Essay on Daily Life in Ancient Egypt

Written by: Dr. Eve PhD
Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Category:Ancient Egypt
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Did you know that a deity’s gender determines whether or not he or she has a priest or priestess? Because she was a woman, Hathor, the goddess of childbirth, love, and beauty, had priestesses rather than priests. This whole study investigates how everything stems from religious concepts. This study will examine whether or not the religions of the time influenced modern society.

The religion of Ancient Egypt had a significant influence on civilization. Religion was important in Ancient Egyptian culture, selecting who would serve as priests and priestesses and influencing the populace’s rituals and celebrations.

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Because the Egyptians highly prized religion, this is an important issue.

The first subtopic would examine whether ancient celebrations and observances are comparable to current culture. The second half will look at everyday Egyptian life and compare it to ours. The last section will examine whether queens and kings are given the same status as gods and goddesses.

This section will examine the rituals and holidays observed by many faiths and draw parallels with modern festivities.

Opet, Wepet-Renpet, and Wag were among the several festivals observed by the Ancient Egyptians. Mummification was a component of a ritual that they conducted. Because we still commemorate New Year’s Day, the Wepet-Renpet event is the most current. At least on this particular day, the Opet and Wag festivals were opposed. Mummification was unimportant since no one is intentionally maintained as a mummy nowadays.

Traditional and modern festivities were noticeably different. One of the three ceremonies/celebrations might relate to everyday activities to highlight how religion has evolved through time. It is impossible to say if ancient Egyptians lived similarly to modern humans. This section will contrast and compare current and old Egyptian lives. It’s possible that they’re not the same thing.

The Nile and the surrounding fertile land were vital to everyday life in Ancient Egypt. Furthermore, the family was highly prized. Because of their early marriages, most ancient Egyptians experienced it at a young age. Peasants in Ancient Egypt had a harsh working existence. The majority of people relied on agriculture for a living.

Egypt could produce abundant crops due to the Nile’s proximity to rich soil. The frequent flooding of the Nile was critical to the region because it increased the availability of oil. Having children was a tremendous privilege, particularly for royal families. Peasants’ significant employment was plowing. Even though the Egyptians invented the ox-drawn plow, using it was still hard work, particularly with the onerous agricultural taxes paid by low-income rural households.

Even if the age of marriage differs between ancient and modern Egypt, the importance of children stays constant. The Nile pales compared to current circumstances since we no longer need a river to provide periodic floods and fruitful land. People may still rely on agricultural labor to support their families but are not socialized to accept slavery. It does not seem that everyday life in the past mirrored modern reality. In the prior section, I realized that just one of my three comparisons was relevant to the present. People’s everyday activities have altered dramatically since then. Gods and pharaohs ruled over Ancient Egypt. Is there a modern analog to these monarchs? We’ll be able to figure it out using the given data.

Anubis was often believed to be watching over the dead. Anubis was also in charge of the mummification of the deceased. No one dared to visit King Tut’s tomb since it was said to be cursed. Treasure and diamonds were also found in his grave. According to tradition, Horus and another god, Seth, struggled to rule Egypt (Mark). He fought till he lost an eye, which was later restored. He was thus nicknamed the Lord of the Living.

Because King Tut was already a ruler, he was not revered as a deity, making him the most analogous to present kings. Kings and queens may not share their riches, but they have a lot of money. None of the other two gods could compete with modern monarchs. This data suggests that not all monarchs and deities were given equal significance. This also indicates that historically notable individuals received preferential treatment.

Religious rites have evolved significantly since Ancient Egypt. This information is essential because it may reveal the development of religion through time, the types of religious beliefs that have survived or been lost, and other related findings (Morris). Many of the analogies between ancient and modern festivities in this study are superficial. We had three kinds, only one of which was equivalent to the present type. Everyday life in Ancient Egypt differed significantly from that of modern Western culture. One of the three samples turned out to be the same. The class came to a close with a discussion of monarchs and deities (Kilroe). While some may have received the royal treatment, the majority certainly did not. Most people were not treated with the same regard as rulers in the twenty-first century.

Generally, the findings of this article show that numerous religious practices and beliefs have evolved and changed through time. A few parts of organized religion have remained constant throughout time.

Works Cited

  1. Mark, Joshua. Daily Life in Ancient Egypt. World History Encyclopedia. (2016).
  2. Kilroe, Loretta, editor. Invisible Archaeologies: Hidden Aspects of Daily Life in Ancient Egypt and Nubia. Archaeopress, 2019. JSTOR, Accessed 23 Oct. 2022.
  3. Morris, Ellen. Ancient Egyptian Imperialism. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
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Essay on Daily Life in Ancient Egypt. (2021, Aug 04). Retrieved from