Teenage Pregnancy and Prevention
In today’s society, Teen motherhood is considered “A bad thing” to hundreds of adults. Writers believe that teenagers in this generation believe being pregnant is cool and something for all young teens to do. Teen pregnancy has become very common and many teen are starting to become pregnant in groups/pact. Policies has designed a prevention to reduce teen pregnancy and start focusing on the social context in which shared understanding about sexual behaviors and the factors that structure these context rather than on individuals understanding the risks of parenthood.
Schools are an important site of influence on teens of sexual behaviors. In high school, many teenage girls are usually hanging out with the wrong set of friends that encourage them into becoming pregnant. The norms about teen pregnancy capture unique aspects of school context and composition that may be difficult to assess. Norms about teen pregnancy also belong to a special subset norms called “age norms”. Race/ethnicity and neighborhood level concentrated poverty shape teen’s risk of early sexual debut and attitudes about sex and pregnancy. One way for young people to gain accurate sex health information is through health education programs in school. Comprehensive sexual health programs have positive behavioral effects such as reducing teen pregnancy.
Stronger norms against nonmarital teen pregnancy have been documented among more highly educated Americans and in higher SES neighborhoods, but has not examined school level socioeconomic status. School norms may discourage teenagers from getting pregnant as well as private schools are run by religious organizations. (Mollborn, Domingue, Boardman, 2014) There should be more appropriate topics to be discussed. Some people argue that sex education that discuss condoms and other types sends the wrong message out to students. Part of the message of some programs is to delay sexual activity until marriage. This is important because high school students need to understand that being sexual active can lead to pregnancy and can cause a lot of stress trying to jungle both at the same time.
States without sex education law may have policies regarding sex or HIV/ STD education. It is important for all states to include sex education in public schools because it is a better way for students to understand the Pros and Cons, how they should wait until they are out of high school, etc. United States rank first among nations of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The U.S government has funded abstinence-only sex education programs. Studies show that teaching about contraception is generally not associated with increased risk of adolescent sexual activity or sexual transmitted disease. (K.Hall & D.Hall, 2011) When babies are born to teens ages 15-19 years old, their birth rate is 31.3 per 1000.
Half of teen mothers in the age period live below poverty. Teen pregnancy has been going on for over 40 years across variety of child development, psychology, sociology, social work, and public health. Most teenagers do not finish school once they become pregnant which is not the right choice. Young adults from 18-29 years found that only 30% unmarried young adults are knowing little to nothing about birth control. Birth control and other protective use can help a lot of young teenagers to stay safe and less likely to become pregnant. Social engagement is a general protective factor for all youths and not just for teen preventing pregnancy.
It also include youth involvement in activities that provides adult supervision and their choices about sexual behaviors. It identifies three different groups based on behaviors. The Abstainers group, Contraception group, and “No Contraception” group. The Abstainers group encompass youths who are currently avoiding sex. The Contraception group encompass youths who are having sex and last time they had sex using protection. Last, the “No contraception” group encompass youths that did not use any protection the last time they had sex. This group is the highest for becoming pregnant or causing pregnancy. (Wright el al, 2011)”
Teenage Pregnancy and Prevention. (2021, Jul 05). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/teenage-pregnancy-and-prevention/