Importance of Sex Education in America
How it works
Hello Judge. My name is Preston Peterson, and I am the first speaker for the affirmative side of the following resolution: The United States Board of Education should adopt total comprehensive sex education. Sex education is primarily defined as “any process dedicated to providing information about sexual techniques, practices, and health or human sexuality” (“Sex Education,” 2015 ). Majority of schools face issues involving the practice of informing youth about medically accurate information regarding their bodies without exceeding parental boundaries.
The idea of teaching sex education should be about giving Americans the knowledge of how to use the information provided to protect their health; allowing them to make decisions that could be beneficial for future circumstances that may possibly occur.
Our opponents are against the teaching of comprehensive sex education so they will be arguing the fact that abstinence teaching is the most effective way to teach sex education. Proposition 1. Comprehensive sex education should prevent teen pregnancy; Proposition 2. Comprehensive sex education should prevent the transmission of STDs.
Through the implementation of comprehensive sex education it has been shown that it reduces teen pregnancy. The states that continue to push the abstinence method discovered that they have higher birth rates than those who take the more comprehensive approach. For example, “Alabama places a heavy emphasis on abstinence and in 2017 there where 27 births per every 1000 teen girls compared to a state that favored a more comprehensive standpoint. New York only has 12.5 births per every 1000 teen girls compared to abstinence only teaching methods” (Kathrin F. Stranger-Hall & David W. Hall, 2011).
Comprehensive sex education should prevent the transmission of STDs. This form of education teaches that “abstinence is the best method for avoiding STDs and unintended pregnancy, but also teaches about condoms and contraception to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy and of infection with STDs, including HIV” (Alford, 2009).
This education should prevent the lack of knowledge that comes when abstinence-only sex education does not prepare teens for safe sex to those that decide against waiting until marriage. “The use of male contraception has a 82% of a success rate of preventing pregnancy” (NHS, 2017). Practicing abstinence only works for a select few, so teaching the youth about contraception will help them prevent teen pregnancy and heavily reduce the amount of STDs transmitted in the community.
In promoting and teaching comprehensive sex education, educators focus on the student’s entire wellbeing, rather than simply arguing against any sexual experiences entirely.
There are other comprehensive sex education programs, named “abstinence-plus,” which promote abstinence in an inclusive and explicit environment; one that promotes abstinent behaviors but does not exclude important teachings on sexual and relationship matters.47
Supporters of comprehensive sex education programs in public schools claim that their positive impact includes outcomes such as helping individuals choose and prepare for adult roles; strengthening family life, both at the present and in the future; encouraging responsible behavior; and increasing acceptance of and tolerance for diverse lifestyles. One of the primary functions of comprehensive sex education programs is to give students effective advice to use in situations that might occur in social settings among their peers and later in their lives as well. Thank you for your time, judge, and please vote affirmative.”
Importance of Sex Education in America. (2021, Oct 15). Retrieved from