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Good Human Resources Dissertation Topic Ideas

Helen Burgos
Written by Helen Burgos
Posted: February 19, 2022
Last update date: January 27, 2025
8 min read

It is virtually impossible to choose human resource management dissertation topics when you don’t have a faint idea of a dissertation. You could have a vast knowledge of HR management. You will still have to know what a dissertation entails.

Meaning of a dissertation

It is virtually impossible to choose human resource management dissertation topics when you don’t have a faint idea of a dissertation. You could have a vast knowledge of HR management. You will still have to know what a dissertation entails. You have to know the pecs that make an HR dissertation unique from dissertations in other disciplines. A long piece of writing about a particular subject is done to earn an advanced degree at a university.

Generally, a dissertation can be defined as continuous and well-organized writing. A writing in which a particular subject is being argued in line with a central proposition. It is also known as a thesis. It is usually a requirement for earning an advanced degree at a university where you get to choose dissertation topics in human resources.

You will need to support whatever argument you are writing with proper evidence. Evidence garnered from well-analyzed evidence that contradicts or affirms whatever side of the debate you are on. What differentiates your HR dissertations from other Ph.D. dissertations is that you must conclude. So, all facets of your arguments come together to reject or support the original thesis.

Selecting the Perfect Topic

Many people find this a very challenging part of the dissertation writing process. The following tips could help ease the process. Consider the areas of HR management you’ve taken explicitly which can be directly linked with an existing sociological situation. It would be best if you also considered the most captivating of all the HRM courses you have taken. Particularly the concepts that caught your fancy. These could help in streamlining interesting topics you should be considering.

Do not get over ambitious and pick topics you know will require more time and resources than you can afford. Some of the greatest dissertations are of simple scopes done excellently. Many people have found it difficult because they chose too broad scopes that they couldn’t get to treat squarely. You will also do excellently well with topics specifically interesting to you. Choosing a topic that you don’t have an interest in can be exhausting and counterproductive. Working on topics, you don’t particularly fancy or enjoy can be counterproductive. Above all, make a choice that motivates you. You can also buy dissertations here online if you need a dissertation urgently or, for some reason, cannot develop it yourself.

HR Learning and Development Dissertation Topics

Learning and development refer to activities directed at boosting performance and productivity among employees.

  1. Appreciative inquiry and its importance regarding organizational earning and development culture- Exxon Mobil as a case study. This research aims to show how appreciative inquiry affects organizational learning and development.
  2. Establishing the correlation between learning programs and activities and organizational competency development. This aims at discussing how learning activities impact organizational competency.
  3. Maintaining a high standard of productivity by promoting organizational learning and knowledge development. A case study of British telcos.
  4. An examination of human resources development and learning in the British public sector.
  5. Development and learning programs and their importance in SMEs.
  6. The relationship between HRM and employee quitting. The role learning and development play.
  7. Enhancing organizational competitive advantage by strategically training employees in ICT.
  8. Different training and learning activities and their impact on employees’ productivity.
  9. HR metrics and analytics and their role in the improvement of organizational performance.
  10. Staff development and training and its link with retention levels in companies.

Human Resources is a field of study that can be highly beneficial to learn about, and dissertation topics in this area can be quite fascinating. Therefore, if you are looking for a great topic for your Human Resources dissertation, consider hiring an essay writer online who can help you come up with a topic that is both interesting and relevant to the field.

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Human resources employee motivation dissertation topics

Employee motivation refers to actions geared at helping employees focus on goals and objectives.

  1. An investigation of the importance of motivation in HRM – A study of the factors behind the motivation for future business leaders.
  2. The connection between work motivation and worker satisfaction.
  3. The role employee motivation plays in productivity enhancement.
  4. Large diversified organizations and motivation among workers.
  5. The influences motivational seminars can have on the overall productivity of employees in organizations.
  6. Low turnovers and their relationship with staff motivation.
  7. The connection between motivation and rewards.
  8. The influence of motivation programmes and activities on work productivity.
  9. The role of employee motivation activities and their impact on high retention levels.
  10. Similarities and differences between contemporary and traditional theories of motivation.

Strategic human resources management dissertation topics

It is a relatively new area. It involves intertwining the organization’s goals with HRM objectives to gain productivity. Also, to have an edge in competition. It helps in redirecting employees’ energy uniformly toward the desired goal, thereby boosting cooperation. You can also have a good dissertation written on any topic of your choosing at write my dissertation at a modest cost.

  1. Effectiveness of employee involvement in enhancing employees’ commitment toward meeting organizational objectives.
  2. SHRM theories in implementation at call centers. A case study of a call center in the United Kingdom.
  3. Multinational automobile manufacturers. The similarities and differences in SHRM strategies.
  4. Systems of SHRM strategy. A resource-based perspective assessment.
  5. Understanding and evaluation of SHRM systems used by SMEs in the united kingdom.
  6. Strategic HRM and its connection with organizational performance. Using British SMEs as a case study.
  7. A qualitative analysis of Singapore’s use of strategic human resources management systems.
  8. How organizational support programmes affect work output and behaviour among employees.
  9. Establishing key components of SHRM for small and medium enterprises in the United Kingdom to enhance competing advantage.
  10. Establishing the importance of the interrelationship between strategic human resource management and organizational performance.

Human Resources Organisational Culture Dissertation Topics

Organizational culture or climate is how the culture in the company, either positive or negative, can be quantified. It’s how they impact work behavior. This greatly impacts companies, it presents diverse and interesting issues for consideration.

  1. Leadership, HR management, culture, and how they enhance management in organizations.
  2. Balancing standardization and differentiation of HRM systems. A close study of multinationals within the EU.
  3. Business success and the role cross-cultural HRM plays.
  4. How cross-cultural competence affects new companies.
  5. Organizational culture and its role in HR management practices using Cambridge University as a case study.
  6. The inter-dependency of HRM practices and organizational culture in ensuring dedication in organizations.
  7. Cultural disparities in the work values among employees and their implications on management.
  8. Managing cultural transitioning without hampering work productivity.
  9. Initiating fresh employees into organizational culture and its implications on the organization.
  10. Using recruitment to change company culture and its implications on company profitability.

Human resources are an integral part of any organization, so providing quality human resource dissertation topics is important. At PapersOwl, our dissertation service offers a wide variety of topics related to human resources management. Regardless of what type of organization you are researching, countless hr dissertation topics are available. Whether it is researching and analyzing employee motivation, developing an effective career path system, or discovering the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance, PapersOwl dissertation service is ready to provide the best dissertation topics for your needs.

Human Resources Risk Management Dissertation Topics

Actions are taken by many administrations to try and prevent accidents and hazardous occurrences or ensure safe working conditions can be referred to as risk management. This is a continuously growing sensitive and critical aspect of organizations. It has a broad range of topics that can be researched for a dissertation.

  1. HR management and its role in managing risk in organizations.
  2. Risk minimization and its connection with workers’ productivity and motivation.
  3. The connection between employee protection and training and leadership.
  4. Employee protection and risk management and how it enhances high morale among employees.
  5. How HRM can effectively identify and avert risky conditions in the organization.
  6. How covid-19 testing rapidly reduces risk conditions in organizations.
  7. Firearms in the workplace. An examination of the benefits and demerits to company safety.
  8. How to ensure employees’ well-being in the Coronavirus era.
  9. Carrying out an HR audit in an organization.
  10. Safe operating conditions and their influence on productivity among employees.

Human Resource Theory Dissertation Topics

HR theory refers to the several approaches to HR management.

  1. Approaches to human resources theory.
  2. Human resources theories are utilized by Multinationals in the United Kingdom.
  3. How human resources management addresses concerns raised by workers.
  4. A qualitative study of possible negative impacts HRM can have on companies.
  5. Examining options outside HR for employees.
  6. The influence of HR on company success.
  7. Investigating the most employed HR strategies employed by companies.
  8. The roles played by human resources as a shared service.
  9. A critical study of the roles of the supervisor in the implementation of HR activities.
  10. Companies and firing employees ethically.
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HR Diversity Dissertation Topics

Diversity in HR is a recent but fast-growing phenomenon. It is a relatively unresearched topic with some relatively interesting dissertation topics for consideration.

  1. Racial/gender-based discrimination and diversity. Differences and how they affect organizations.
  2. An international perspective and framework for Implementing diversity with HRM.
  3. Successful public companies and diversity.
  4. The management of cultural diversity within the HRM.
  5. Challenges, advantages, and opportunities in workplaces with diversity and the managerial tools needed.
  6. Inequity, unfairness, and discrimination. Assessing the challenges and roles of HR.
  7. HR and its duties in managing diversity and cultural differences.
  8. Is it possible to eradicate discriminatory practices in organizations? The role of HR.
  9. The difficulties companies face in grooming managers for diversity.
  10. Large business organizations and the training of freshly recruited staff for diversity.

Beyond the above-listed topics, there are more under HR you can work on. Remember, you can always find professional dissertation writers online to help you. This is helpful for people who have a lot to juggle with little fu.


As a student searching to create the best possible paper to get excellent grades, it Is imperative for you to work on fresh ideas and emerging issues in your writing. This is done to add value to your efforts. Human resource dissertation topics belong to a very broad subject. You will have to pick an area that is captivating to you and can make a practical impact in the field of HRM. It would be best if you also aimed at developing a logical and creditable work. Review already existing similar research. Consult experts if necessary and ask your supervisor for help and clarity. To avoid going through several rejections even at the early stages.

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