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How To Make a 1000 Word Essay: Tips For Fast Writing

Written by Bonnie Adair
Posted: February 27, 2021
Last update date: July 4, 2024
7 min read

What is a 1000 Word Essay?

A student’s life is pretty busy. There is always a lecture to attend, tasks to complete, and of course, essays to write. You were assigned to write an essay of 1000 words. What are 1000 word essays? These are papers written on specific topics that must contain 1000 words. An essay that’s 1000 words long is usually written on four a4 sheets.

Writing essays isn’t easy. It all begins with detailed research on the topic using and exploring a variety of resources. The research must be extensive. Next, the creation of 1000 word essay outline comes. The task is complex, requiring a lot of effort and time. Here, we’ll share some tips and tricks for writing a 1000 word essay. If you’re struggling with papers in general and find writing tedious or exhausting, you’ll find the following guidelines helpful.

How Long is a 1000 Word Essay?

Many students find it confusing why teachers give essays and ask for a specific number of words instead of a number of pages. The answer is quite simple – the fonts are different. Each font has its size for the characters. If you write the essay using one font, the result could be fewer pages when compared with another font that could produce more pages. For this reason, teachers keep the focus on the number of words.

How long the essay of 1000 words is going to be, primarily depends on the format. Here are several examples you’ll find helpful:

  • Two pages – Font type Arial, font size 12 pt, use single-spacing.
  • Two pages – Font type Calibri, font size 10 pt, use double-spacing.
  • Four pages – Font type Times New Roman, font size 12 pt, use double-spacing.

When it comes to high school and college writing tasks, these are the usual requirements. Consider them before you begin working on the essay.

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1000 Word Essay Structure

Before anything else, focus on the research. Whatever the topic is, you’ll have to provide as many details and answers as possible. Without comprehensive analysis and research, the essay will lack quality. So, before focusing on structure, research the topic in detail using various resources. The more, the better.

You can move to the essay structure when the research part is done. It’s an equally important part of essay creation. Without it, the essay can’t be complete or well written.

The structure contains three main parts: the essay introduction, body, and the essay conclusion.

Again, remember that 1000 words require a lot of work, time, and effort. Plus, following the requirements is essential. The structure of your paper is vital. It shouldn’t be ignored in any way. Failing to meet the needs will result in having a poorly written essay.

If creating an essay following the requirements represents a problem for you, consider essays for sale. Those are written by professional writers and have all the points in place. Many students use such services, especially in times when they’re busy.


Logically, the essay begins with an introduction. It’s vital to make a fantastic intro. If you do that, you’ll grab the reader’s attention, in this case, your teacher, and that’s always a good thing. Share what the essay is about. It’s like giving a sneak peek into the topic and the things the paper brings. The intro should contain the proper topic overview and a solid thesis statement.

Here’s another vital thing. This part of the paper should be around 200 words long, not more. Too long introduction isn’t a good idea. Be clear, concise, and intriguing.


The next part of the essay is the body. This part is longer, with between 600 to 800 words. It’s vital to create subheadings in the body part. You’ll make the paper easy and enjoyable to read by doing that. Every subheading should focus on a specific topic. Each paragraph should have a small intro and conclusion. Ensure to present the arguments clearly and support each with evidence.


The final part of the essay is the conclusion. It shouldn’t be too long, around 200 words, not more. With the closure, it’s time to restate the essay’s main points. Mention the thesis statement again, but this time, in another way that’s new and refreshing. Focus on the conclusion that’s based on your opinion on the subject. Make it clear and on point.

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1000 Word Essay Examples

When it’s time to write a paper, checking out some examples is a great way to start. That will help you get inspired. See firsthand what a paper that’s well written with excellent structure should look like. You may check examples on various topics, from English, History, Time Management, to Human Rights.

  1. Cost of Production In Starbucks
  2. Titanic Movie
  3. Dark Romanticism
  4. Supply Of Various Items Rose

If checking out examples isn’t something you have time for because the deadline is around the corner, consider hiring last minute essay writer. That way, you’ll get assistance from someone who has knowledge and skills and doesn’t need examples. Professional writers can complete essays in hours. Every paper contains the essentials. It is adequately researched and has the required structure, including the instruction, body, and ending.

1000 Words Essay Topics

The great topic is of extreme importance for the essay of 1000 words. Choosing an interesting topic makes everything easier. Ensure to pick a topic that provides lots of material to write about. By doing that, you’ll quickly produce 1000 words. There are various fantastic word essay topics to explore. Remember, selecting an interesting topic is essential in the long run. You’ll gather the statements and evidence easier, and you’ll have an excellent paper at the end. After all, writing a 1000 word essay isn’t an easy task. But, with a good topic, you’ll make it much easier and simpler.

Here are some topic ideas you may consider:

  1. Are humans contributing to climate change?
  2. The positive and negative influence of social media on students.
  3. The reasons why gun control is needed.
  4. The importance of nutritional and physical education.
  5. The impact of technology on daily life.
  6. These are some of the ideas to consider as they may inspire you.

Remember, there’s an option to hire experts that’ll do the work instead of you. Professional writing experts can write a 1000 word essay on any topic, even the complex one, with ease. So, if you’re struggling, this option is worth considering.

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Tips for Writing a 1000 Word Essay

Suppose a 1000 word essay is your assignment. Not every student has the experience or knowledge about essay creation. And that’s perfectly fine! After all, being a student isn’t easy. Plus, the students who don’t enjoy writing usually struggle even more. Here, we’ll share some writing tips that’ll help you write a 1000 essay, and complete it successfully.

  • The topic
    Begin by choosing the right topic. What does it mean? It means selecting the subject that’s exciting, interesting and provides enough evidence and details you can focus on when writing. By doing this, reaching 1000 words won’t represent an issue. It will go smoothly and efficiently. A boring topic with a lack of evidence and details is a problem.
  • Research
    Do comprehensive research. It takes time and effort, but it’ll be worth it. Use multiple resources until you gather enough details and statements for your essay. With proper research, you’ll have enough evidence that’ll support the statements.
  • Focus on the 1000 word essay format
    The next big thing is ensuring you’re following the required essay format. The structure of the paper is vital. Every essay has an intro that’s engaging and on point. Next comes the body. It contains arguments and evidence that support each. Finally, create the part where you wrap everything up neatly. Remember, the start and the finish should have around 200 words both. The middle part, the body, should have between 200 and 800 words.
  • Use proper fonts
    When writing a 1000 word essay, ensure you’re using a suitable font. The options are TNR, Arial, or Calibri. The size of the font is important too. For TNR, use size pt 12 with double spacing. For Calibri, use size 10 pt with double spacing. Finally, for Arial, use pt 12 font size and double spacing.
  • Proofread your paper
    When the writing of a 1000 word essay is completed, you’ll have to proofread it. Ensure the text doesn’t have grammatical or style errors. Read it multiple times until you’re sure that everything is correct and on point. Having style issues or too many grammar errors can destroy an essay and its potential.
  • Hire an expert
    When you are in a hurry or have many student tasks to focus on, consider hiring an expert writer. That’s the best option when needing quick essay writing. If the deadline is near and you don’t have enough time to create an excellent paper, hiring a professional is the answer. You’ll save time, energy, and effort. In addition, writing services are pretty affordable. You won’t spend a fortune, and getting a top-quality paper is guaranteed. It’ll be well researched. It’ll contain the points and requirements needed.

Essay writing isn’t easy, but you’ll make it simpler by following the tips listed above. Focus on each part, and remember, everything counts, from topic to research format, fonts, and proofreading.

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