Honoring Harriet Tubman: why she Belongs on the $20 Bill

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Updated: Mar 01, 2024
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Honoring Harriet Tubman: why she Belongs on the $20 Bill

This essay about the proposition to feature Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill discusses the significance of honoring her legacy and the debates surrounding this initiative. Tubman’s remarkable life as a leader in the abolitionist movement and her contributions to freedom and equality make her a fitting candidate for commemoration on American currency. Despite delays and criticism, advocates emphasize the importance of recognizing Tubman’s courage and promoting diversity in national symbols. Critics express concerns over potential controversies, particularly regarding the replacement of former President Andrew Jackson. However, supporters argue that Tubman’s legacy outweighs objections, highlighting the need to celebrate diverse voices and perspectives in shaping American history and identity. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Harriet Tubman.

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The talk about featuring Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill has stirred up quite a bit of conversation and debate. Tubman, a true American hero known for her fearless fight against slavery, embodies the values of freedom, equality, and justice that we hold dear. Supporters argue that putting Tubman on the currency wouldn’t just pay homage to her incredible legacy but would also be a bold statement of progress and inclusivity.

Harriet Tubman’s life story is nothing short of extraordinary.

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Born into slavery, she not only freed herself but went on to lead countless others to freedom through the Underground Railroad. Her bravery earned her the nickname “Moses” among those she rescued. Tubman’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and determination in the face of oppression, making her a natural choice for commemoration on the $20 bill.

The decision to redesign the $20 bill to feature Harriet Tubman was announced back in 2016, with plans to unveil the new design in 2020. However, delays and uncertainty have pushed back the timeline, sparking frustration among advocates and lawmakers. Despite these setbacks, the push to honor Tubman’s legacy remains strong, driven by a shared belief in the importance of diversity and representation in American currency.

Critics of the Harriet Tubman Initiative worry about potential backlash and controversy, especially regarding the replacement of former President Andrew Jackson, whose image currently graces the $20 bill. Jackson’s troubled legacy, particularly his treatment of Native Americans, has sparked debate over his place on the currency. However, proponents argue that Tubman’s contributions outweigh any objections based on tradition or sentimentality, emphasizing the need to recognize diverse voices and perspectives in our national symbols.

In summary, featuring Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill is a significant step toward honoring the contributions of women, people of color, and marginalized communities in American history. Tubman’s courage and compassion serve as a beacon of hope for a more just and equitable society. By commemorating Tubman on our currency, we not only celebrate her legacy but also reaffirm our commitment to the values of freedom, equality, and opportunity for all.

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Honoring Harriet Tubman: Why She Belongs on the $20 Bill. (2024, Mar 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/honoring-harriet-tubman-why-she-belongs-on-the-20-bill/