Harriet Tubman’s Face on the $20 Bill: a Bold Step in American Currency

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Updated: Feb 01, 2024
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Harriet Tubman’s Face on the $20 Bill: a Bold Step in American Currency

This essay dives into the groundbreaking decision to feature Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill, a move that represents a significant shift in America’s narrative on its currency. It paints a vivid picture of Tubman’s extraordinary life as a freedom fighter and contrasts her legacy with that of Andrew Jackson, the bill’s former face. The essay discusses how this change is more than just a redesign; it’s a recognition of the diverse heroes who’ve shaped America, moving away from the traditional focus on presidents and founding fathers. There’s a lively discussion about the controversy and debate this decision has sparked, reflecting the nation’s evolving view of its history and heroes. Additionally, the essay touches on the delayed rollout of the new bill, hinting at potential reasons and the broader implications. Overall, it presents Tubman’s inclusion on the $20 bill as a powerful and timely statement about America’s values and the individuals it chooses to honor, symbolizing a step towards greater inclusivity and acknowledgment of the fight for justice and equality. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Harriet Tubman.

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Picture this: you’re at the checkout line, handing over a crisp $20 bill, and there’s Harriet Tubman, staring back at you. That’s right, Tubman on the twenty! It’s not just a redesign; it’s a seismic shift in how America tells its story through its currency.

Let’s talk about Harriet Tubman. Born into slavery, she didn’t just escape; she turned around and kicked slavery’s door down, leading scores to freedom via the Underground Railroad. Putting Tubman on the 20 is like America finally saying, “Yeah, this is the kind of hero we want to celebrate.

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” She’s taking over from Andrew Jackson, a president known for his role in the Trail of Tears and as a slave owner. That’s quite the switch-up.

Now, choosing Tubman for the $20 bill is like America is rethinking its hall of fame. We’re used to seeing presidents and founding fathers on our money, but here’s Tubman, a black woman who fought tooth and nail against slavery, claiming her spot. It’s a big nod to the countless individuals who shaped America, not from the Oval Office, but from the fields, the streets, the underground.

Of course, it’s stirred up some controversy. Some folks argue it’s rewriting history, downplaying guys like Jackson. Others say it’s about time we broadened our scope of who’s considered a hero. This debate is really about how we, as a country, remember our past and choose our icons.

Now, about the roll-out: initially announced back in 2016, we were supposed to see Tubman’s face on the $20 by 2020, tying in with the 100th anniversary of women getting the vote. But here we are, still waiting. The delay has sparked all sorts of talk about what’s taking so long and whether there’s more to the story.

Let’s not forget the everyday impact of this change. Money isn’t just for spending; it’s a piece of national identity you carry in your pocket. Every time you break a twenty with Tubman’s face, it’s a little reminder of where we’ve been as a country and the battles fought for freedom and equality.

In wrapping up, Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill is more than just a fresh look for our currency. It’s America making a statement about who we admire and why. Tubman’s story is one of bravery, resilience, and a relentless fight for justice – qualities that resonate with the American spirit. This change, whenever it finally happens, isn’t just about Tubman; it’s about recognizing the diverse, often overlooked heroes who’ve shaped our nation. It’s a bold step, and it’s about time.

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Harriet Tubman's Face on the $20 Bill: A Bold Step in American Currency. (2024, Feb 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/harriet-tubmans-face-on-the-20-bill-a-bold-step-in-american-currency/