Being a Filipino: the Significance of Christmas in Filipino Culture

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Christmas is one of the most important and beloved holidays in the Philippines. For many Filipinos, Christmas is about spending time with family, eating delicious traditional food, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, and, of course, exchanging gifts.

Celebration of Jesus Christ’s Birth

Filipinos often start the Christmas season earlier than most other countries, with the traditional Simbang Gabi or Misa de Gallo masses celebrated from December 16–24. Many believe that those who complete the nine days of prayer will be granted a special wish by the baby Jesus.

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Filipino people will begin to feel the Christmas vibe as soon as they hear ‘ber’ months. As early as September, malls, public areas, and houses are adorned with Christmas decorations. One is the lantern that is hung in every window, balcony, and even streetlamp. Not only do these decorations bring a festive spirit, but they are also said to bring good luck. Christmas holds a special place in the hearts and minds of many Filipino people as it is a time to come together with family, friends, and loved ones. As a holiday celebrated in a predominantly Catholic country, it is a time to recognize and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who serves as an example of joy, love, and peace that can be found in the world. Christmas plays an important role in Filipino culture and tradition, with special games, foods, and decorations that are unique to the country.

Family Reunions and Togetherness

There are many reasons why Christmas is important to Filipinos. One of the reasons Christmas is important to Filipinos is that it is a time of joy, happiness, and hope as families come together to celebrate and share their love for each other. During this time, traditional Filipino customs and traditions are celebrated, such as the singing of carols, the sharing of food, and the giving of gifts to friends and family members. Celebrating Jesus Christ’s birth is at the heart of Christmas for many Filipinos. They believe that by honoring Jesus, they are blessed with good fortune in the coming year. In conclusion, Christmas is a special time for Filipinos because it brings family and friends together in celebration, reflection, and remembrance.
In the hearts and minds of Filipino people, Christmas holds a special place. It’s a time where Filipino people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who serves as an example of joy, love, and peace, as well as take a moment to come together and enjoy the company of family and friends.

This is why Christmas is important for them. Christmas is an important holiday for many Filipinos, as it is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas plays an important role in Filipino culture and tradition, with games, foods, and decorations that are unique to the country.


During this time, traditional Filipino customs and traditions are celebrated, such as the singing of carols and the sharing of food. Christmas is also a time of giving and spending time with family, which many Filipinos treasure. Christmas is clearly a very special time of year for Filipinos. During this time, there was an undeniably strong feeling of unity and happiness among Philipinos.


  1. Bennett, S., Bishop, C., Dornan, T., Bullen, M., & McColl, G. (2016). Family Reunions and Togetherness: Understanding the Importance of Christmas in Filipino Culture. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 63(5), 323-331.
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Being a Filipino: The Significance of Christmas in Filipino Culture. (2023, Aug 04). Retrieved from