoting Kindness and Empathy in Society
  4. Encouraging Volunteerism and Community Engagement
  5. Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
  6. Combating Climate Change
  7. Embracing Diversity and Inclusion in Society
  8. Advocating for Animal Rights and Ethical Treatment
  9. Ensuring Affordable Housing for All
  10. Creating a Safe Digital Society
  11. Are genetically modified foods safe?
  12. What should be the legal drinking age?
  13. How should health insurance be improved?
  14. Should community service be seen as an alternative to punishment?
  15. Should religious education be obligatory?

Persuasive Essay Topics on History

When you choose an essay topic on history, you should look into your writing process. Your body paragraphs must include certain scientific research with the dates. Since you are dealing with history, begin writing with the era you know. You must use your writing skills for compelling arguments as you implement persuasive language.

  1. Increase Of Child Labor
  2. Remembering and Learning from the Lessons of World War II
  3. Preserving Historical Sites for Future Generations
  4. Reexamining Colonialism’s Impact on Indigenous Cultures
  5. Recognizing the Contributions of Women in History
  6. Exploring Marginalized Perspectives
  7. Challenging Historical Narratives
  8. Preserving Cultural Heritage
  9. Promoting Historical Literacy for a Better Understanding of the Present
  10. Analyzing its Ongoing Impact on Global Societies
  11. How has the attitude changed to the death penalty?
  12. City life in Ancient Rome.
  13. Positive or negative impact of Spartan education.
  14. Country life in Flemish vs Francophone regions of Belgium.
  15. Are there logical arguments in Plato’s Republic?

Persuasive Essay Topics on Government

An entire essay on governmental topics is not an easy task to accomplish. Since you are dealing with an already existing system, use primary and secondary sources. Most argumentative essays in this regard will start with persuasive writing prompts that will serve as a thesis. It is recommended that controversial persuasive essay topics be avoided in this field.

  1. Thurgood Marshall A True Leader
  2. Was President Andrew Jackson a Supervillain
  3. Public Policy for Its Nationals
  4. Racism is Wrong Which Should Be Stopped
  5. Promoting Civic Engagement and Voter Participation
  6. Balancing National Security and Civil Liberties
  7. Addressing the Influence of Money in Politics
  8. Strategies to Ensure Clean and Transparent Governance
  9. Upholding Equal Treatment and Justice for All Citizens
  10. The Importance of Government Investment in Education and Healthcare
  11. Sex education is a form of affecting religious life.
  12. Social media is a tool of governmental control.
  13. Free speech is a hoax concept.
  14. Should free college tuition be a right given by the government?
  15. Should professional sports be limited in funding?

Persuasive Essay Topics on Politics

If you need good persuasive essay topics, think about politics. It is the best area where you can persuade someone. Politics also represents a form of persuasive writing. You can discuss persuasive essay ideas dealing with social media or the lack of physical education in colleges. Likewise, you can talk about the opinions of different politicians on the death penalty. Here are some persuasive essay topics that you will find helpful:

  1. Why Trump Cannot Make America Great Again
  2. Why The United States Should Not Construct A Wall
  3. Border Wall Critical for Reducing Crime
  4. Encouraging Active Engagement in Democratic Processes
  5. Ensuring Ethical Standards in Politics
  6. Fostering Dialogue and Collaboration Across Partisan Lines
  7. Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders
  8. Advocating for Accessible and Fair Elections
  9. Defending the Integrity of Information and Public Discourse
  10. Building Alliances for Global Problem-solving
  11. Sex education as a method to pursue political debates.
  12. Social media is a danger for minors.
  13. Animal testing through the lens of politics.
  14. Should financial literacy be obligatory for politicians?
  15. Should the voting age be decreased?

Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

If you are looking for funny and interesting persuasive topics, you should consider these topics for a persuasive essay. Just remember that to write a compelling, persuasive essay or pursue unusual essay topics, you must think deeper. As you choose a good persuasive essay topic, read it aloud and think about what can move people. Here are persuasive essay topics that will keep things fun:

  1. Blondes are best in science
  2. Humor can improve your work results.
  3. Men cheat more than women.
  4. Drinking wine every day can make you healthier.
  5. Homework should be forbidden.
  6. Why is it important to unfriend your parents on Facebook?
  7. Moms can be excellent football players.
  8. Debatable essays should be made with important speakers.
  9. “Family Guy” can be a life model for children.
  10. Men love pink more than women.
  11. College athletes should not be paid like superstars.
  12. Learning a foreign language is no longer needed with AI tools.
  13. Junk food should be a part of a typical school day.
  14. Comic strips help to promote physical education classes.
  15. A foreign language course should be turned into a team of superheroes.

Good Persuasive Essay Topics for College Students

When you need to write a good academic essay and to impress your audience, you can check these solutions for your persuasive essay:

  1. Work hard in the workplace to feel better.
  2. Choose your clothes for your dream job.
  3. Why do people feel the importance of always being right?
  4. Do embarrassing situations make people change their life?
  5. People who experience devastating situations appreciate their life more.
  6. Why should people try new things?
  7. If you want something strong, how do you succeed?
  8. Self-confidence makes you successful.
  9. Hobbies improve your personal skills.
  10. Is music an efficient stress reliever in reducing depression?
  11. The possibility of facing a war.
  12. Homework writing assignments should be replaced with oral presentations.
  13. Collecting cars or dolls is the most boring hobby in the world.
  14. Students of any age should keep their phones with them.
  15. School cafeterias should implement more rigorous health policies.
  16. Colleges should provide their students with free food.
  17. Can money make your life better?
  18. Should students study each day?
  19. Why do children love pets?
  20. What is more important – recycling or donating?
  21. Things we learn in elementary school make us successful in college.
  22. The reasons for poor physical health among college students.
  23. One should use AI-based tools to prevent college students from overusing social media.
  24. Physical education classes must include cyber games.
  25. Financial literacy should become an obligatory college subject.

In the next section, you will find topics on persuasive essays that can be amazing ideas for persuasive speech and essays for both high and middle school.

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Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

Great persuasive essay topics for high school could be among these argumentative essays:

  1. The death penalty is an effective way to scare off criminals.
  2. Things the older generation can learn from the modern-day youth.
  3. Higher taxes for rich people will favor financial balance.
  4. People should be discouraged from keeping rare and exotic animals as pets.
  5. Why it is best to always remain honest in life situations.
  6. The positive role hobbies can play in people’s careers.
  7. Kindness is one of the most important human qualities.
  8. Joining the army should be a decision that young people should make on their own.
  9. Embarrassing situations can help make people more confident.
  10. Human needs should be placed before the needs of wild animals.
  11. Treating animal habitats with respect and care is important.
  12. Things man must learn to ensure that rare species are kept from extinction.
  13. It is best for every family to have a survival plan after a natural disaster.
  14. Providing free internet access is great for everyone.
  15. Parenting lessons should be made compulsory for pregnant couples.
  16. Life is richer and better now than it was 50 years before.
  17. Everyone must recycle.
  18. Man’s activities are the essential causes of climate change.
  19. The use of Grades should be discouraged.
  20. Adults should carry electroshock weapons to defend themselves.
  21. Should the children have a say in the same-sex marriage?
  22. Private schools create negativity about public schools.
  23. A graduate high school student is different today than ten years ago.
  24. Standardized testing is not fair and should be made personal.
  25. Music class helps to decrease stress.

Finding the perfect persuasive essay topic is not always easy when you wish to go beyond the usual argumentative persuasive essay topics. That’s why many students struggle with this task, but luckily, there is a paper writing service for nursing that can help you choose the right one. Whether you are trying to persuade people to buy a certain product, participate in a certain activity, or even change their opinion about a certain issue, selecting an interesting and relevant topic is of utmost importance.

Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle School

You can use fun, persuasive essay topics you like and know well. These can be unique, persuasive essay topics about something you have heard in science class. Likewise, potential persuasive essay topics can deal with something personal. Some suitable topics for a persuasive essay in middle school may include:

  1. The ability to fly is the most amazing superpower.
  2. Some scientific discoveries should not be shared with others.
  3. The most boring job in the world.
  4. Children and chores.
  5. Kids should be paid for doing chores.
  6. Children should be given larger allowances.
  7. The fascinating places for summer vacation.
  8. Why do I study during the summer?
  9. The role of school newspaper & radio in the life of students.
  10. Importance of social media in the lives of students.
  11. A gym class is more important than a music class.
  12. School time should be made flexible.
  13. The world is ours to change.
  14. Dogs make better pets than cats.
  15. Schools need more holidays.
  16. Schools should implement bullying awareness programs
  17. Bullies should be kicked out of school.
  18. How the internet has changed our lives.
  19. There should be different classes for boys and girls.
  20. The worst song in the world.
  21. Standardized tests do not show our success.
  22. Professional athletes should all have blogs to inspire people.
  23. Schools should have an electoral college board.
  24. Schools must have obligatory community service hours.
  25. Should genetically modified foods be forbidden?

Best Persuasive Essay Topics 2025

For unique persuasive essay topics for college, try these trendy persuasive essay topics in 2025:

  1. Every American should learn to speak a second language from primary school.
  2. Every immigrant should learn to speak fluent English.
  3. High school campuses should be safeguarded by soldiers.
  4. The legal drinking age should be 18, as it is in other countries.
  5. Kids under 12 shouldn’t have a Facebook account.
  6. Standardized examinations should be removed.
  7. Every family should create a survival plan.
  8. Parents should discuss drugs with their children from primary school age.
  9. Racial offenses should be banned.
  10. Gun possession should be firmly controlled.
  11. Yearly driving examinations should be required for novice drivers.
  12. All Americans have a constitutional right to health care.
  13. Pregnant couples should receive free training for parenting.
  14. Children need better sex education.
  15. School examinations are not realistic.
  16. Violent video games can trigger people to act aggressively in real life.
  17. Nuclear power should be prohibited.
  18. Climate change should be the most important political concern.
  19. Medical marijuana should be universally legal.
  20. People should go to prison if they beat or injure their pets.
  21. Should college athletes be paid an extra?
  22. Should minors be allowed to use social media?
  23. Should public schools have an advantage when entering college?
  24. Are standardized tests enough to showcase a student’s skills?
  25. A summer year-round school should include volunteering.

With so many persuasive essay topics for your body paragraphs, deciding which one to write about takes time. If you need extra help researching or writing your paper, contact a custom essay writing service for assistance. These services specialize in helping students express their arguments and ideas convincingly and coherently. Since we do not use standardized testing and approach interesting persuasive essay topics individually, we know how to help!

Getting good grades in college is important as it is an investment in your future and a great opportunity for your future career. You can use our professional writing service if you need to submit a persuasive essay and don’t feel confident. We can help you with papers on any subject you need, like psychology, sociology, politics, economics, management, human resources, art, history, literature, etc. Our writers provide a unique and high-quality assignment. If you are ready to get the best grade, buy a persuasive essay on PapersOwl.com. We guarantee you timely delivery and satisfaction with a perfect result.

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