The Causes of Littering and how to Prevent it

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Litter just does not appear; it is the result of reckless attitudes and inappropriate waste handling. Is there anything you can do? Understanding more about trash and where it originates from is a great place to start.

A study by Keep America Beautiful, Inc., has discovered that people litter because:

They feel no sense of ownership, even though places such as parks and beaches are public property.

They believe someone else, a park maintenance or highway worker, will clean up after them.

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Drivers and pedestrians are frequently blamed for littering. There are actually seven main sources:

Household garbage handling and its placement at the curb for collection.

Trash is blown about by wind and traffic or carried by water. It moves until caught by a curb, building or fence. When litter has accumulated, it invites people to thoughtlessly add more.

Set an example for others, especially children, by NOT littering.

Ensure trash cans have lids that can be securely fastened. If you have curbside trash collection, do not place loose trash in boxes.

Bundle newspapers before placing them in a curbside recycling bin.

If you own a business, check dumpsters daily to see that top and side doors are closed.

If you or a member of your family is involved in a civic group, scout troop, or recreational sports program, encourage the group to adopt a spot in your town or city and maintain it regularly.

Report areas where people have illegally dumped trash and debris to your local highway, public works, sanitation, or conservation office, and ask that the material be removed. Volunteer to help organize a cleanup of the area.

Ask the organizers of a festival, fair, or other outdoor event in your area to make it a litter-free event. This can be done by handing out litterbags at entrances and making sure that everyone who attends knows that it is a litter-free day. Affiliates of Keep America Beautiful have organized litter-free concerts, fairs, and minor league baseball games.

Ask marina operators if your Boy Scout or Girl Scout troop or civic group can distribute litterbags to boaters. Public boat ramps are also great spots to give out litterbags.

If you smoke, use a portable ashtray to dispose of cigarette butts.

Litter just doesn’t simply appear; it is the result of reckless attitudes and incorrect waste handling. Is there anything you can do? Understanding more about litter and where it originates from is a great place to start.

A study by Keep America Beautiful, Inc., has found that people litter because:

They feel no sense of ownership, even though places such as parks and beaches are public property.

They think someone else, like a park maintenance or highway worker, will clean up after them.

Drivers and pedestrians are often blamed for litter. However, there are actually seven main sources:

Domestic garbage disposal and its placement at the curb for collection.

Trash is blown around by wind and traffic or carried by water. It moves until it’s trapped by a curb, building, or fence. Once litter has accumulated, it encourages people to thoughtlessly add more.

Set an example for others, especially children, by not littering.

Ensure trash cans have lids that can be securely fastened. If you have curbside trash collection, do not put out loose garbage in boxes.

Tie newspapers in a bundle before placing them in a curbside recycling bin.

If you own a business, check dumpsters daily to ensure that top and side doors are closed.

If you or a member of your household is involved in a civic group, scouting, or recreational sports program, encourage the group to adopt a location in your town or community and maintain it regularly.

Report areas where people have illegally dumped trash and debris to your local highway, public works, sanitation, or conservation office, and request that the material be removed. You can also volunteer to help organize a clean-up of the area.

Ask the organizers of a fair, festival, or other outdoor event in your community to make it a litter-free event. This can be achieved by providing litter bags at entrances and ensuring that everyone who attends knows that it is a litter-free day. Affiliates of Keep America Beautiful have organized litter-free concerts, fairs, and minor league baseball games.

Ask marina operators if your Boy Scout or Girl Scout troop or public group can distribute litter bags to sailors. Public boat ramps are also great places to hand out litter bags.

If you smoke, use a portable ashtray to dispose of cigarette butts.

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The Causes of Littering and How to Prevent It. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from