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How To Write A Five Paragraph Essay?

Written by Bonnie Adair
Posted: April 16, 2021
Last update date: February 19, 2025
9 min read

Today, we are about to talk about a five-paragraph essay. The structure of a basic essay is easy and uncomplicated. However, students still have questions about how to perform this task most effectively. Let’s take a closer look at how to organize your essay outline correctly, the basic requirements, and tips for writing essays. This post from PapersOwl will answer all your questions and help you write an outstanding paper.

What is a five-paragraph essay?

The first question to answer is what is a five-paragraph essay. The outline consists of just five paragraphs. They are one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs and one concluding paragraph. This three-tier essay format ensures a smooth writing process by organizing the main points into clear and concise sections. This academic writing style is also called a hamburger essay.

This type of presentation of thought allows the students to structure their thoughts easily and put them on paper with the maximum level of specificity. The one-three-one essay format helps maintain the reader’s interest by providing a clear structure and supporting main points with well-organized evidence. The brevity and organization of such a text cause its great popularity in educational assignments for students and exams like SAT, IELTS, and TOEFL.

Such a format is easy to explain to students, and it does not take them much time to delve into the requirements and write an essay. A five-paragraph essay format is short and often restricted to 250-750 words. To write a five-paragraph essay effectively, focus on presenting your main points clearly and providing evidence to support each one. You can apply different styles and artistic techniques to different topics and contexts when writing essays. This answers the question of how many words a five-paragraph essay is.

Types of five-paragraph essay outline

  • Argumentative Essay: An argumentative essay displays a subject from a certain point of view and presents advantages over others.
  • Definition Essay: A definition essay defines a main idea, concept, or premise and adds a personal interpretation along with the official one.
  • Expository Essay: An expository essay is written to uncover or reveal information, shedding light on details that may not be immediately apparent.
  • Persuasive Essay: A persuasive essay is constructed to persuade the reader to believe or act in a certain way.
  • Descriptive Essay: Descriptive essays use many adjectives to encourage readers to feel, experience, and visualize a subject.
  • Narrative Essay: A narrative essay is crafted to tell a story or recount an event, using vivid details and engaging language to immerse the person in the experience.
  • Academic Response Essay: An academic response essay is written to analyze and evaluate a text or concept, providing a thoughtful critique supported by evidence and personal insights.
  • Other types of five-paragraph examples include comparing and contrasting multiple topics and explaining cause and effect. You can also use it to evaluate or critique a piece of fiction. Generally, the five-paragraph essay format is suitable for all essay types.

How to start a five-paragraph essay?

To start writing a 5 paragraph essay and other types of written work, students should first study the topic. The theme can relate to completely different areas of activity as the format allows it. Then, it would help if you worked on an

outline of the essay and the main idea you would like to include in your writing process. The five-paragraph essay outline is like a plan to help you understand in advance how to write a 5 paragraph essay.

  • Remember that a 5 paragraph essay consists of one introduction paragraph, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Three supporting paragraphs will clarify, support, and prove your thesis.

In the first paragraph, students should include introductory information. Express your thoughts clearly so that your essay is easy to read. Try to grab the reader’s attention so that they want to continue reading your essay with great interest. A good first paragraph sets the mood for what follows, so be very particular about it.

Choosing a Five-Paragraph Essay Topic

Choosing a topic for a five-paragraph essay is always difficult when it falls on students. If you can choose a topic from the list, choose one that will be easy to develop in three paragraphs. Pick a topic that you are interested in or understand, and then it will be easier for you to come up with three different ideas. Suppose you are interested in computer games and choose a topic related to their impact on school-age children. Describe in three body paragraphs three arguments for which computer games can be helpful for the intellect and socialization of students.

Whatever topic you choose, ensure you have enough expertise, creativity, and personal conviction to get your point across. This is very important because each paragraph should be filled with meaning. It is also a useful feature to write a single sentence that briefly describes the main idea of ​​​​your five-paragraph essay.

Try to avoid choosing overused topics, as they have been discussed many times already, and you are unlikely to be able to bring any novelty. The best topic is one you feel so excited about and can discuss with your friends for hours without getting tired. You can save yourself the stress by selecting write essays for me on a writing service website. Professionals will write an excellent piece for you on tight deadlines and with the highest quality possible.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a sentence that describes the topic your essay will focus on. It is essential to make it as informative as possible, even with a limited number of words. A good thesis statement will briefly express your primary thoughts in the main part. It is also well suited for summing up intermediate results.

The thesis statement can be something other than the first sentence in your paper. However, it must be in the introduction. The ideal place to place the statement is at the end or middle of the introduction.

✏️A good thesis example:

Most American parents believe that computer games have a detrimental effect on the development of their school-age children. Still, a series of studies have been conducted that have proven otherwise. Children fond of computer games have better memory, faster mental arithmetic, and good communication skills.

This thesis statement example lists the three points we intend to elaborate on in the body. So, introduction, supporting paragraphs about the three points, and conclusion. Without any extra help, you can already imagine this essay topic.

Five-Paragraph Essay Structure

  1. Opening paragraph: this paragraph should contain the main topic of the paper and a list of the main ideas that will be discussed.
  2. This segment is considered the main one because it contains the entire message of the composition.
  3. Concluding paragraph: Summing up and analyzing the information presented are in the concluding paragraph.

Remember when we said at the beginning of the article that a five-paragraph essay is also called a hamburger essay? We need to imagine a hamburger to remember and understand the structure of such an essay. Assume the top bun is the introduction and the three body paragraphs are your meat patties. Finally, the bottom bum is the conclusion.

This section of the article introduced you to the five-paragraph essay format. For a more comprehensive analysis, let us examine the types one after the other.

Introductory paragraph

The first question is, “How long should an introductory paragraph be?” The size is quite restricted. As we have already said, the main task of the introduction is to hook the reader and also let him understand what exactly the paper will be about. This is why the question should be carefully studied, and an exciting opening for the text should be prepared. Here are some things you can do to secure an excellent introduction:

  • Make it catchy: The introduction should catch the reader’s attention. To do this, we recommend you start with a provocative question, striking fact, or a bold statement. Surprise is a guarantee that you will be noticed. If you surprise the readers at the beginning of your story, you will capture their minds and attention.
  • Be an innovator: Our nervous system looks for novelty in everything. Any person wants to see something in your text that they did not know before and that they had yet to read about. Try to bring novelty to your text.
  • Be brief: The size of the introduction paragraph is limited; you will have to fit the desired meaning into a short space. Try to be concise and explain your thoughts as clearly and understandably as possible.

Body paragraphs

While the introduction is only the beginning, the main part is where you should state your primary thoughts and ideas and back them up with arguments and evidence. Unlike the first paragraph, where you had to be brief in the body paragraphs, you should expand your thoughts and explain your point of view.

Every part in the body paragraphs should present a separate statement, consolidated with particular facts and your personal ideas on the point. Therefore, start each paragraph with a fresh description of a single thought. Be objective, and don’t include irrelevant details.

Here is the main idea for the body paragraphs:

  • Use an introductory sentence.
  • Follow it with a supporting argument or explanation. You can use various evidence like statistics, quotes, examples, and facts to show why you feel it is true.
  • Use a concluding sentence.

Now that you know how to organize a paragraph in the body, you need to compose two more in the same way.

Let’s use the example we stated earlier in our thesis. We wish to argue that equipment failures, wildlife encounters, and bad weather can make tent camping a frustrating experience.

Introduction – hook statement, background information, thesis. Use these tips for writing the body paragraph:

  • 1st paragraph (strongest argument) – topic sentence, claim, evidence, concluding statement
  • 2nd paragraph (weakest argument) – Topic sentence 2, claim 2, evidence, concluding statement.
  • 3rd paragraph (strong or persuasive argument) – Topic sentence 3, claim 3, evidence, general concluding statement.

Transitioning between paragraphs

An incredibly important part of any statement is the consistency and interconnectedness of the components in the letter. You must use transition techniques to state and connect your thoughts clearly. For example, transitional sentences help the author smoothly change the topic without leaving a clear boundary.

Transition sentences show the relationship between two or more ideas. They are like bridges that connect your ideas and main points and are made up of words or phrases. Words you can include in each paragraph are: “finally,” “simultaneously,” “for example,” “to illustrate,” “In fact,” “likewise,” “similarly,” “nevertheless,” and “on the contrary,” “in contrast,” “on the other hand,” “furthermore,” “consequently,” “therefore,” etc.

Concluding paragraph

The essence of the final paragraph is to summarize everything said above. Remember that the conclusions should be directly related to what you talked about in your paper. Students also need to create such an effect. If a person reads only the introduction and conclusions, he or she will still understand what was discussed in the text.

Summarize a couple of sentences in which you clearly describe the closing thought you came to while writing the essay. In other words, state the content of the text in words that are understandable to anyone.

Outline for a Five-Paragraph Essay

Combining everything we’ve learned so far, the five-paragraph essay structure should look like this:

five paragraph essay outline

To summarize, this outline is the most common and, in most cases, the most effective. It’s a great way for amateurs to sharpen their essay writing skills, and writers of any level can utilize it whenever they are in doubt. We hope you use the above-established template to propel your essays to the next level.

Tips on how to prepare a successful five-paragraph essay

  1. Be concise and concise in presenting your thoughts without going off-topic.
  2. Come up with an interesting and attractive title.
  3. Work on a good introduction to immediately interest the reader.
  4. Write a thesis that will help lead the reader in and improve the structure of your essay.
  5. Create an outline to make your work easier. An outline will save you time and communicate what the entire essay should include when you are done.
  6. Take time to submit an essay several times, and check the text for spelling, punctuation, and stylistic errors. Pay attention again to the structure, whether you missed anything, and whether all five paragraphs are in place. Check out tips on how to write a college essay and use various resources to ensure the best result.
  7. Reread your work and consider whether it is creative and innovative enough. The reader will be interested in reading unknown information.
  8. Change your main argument if you discover that the body paragraphs do not align with your thesis.
  9. Writing persuasive essays can help improve your mental well-being. You can express your thoughts clearly and build confidence in your ideas.
  10. Quick writing exercises are an excellent way to begin writing and familiarize students with the writing process.

Final Thought

At the end of this article, we want to summarize and list the main information we have shared with you. The 5-paragraph essay follows a structured approach. It needs to contain one paragraph as an introduction, the node part consisting of 3, and a final paragraph. The format stays the same depending on the topic, and the word count ranges between 250-750 words. Students should take the time to create a detailed outline before they write a five-paragraph. It can help the reader follow their argument.

Additionally, reviewing your work carefully will help you spot mistakes and save time during revisions. You don’t have to be a professional to be able to write a five-paragraph essay. Be patient and creative and get down to business: develop an interesting title, develop an outline, write the body, and summarize your essay. Remember to be innovative and express your point of view by showing your intelligence and creativity. If needed, there are also experienced writers for hire who can help you bring your ideas to life.

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