Personal Narrative: my Reflection of my Writing

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Personal Narrative: my Reflection of my Writing

This personal narrative will explore the author’s journey and growth as a writer. It will reflect on the challenges, improvements, and significant learning moments in writing. The piece will discuss how writing has shaped the author’s expression, creativity, and communication skills. You can also find more related free essay samples at PapersOwl about Emotion.

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Since writing this few month challenge assignment I learned so much about myself. I wasn’t sure if I will be able to be consistent and even if I will have the topic to write about, but honestly, I found so many interesting findings of myself as a writer. I have learned that usually, I don’t remember what I write. I have very short memory and I realize that this can be a great way for me how I can keep my memories and story for me to remember.

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All my stories are personal stories and I am commonly talking in the first person perspective.

Over a period, I have been experiencing an emotional rollercoaster in my life and I believe it’s possible to feel it from my writing. I found that my moods affect my writing quality as well. When I was happy I share nice stories but some of them were my sad and very emotional moments. I basically wrote about my feelings, sad moments, happy moments and downfalls. It was very interesting to find out that writing wasn’t really hard for me even I share those little depressive moments. Some people like to write in specially to remember the good times. I choose to write about the bad times as well. I was writing about positive moments that I see in daily life, however, I am becoming to the conclusion that I use to writing as a tool to heal and soothe my soul. I identify that I have a lot of emotions that I need to express.

A physical journal becomes to be my friend this semester, my form of therapy and healing. Just simply putting down my feelings, emotions, moods help me to let stress out. After almost every short story I wrote down, I felt satisfied. I consider myself an amateur writer but it’s a great gift because that way I have an opportunity to communicate my ideas and thoughts. I was very descriptive in my writing and that surprises me a lot. I realize, that I would like to share my story with someone else probably because I intuitive wrote storyteller pieces very often. I honestly never thought about a topic I will write about. It just comes naturally to my mind and I let the ideas come out. I found this type of writing such as a therapeutic way to reflect upon my experiences that are having an impact on my life. Getting them all down on the paper gives me a completely different perspective on things and let me look back on my period of life.

Writing my own journal helps me to better understand myself and my needs. Either, painful moments and finding solutions to them. This process is a beautiful art that should be developed. I become aware, that when I am writing, I feel like I’m walking into the mountains and I am fully free. I am catching my breath. My emotions can get let out to the surface. Looking back at pieces I wrote this semester I can see the space for better improvement. It’s always space for improvement and grasper words in a better way.

I think that writing comes mostly spontaneously to me. I love to type on my laptop with no sharing work with anyone else. But who knows, maybe one da I would like to share my stories with someone except me. I am an amateur writer and I love it. Just the simple thought that I am writing because I enjoy doing it. I learned that consistency, quality and quantity are key. I learned that I can use writing as a form of my expression. I learned that writing is a very powerful instrument. Writing needs a lot of practice and discipline.

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Personal Narrative: My Reflection Of My Writing. (2021, Oct 20). Retrieved from