“The Painted Door” by Sinclair Ross (Isolation)

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This is a story brought out by author Sinclair Ross in his book “The Painted Doors” it is a story of loneliness and frustration. Ann has been in a marriage for seven years with John, a strong and a polite man who is a farmer. She is youthful and energetic. However, Ann is much isolated in her marriage and feels like the nature of her husband’s lifestyle is derailing her. Due to this state that Ann has found herself in, she decides to cheats on her husband.

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The feeling of isolation is so strong that it can lead a person to do anything possible in order just to avoid it.


This is a state of feeling lonely without much-needed help and friends. Ann has gone through this state in her marriage. She feels much isolated in the fact that her husband is very much determined to accomplish his duties rather than having time with her. In some instance, John chooses to walk many miles away to visit his aging father leaving Ann alone in their farmhouse. At first, Ann objects his opinion but later accepts and encourages him to go. Ann’s husband is very hard working in that he chooses not to hire someone who can help him on his farm activities. His motive is to save money in order to buy her a house. He was determined to make her happy.

Ann appreciates the hard work of the husband but again she feels to have wasted her years working to just pay off the mortgage and second being married to a farmer. Ann finds his husband nature of being less talkative to be disturbing her internally. She has to keep this being a secret to herself. Being talkative herself there is need to have someone who is similar to her social behavior. As a result, Ann finds it appropriate to hang out with her closest friends. During his husband absence on his visit to the father, she is committed to making herself busy by doing painting in some parts of the house. However, she has an elegant neighboring friend whom she always admires due to his good looks. His friend is always anxious to take advantage of her situation.

She accepts to invite his friend to her house while her husband was away they end up having an affair and cheated on her husband. She feels distracted by her actions and feels guilty of what she has done for her innocent husband. Her actions made a great impact in her life such that it led to a forever separation of her and her husband due to the fact that her husband killed himself after realizing what his wife has done.

According to the author of the book, Ann gains knowledge after passing all through this situation. She has been in a real dilemma caused by the contrasting differences between her husband and that of her neighbor. For instance, it is pointed out that, her neighbor unlike her husband shaves, gives attention and also goes out for dates. However, his main motive towards Ann is only about having sexual affairs. This tendency of his husband not giving her much needed attention leads to inner conflict which she is not comfortable with.


It is recommendable to come up with a solution to this destructive state. This can be achieved by having by having platforms for instance in social media that deals with people with such problems. Being busy by participating in sport and starting new business venture will displace the loneliness experience in most families. Isolation being a destructive thing can lead to doing something that is not acceptable or even fatal one like suicide. People with such social problems should look for a better way like to speak out themselves so that they can be helped to overcome it.

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"The Painted Door" by Sinclair Ross (Isolation). (2019, May 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/the-painted-door-by-sinclair-ross-isolation/