Ethics in Child Labor

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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This article proposes to prevent the child labor ethical issues and restricts the employment of child labor at workplace. Globally, Many industrialized countries intentionally deploying child labor for reduce their employ benefit costs. Many of the child labor sacrificing their life’s physically and mentally to get the basic needs like food, shelter, clothes etc. Many laws came into force for prohibiting the use of child labor at workplaces. For example: In INDIA the factories act 1948 came into force to prevent employment of child labor below 14 years.

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Globally, In every industry child labor are being deployed as they are very cheaper cost. A study of 19 developing countries industries exporting to the U.S. found children often worked in manufacture of garments, carpets, textiles, sweetshops, furniture, cement, and other industries. Retailers and purchasing industries face more challenges in dealing child labor. When they find it, it is critical to protect the interests of children concerned. Child labor is violation of human rights and is concerned as necessary evil in a poor economy such as India. According to Lawrence French and Rich Wokutch, the study states the forms that child employment taking Brazil’s export oriented shoe industry differ markedly from images in the popular press impoverished children forced to leave school to labor for exploitative workers.

Sweat shops are an economic exchange in which both labor and employers could benefit. The people who argue that sweat shops should be fully eliminated are not considering it’s impact on economy which would lead to reducing employment and investment. However employment of child labor in sweat shops may lead to serious future consequences like low literacy ratio, increase in crimes etc. Pakistani soccer ball is the best example where use of soccer balls made by child labor has been banned. As a result of this ban the company that supplied the soccer ball closed down it’s operations in Pakistan and transferred it’s production to china where adult labor was employed. As a result of this ban the child labor who worked in the Pakistani company became unemployed. Ex. Many of young girls became prostitutes and many of the younger boys became beggars because they not have alternative ways to generate income to lead their life. The company that employed them rather than being exploitation of child labor, would keep them off streets, and teach them discipline, responsibility and job skills that they could carry with them to their next job ,would save the child labors life from becoming beggars and prostitutes.

Employment of child labor leads to socio economic backwardness, increase in crime rates due to lack of education and ethical values. · Unemployment of skilled employees as the employee benefits payable to them higher than the benefit payable to child labor. · Children who are forced into labor are greater risk for malnourishment, poor health, and death. Since they do not receive enough food, nutrition, they are at high level risk for getting diseases.

Conclusion: Child labor can’t be determined by focusing on the determinant for ex-education rather than the companies which are employing child labor should provide them with education, discipline, ethical values, training for the job in the company the next coming years when he became adult. Government should grant funds to the companies which provide the above services for child labor for the development of the nation.”

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Ethics in Child Labor. (2021, Jun 17). Retrieved from