Poverty in the World

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To start with, as you can see the Global issue that I chose is poverty. One main cause of poverty that is found is warfare. when a war is caused the country who loses has many people who had lost their homes properties and valuable stuff. Poverty now is on a great level where people even live in garbage dunks, some don’t even have a home, people eat from garbage and others get sick by what they eat. Leading to death.

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Likewise, Other people are not only in streets but also in little towns like the town where I used to live there were lots of homeless people who could not even look in the garbage for something to eat because people would not let them. Some of them were transported to another city or give them a new opportunity to start a new life, some of them went to jail and others died because of hunger.

This topic is important to me because I had experience of it, I experienced the poverty not the extreme one but I was in one poverty level I’m not sure which one but my family is in an extreme poverty, that’s why I chose this topic other than Climate change or religious conflicts. Poverty is not just being poor, poverty is in what we live in, what we drink, eat, wear, and in what ambient the person lives in. In my opinion poverty is the greatest Global Issue that is standing right now.

Later on, Oxfam is the organization who is helping to prevent poverty. Oxfam started in 1942, United Kingdom. Winnie Bynanyima has been the executive director since 2013. Oxfam is important to this issue of preventing poverty because it is one of the greatest organizations who is helping the poor. Although, Oxfam had some problems like other organization also debates and because of it they failed to report child abuse which was a big problem because they did not did what they promised.

Your donation will be used in general support of Oxfam America’s efforts around the world. Oxfam America is highly rated by Charity Navigator, the country’s leading independent charity evaluator. Oxfam America meets the 20 Standards for Charity Accountability of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. Furthermore, today Oxfam works to end injustice of poverty, (that’s how they call it). Their plan is to end the roots of poverty and create lasting solutions. Also, the three main solutions that they have are:

  • Help with extreme inequality and poverty
  • Water
  • Climate change

These plans or solutions are what the world is asking for not too much money or power but a bit of effort, a bit of heart, some people who looks for their partner, someone who shares what the man from above has given them and being a good Samaritan. This aint about religion but Oxfam is a good organization who actually helps prevent poverty. I think that Oxfam is doing a really good job because it doesn’t just focus on poverty but also in other stuff. Other Global Issues.

More than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day and an estimated 1.3 billion people live in extreme poverty, making do with $1.25 or less daily. Can you imagine what it’s like to not have enough food to eat and go to bed hungry at night? Poverty is still a big problem in the world today, as you can see from the numbers. This is in spite of the progress that you see around you. The good news is that in 2010, only 18% of the world’s population was living way below the poverty line as compared to 36% in 1990. It’s a small victory, but the progress is slow. The World Bank aims to reduce global poverty to 9% by 2020 and to 3% by 2030. They plan to do this by focusing more on promoting income growth for the bottom 40% of the population and boosting shared prosperity. It’s a herculean task.

Having said that, I would bring awareness by starting a food drive. Social media would also work because many people now days even old people spend a lot of time in social media starting from the simplest one to the most used social media app, like starting from Facebook to Twitter or something like that. Or something like making T-shirts and with meaningful words or images that would caught people’s attention into it and try to make them think or change their mind and start to do something. Also, another way to do is simple just remind people to donate and that’s it.

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Poverty in the World. (2021, Apr 16). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/poverty-in-the-world/