Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution

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Industrial revolution was the major crucial eras that changed Great Britain Nardinelli (1980; p.739). It happened because of steady monetary, social and political posture in Great Britain and conveyed permanent effects in Britain. With its fast rising monopoly on ocean trade, its renewed interest in technical discovery, and its system of state banks holding tight to its economic safety. Industrial revolution was called the greatest era in the history which endlessly transformed Verdon (2002; p.299) stated that urban life, social class structure, invented machines and power of economy of Britain.

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In the early 19th century of industrial revolution was largely spread all over Britain.

Britain slowly discovered the technologies, people started to move from villages Verdon (2002; pp.299-323) into the cities looking for better jobs. Farm owners did not pay good amount which could not feed entire household and also less job opportunities provided by the them. Factory owners had to find other means to obtain these deprived families to earn their daily living in the factory. Tuttle (1999) stated that fathers learned their children how to weave the loom with the help of their fathers some children’s were very skilled in the factories. In the text below will elaborate more on how children became like machines in the factories.

Across the universe industrialation was first began in Britain. Nardinelli (1980; p.755) stated that, Quarry Bank Mill was the first factory that used the method called (pauper apprentices). First children’s transported from isolated villages like Macclesfield and Wilmslow to work in the factories. There were about 333,041 teenagers employed in the factory Tuttle (1999). In every two weeks each child received a lodging and board with two pence. Elder kids work as a piercers and scavengers, but after a year once they skilled, they were certified to work in carding and spinning.

Furthermore, children encountered many problems as they employed in a factory, were much difficult than working with their parents in the home. They were permitted to work every day, started early in the morning six o’clock and finished evening seven o’clock, with only an hour break from twelve to one. Children’s were in the harsh condition they made a mistake or sleep during the working period they were beaten. Their income was very low compared with long period of time worked Tuttle (1999) described that in a week children’s were paid less pence. They were told to arrive at certain period of time. Lateness was punishable with a fine and they were not given a break. Everyone worked a twelve hours in a day and no one was permitted to leave before a certain time Tuttle (1999).

Children were lived in a terrible condition, there was no good sanitation. One bed was shared between nine to ten children. Tuttle (1999) the condition was awful, no brick walls and no damp resistant coursed the house moist. Rain leeched between the walls, and even in summers, damp rose up the walls. The only rooms that were not moist were cellars. Factory’s environment also in a bad condition for them to work. It was built on an open area to monitor the workers. Factory guidelines were posted on the wall for them to see, but most of the kids were uneducated and they could not read Reay (1991; p.128). Foreman ordered them to work for a long period of time without a break and sometimes they missed dinner. Children worked many hours became very tired and found it hard to maintain the rapidity required by the managers. Managers also beat the children with hard strap sticks to make them toil faster. Managers never permitted them to neither discuss in groups nor in peers Thompson, (1981; p. 208).

Many children from poor families who could not had enough money to feed themselves without working in factories. Many derived families found difficult to sustain so they send their children to work Tuttle (1999; p.43). In addition, children were frequently argued with the company owners about the quality of food given in the working zone. Most of the children told the government that they could not eat good meal that were given because of pollution and exhaustion. Children’s photographs posted in every parts of Britain, told them about child abuse and malnutrition. Children were under the administration of unfamiliar persons. Consequently, management did not bring out the role of welfare of the children workers, because managers were paid by the factory owners for the factory to operate in a proper way.

Child labor was cruel and dangerous Horrell and Humphires (1995; p. 510) stated that factories neglected children’s safety in the work place and it did prove fatal in many times. Children under the age of fourteen were sent to handle the machine with adults in the main worker Nardinelli (1980; p.745). Adult workers in charge of the main workers would verbally abuse the children and beaten them when they did not follow their instructions. Workers given very little consideration on children’s safety in the working zone. Girls were not treated properly in the factory, thrashings and other cruel forms of suffering. Girls were also vulnerable to sexual harassment. During the working period children felt sleepy they put their heads into the hot water. Children were punished for being late or not finished their given task were weighted. Administrators tied a rope on disobeyed children’s neck and hang them up and down, so that other children’s could see them and follow the instructions and finished all the given task. This cruel punishment was last for and hours for children to repent.

Lack of school forced the children to work in the industries and school was the key to the child labors solution Nardinelli (1980; p. 755). Education could eradicate student from the bondage of slavery. It was very true that illiteracy Reay (1991; pp. 89-129) had blocked the pathway for the children to uplifting the social and financial hierarchy. However, the Education Act of 1870 permitted all the children to go to school, but some children were came from poor family so they had to work in the factory Horn (1974; p. 795).

Factory owners purposely got children to assist the matured workers in the factory Nardinelli (1980; p. 746). These two labors were competed in the factory because of their ages, adults ruined the children’s rights. Therefore, children’s greatly suffered in the factory. As factory owners and managers regarded children’s as the source of labor in the industry. Some parents did not send their children to the factories to work, even though they were poor. Even the treatment in the factories were not required the standard of work. Children had no valid legal document to protest in the factories for their rights Thompson (1981; p. 189).

Nardinelli (1980; pp. 739-55) stated that Factory Act of 1833 could not stop factory owners to employ the workers. Until 1924 after the parliament session state passed a new constitutional amendment but it was not fully approved. Also, government carried out investigation on child labor but it did not work because survey was systematically conducted. State greatly reports on the child labor across the country, but it was not formally documented in a coverage. State mainly focused on the privilege of the children in the industrial revolution. Amendment was not fully legalized until Congress passed Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938. The act offered freedom to the children’s and they were set free from the slavery.

To conclude, industrial revolution was the time that British way of life changed from factories and textile. It was the time that many people in the hamlets shifted to the urban areas looking for jobs. Industries owners provided accommodation for them. Children’s were first of each kind worked with their parents before they were employed in factories with adults. Children’s were not treated properly in the factories. They were given the task that were not match with their ages. Lateness in the factories were given hard punishment that they could repent from their mistakes. They were not sheltered in a good accommodation. A single bedroom shared between many children.

Even though some parents were poor they did not release their children to the factories. They were afraid because of the harsh treatments were given by the administrator in the factories. Some children’s collapsed in the working process because they were not given enough food that could kept them from longer period. Their issues were published in every parts of Britain through the diver’s social media. Some posters were pasted everywhere in the streets. But these things could not shake factory owners because there was no legal document that could stop them to employ more. Until Factory Act that was passed by the government in 1833 but it could not stop child labor. Government investigated child labor in every factory but everything was done systemically. Until Congress passed Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938 and child labor was easily faded in Britain.

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Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution. (2020, Mar 15). Retrieved from