Harriet Tubman: a Legacy of Courage and Freedom

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Harriet Tubman: a Legacy of Courage and Freedom

This essay will explore the life and legacy of Harriet Tubman, focusing on her role in the Underground Railroad, her contributions to the abolitionist movement, and her lasting impact on American history and civil rights. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to American Civil War.

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Time's arrows point backward at Tubman's courage, marking her as a pioneer of human rights. As an abolitionist and a former enslaved person, she risked her life to help others escape the bonds of slavery. Despite the immense dangers she faced, Tubman remained a brave and heroic figure whose actions continue to inspire generations. This essay will explore her life, her contributions as a conductor on the Underground Railroad, her role during the Civil War, and her enduring significance in the fight for freedom and equality.

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Early Life and Formation

Harriet Tubman was born around 1820 in Dorchester County, Maryland. Although her exact birth date remains unknown—reflecting the harsh reality that the birth of a slave was deemed insignificant—her impact on history is indelible. Tubman was born to Harriet Green and Ben Ross, and she had eight siblings. Her birth name was Araminta, or "Minty," but she later changed it to Harriet, honoring her mother. From an early age, Tubman was exposed to the brutalities of slavery, and her resistance began as a child.

At the tender age of six, Tubman was hired out by a master named Mr. Brodas due to the inability of white neighbors to afford their own slaves. Despite her reluctance to leave her family, she had no choice. Her defiance against the institution of slavery became evident at twelve when she intervened to protect an enslaved man from a violent overseer. This act of courage resulted in a severe head injury that caused lifelong headaches. Despite such hardships, Tubman's spirit remained unbroken, and her resolve to fight against slavery only strengthened.

Contributions to the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman's most notable contributions were her daring efforts in the Underground Railroad, a clandestine network of safe houses and routes used to help enslaved people escape to freedom in the North. Despite being unable to read or write, Tubman possessed an extraordinary intelligence and resourcefulness that made her an effective conductor. Her journeys through the Underground Railroad were fraught with danger, yet she never lost a single "passenger." Tubman's courage was unmatched, and her strategic acumen enabled her to outwit slave catchers and navigate the treacherous terrain.

A key aspect of Tubman's success was her collaboration with abolitionists and Quakers who provided essential support along the routes. She used coded language—such as saying "one bale of cotton" to indicate a slave she was helping to free—to mislead and thwart slave owners. Tubman's work on the Underground Railroad was not merely a series of rescue missions; it was a revolutionary act that struck at the heart of an unjust system. Her tireless efforts freed hundreds of enslaved people and inspired countless others to join the abolitionist cause.

Role in the Civil War

During the Civil War, Harriet Tubman expanded her fight for freedom by serving as a nurse, cook, and spy for the Union Army. Her intimate knowledge of Southern terrain and her ability to gain the trust of enslaved individuals made her an invaluable asset. Tubman was instrumental in gathering intelligence that helped the Union Army in its campaigns against the Confederacy. Her bravery and dedication were evident as she ventured behind enemy lines to communicate with black men who were forced to serve with their Confederate masters.

One of Tubman's most significant contributions during the Civil War was leading a successful raid at the Combahee River in South Carolina, which resulted in the liberation of over 700 slaves. This operation underscored her leadership skills and her unwavering commitment to the cause of freedom. Tubman's service during the war not only demonstrated her versatility and courage but also cemented her legacy as a pivotal figure in American history.

Enduring Impact and Legacy

Harriet Tubman's legacy extends far beyond her lifetime. Her tenacity, courage, and unyielding belief in the right to freedom have left an indelible mark on history. Tubman once famously stated, "I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." This quote encapsulates her profound understanding of the psychological chains of slavery and her desire to awaken others to their own potential for liberation.

In 2016, Harriet Tubman was chosen to replace Andrew Jackson on the front of the twenty-dollar bill, a decision that reflects her enduring significance and the recognition of her contributions to American society. Tubman's life was a testament to the power of individual action in the face of systemic oppression. She not only altered the lives of those she directly helped but also influenced the broader movement for civil rights and justice.


In conclusion, Harriet Tubman was an extraordinary figure whose life and actions were driven by a fierce devotion to freedom and equality. Her courage, strength, and unwavering commitment to the liberation of enslaved people set her apart as a true pioneer and hero. Tubman's contributions to the Underground Railroad and her service during the Civil War exemplify her indomitable spirit and her belief in the fundamental right to freedom. Her legacy continues to inspire and remind us of the power of resilience and determination in the pursuit of justice. Harriet Tubman's story is not just a chapter in history but a beacon of hope and a call to action for future generations.

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Harriet Tubman: A Legacy of Courage and Freedom. (2021, Mar 04). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/essay-about-who-was-harriet-tubman/