Failure for Triumph: a Journey Towards Success

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Updated: Aug 11, 2023
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Having failure can bring success. I believe that it takes failure to make a successful person. This may seem like a complete con-belief, but I have come to see there is more to be learned from my failures than successes, as I’m only fifteen years old. Success does not come without failure doing your adventure. It’s like those people saying, “Practice makes perfect.” This is true, but some say you have to put “blood, sweat, and tears.” But not all the time.

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Little to no effort is just what you need.

The Role of Failure in Achieving Success

It’s people saying ”Practice makes perfect” is that expression people can shrug off. It’s like people just roll their eyes and just forget about it. But for me, that expression is something I used to push me forward as to where I got with my business.

My experience was with creating a business in 2016 with people I knew over the Internet. I did not know what I was doing at the time. I took the chance to invest money in something I didn’t believe at first.
The idea of creating a business started with my friend Brandon. We had thought of many ideas, but the main one was a clothing brand. As we thought, it wouldn’t get that attention. But as time moved on, we made progress. There were many failures that happened. On a rainy day, we got to brainstorm our names and style. We spent about three days thinking of the name. Our brand name was called Simpl. Then we started to do the design of the shirt. Doing the shirt design wasn’t the hardest part. It was advertising our brand to other platforms. And it was at this point where I didn’t want to continue, so we quit for about a year.
As we brought back up the clothing brand six months later, but we had better insight into what to do instead of waiting for customers. My friend, who I created the company, had told his parents. And they were interested too. So they invested a bit of money to help us out with our problems. So we finally got the funding for the advertisements. We rise in numbers with the products we make more than ever. When Brandon’s parents invested, we tripled their investment. Even though our business slowed down. We continue with a t-shirt design for other companies.


But this applies only to believers. To succeed, you must either be one of two people in the world who are never challenged, or you must be in the majority of the world who believes they will. The only way to do that is to trust the failure. I believe in failure, only failure, and nothing but failure.


  1. “Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success” by John C. Maxwell
  2. “The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed” by Jessica Lahey
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Failure for Triumph: A Journey Towards Success. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from