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The 12 Best Books For College Students To Read Before Graduating

Written by Kristian Eide
Posted: September 10, 2021
Last update date: March 22, 2024
6 min read

To achieve professional heights, be successful, and happy, you do not need to change the world. It is worth starting with yourself. Learn how to deal with your own shortcomings and develop your best qualities. Everyone during the school year should take a look at some must-read books and develop their skills.

What Can Every Student Gain By Reading College Level Books?

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Forming useful habits. First, you need to set goals correctly, and secondly, you need to eventually achieve what you have planned and finish what you had started. Students can learn this without problems (in adulthood it will be much more difficult). The main thing is a regular practice.

Develop your intellectual level. The human brain is conforming: it changes under the influence of external circumstances or our conscious efforts. This means that it can be trained and with the help of good books for college students. We are able to develop intelligence, non-standard thinking, memory, mindfulness, and stress-resistance.

Build business and personal relations with people. The transition to adulthood is usually associated with the expansion of the social contacts former teenagers have a lot of new acquaintances, and everyone needs an individual approach.

Master time management. If you are assigned to work on writing a critical analysis essay but have no time for it, competent planning is a significant step towards success, which can help you get rid of numerous issues. Most learners are simply lost with new information at the beginning of the school year. They cannot understand what to do first and ask for best literature review writing service online or for other homework assignments. They literally do not have time and feel exhausted. That is why it is so important to be able to organize one's priorities correctly and compile lists of duties and reasonably schedule tasks. This is the secret of maximum productivity.

Looking for a calling. Perhaps these recommended books for college students are the most important as they will help a student choose a right profession, believe in one's own strength, and above all, start acting. This literature can be a powerful charge of motivation and inspiration before a difficult academic year.

The above-mentioned benefits are hard to argue. The years you spend in college are the best time to gain new knowledge and the first-hand experience of adult life. The books below will help you not to lose your path and reach unprecedented career heights.

12 Great Books Every College Student Should Read 

1. Six Great Ideas – Mortimer Adler

The famous American teacher Mortimer Adler tells how much philosophy is closely related to our life activity and this is one of the best must-read books for college students. After all, the ideas of freedom, equality, and justice are the basis of all our actions. We judge on the basis of kindness, truth, and beauty. Find answers to eternal questions with a good book to read for college students.

2. Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results – Stephen Guise

Stephen Guise found an absolute way to create and consolidate useful habits! Based on personal experience and research of psychologists, he found out that the only really effective way to form and consolidate a new habit.

3. The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Math, from One to Infinity – Steven Strogatz

Mathematics is the queen of the sciences. If at school you enjoyed learning math, then in this book you will find a lot of interesting facts about your favorite subject. Therefore, math lovers will find it quite engaging. If you hated precision sciences, this book will open the door to a completely different and fascinating world of mathematics. Add The Joy of X to your reading list and give math one more chance.

4. Success under Stress: Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident, and Productive When the Pressures on – Sharon Melnick

If you are looking for some educational books to read for graduates, then this is an essential one that should definitely appear in each of your reading lists! What can you get from it? Psychologist Sharon Melnick has been studying the techniques of developing stress resistance for more than 10 years and teaching them to thousands of people in her training. With this must-read book, you will learn how to control emotions, prioritize, and transfer yourself into a constructive channel in even the most difficult conversations.

5. How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading between the Lines, Revised Edition – Thomas Foster

A work of art conceals a huge number of hidden meanings that help better understand the author's classic original intent. The book will help lovers of fiction discover the truth hidden by the author, discover something new and guide on writing a persuasive speech.

6. Steal like an Artist – Austin Kleon

People have a wonderful drawback – we are unable to make perfect copies. That's why we cannot completely copy our heroes and therefore evolve our own life, which is when our evolution takes place. This is an illustrated manifesto of a modern creative person.

7. Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World – Danny Penman, Mark Williams

We load our brain with a bunch of information that provokes stress and in turn, burdens us even more. According to psychologist Mark Williams and biochemist Danny Penman, meditation – not Buddhist, but modern meditation, developed by a scientific team and approved by the British Ministry of Health, will help break the vicious circle.

8. Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain – John Rati

Physical exercise, according to psychiatrist John Rati, is able to influence the functioning of the brain, and therefore your mood, intelligence, and fights stress. All this is due to an increased heart rate. The evidence is irrefutable: aerobic exercise physically rebuilds our brain to achieve maximum performance.

9. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

You may think it is not an educational book to read, but How to win friends and influence people is not just a collection of practical advice and life stories of the author. This non-fiction teaches readers to believe in their own strengths and develop business qualities, relieves complexes, reveals the secrets of mastering the art of communication, and also helps to earn more.

10. How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere – Larry King

Larry King – One of the most famous people in the US, leading a modern talk show company at CNN, had been honored by the most prominent figures in politics, business, sports, and art. This is one of many books college students should read and open the secrets of communication by master Larry King.

11. Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation – Daniel Siegel

To find yourself, you need to honestly explore your inner world, understand your deepest fears and get rid of mental traps. Mindsight is a new concept in neuroscience, which was developed by Doctor Daniel Siegel. He has connected the words mind and insight and his book Mindsight is an objective lens that will help you see yourself from the inside.

12. The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter – And How to Make the Most of Them Now – Meg Jay

In Britain, sociologists interviewed people 70 years old and found that almost all of them regret about the same things: that they worked in unloved work, lived with unloved people, traveled a little, did not do sports and ate poorly. Important years will give a clear answer to the question: "How to spend time from 20 to 30 years old so that later it wouldn't be painful?".

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Why Is Reading Professional Books Helpful For Students?

When we read books for college students, we understand that we are not so lonely in this world and each successful person had a series of failures, but they were able to overcome them and achieve success. This inspires us to fight, struggle with our laziness, disassociated and infantile attitude to life. There are many other benefits! Studying books to read in college, we see how a person grows, take responsibility for life, begins to value time and take care of others. We understand that life is so fleeting and we cannot waste time. Everyone should have a personal college reading list.


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