The Thomas Jefferson Slavery

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In the late 18th Century, early 19th century, many things within our country began to change. Slavery was still prominent throughout the new world during a portion of this time, and progress was slowly being made. The industrial revolution took place at this time, and things were starting to bloom in our country. Here we are, the start of the 19th century and slavery; although still prevalent, is about to come to the end by the end of this century. Before we get to that part in time, we are now looking at what was once the start of a new era, Manifest Destiny.

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Anders Stephenson’s book entitled Manifest Destiny: American Expansion and the Empire of Right, credits John O’Sullivan for coining said phrase. In 1845, it was coined to indicate the objective our country had at that time, which was to control the whole of the continent by spreading it. (Stephenson Prologue i) Purchase of the Territory of Louisiana in 1803 was the start of our country’s quest to expand westward. Then President Thomas Jefferson, sent explorers Louis and Clark to travel through the 828,000 Sq. miles of land to the Oregon territory.

The history of Manifest Destiny dates to the English era between 1620 and 1660. This started as a stepping stone of the world’s view of the manifestation of God and an already since of destiny within history itself. Termed as a matrix as noted by Stephenson, the expansion of the country was bigger than itself. President Thomas Jefferson was a man of big ideas and great things. According to the book entitled: The Unfinished Nation: A concise History of The American People Vol 1. Author Alan Brinkley talks about how he was known as the “people’s president.”

“Jefferson…wealthy planter by background…as president he conveyed to the public an image of plain, almost crude disdain for pretension. Like an ordinary citizen, he walked to and from his inauguration at the capitol…He probably had a wider range of interests and accomplishments than any other major political figure in American history, with the exception of Benjamin Franklin…he was an active architect, educator, inventor, farmer, and philosopher scientist…” Jefferson also expanded the army and started the U.S. military academy. The nation also underwent several changes in its religious nature as well; also outlined by Brinkley the enlightened movement of the 1790s and 1800s. Many philosophers came to an agreement on deism, universalism, and Unitarianism.

This became known as The Great Awakening. Many Protestant and conservative theologians held a mass revival around this time known as a Camp Meeting. And this wave of religious beliefs to counteract the Great Awakening became known as the Second Great Awakening. (Brinkley 158) To continue forward, the nation soon became crowded with an influx of immigrants from Europe as outlined in Amy Greenburg’s book entitled: Manifest Destiny and the American Territorial Expansion. (Greenburg 9) 13 million people migrated to our country between 1790 and 1830, causing the population to multiply. Other reasons for the expansion of the nation were due to security concerns. 

“Westward the course of empire takes its way.”  Mexico and the Southeast was claimed by the Spaniards, and France possessed control over New Orleans and territories west of the Mississippi. The only way for Jefferson to expand the country was via the Louisiana Purchase. (Stephenson 23) The United States, at this time, had ideologies and visions that were sacred; thus, the motto: Annuit Coeptis; Novus Ordo Seclorum, “God has blessed this undertaking; a new order for the ages.” 

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The Thomas Jefferson Slavery. (2022, Feb 10). Retrieved from