The Long Term Effects of Littering and Pollution on the Environment

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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The Long Term Effects of Littering and Pollution on the Environment

This essay addresses the profound and long-lasting impacts of littering and pollution on the environment. It will explore the ecological consequences, including harm to wildlife, water pollution, and contribution to climate change. The aim is to raise awareness about the importance of responsible waste management and environmental stewardship. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Littering.

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Cluttering, as well as contamination, is a significant problem around the world today. It influences all of our lives and will undoubtedly continue to do so for years to come. Clutter and pollution play a substantial role in our everyday experiences. Wherever we walk or drive, there’s garbage on the roadside, thrown out of windows, and dangling from trees. However, even minor efforts on our part can bring about change and help make the earth a better place. With less pollution and more recycling, our health would undoubtedly improve.

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Fast food waste is arguably the most common form of litter. Many people might not even realize they’re contributing to the problem. There are simple steps we can take to help address this issue, such as switching from paper napkins to cloth, reusing old grocery bags or opting for cloth bags to reduce landfill waste. Small adjustments like these can make a significant difference. It’s disappointing to see someone standing near a trash can, yet choosing to toss their garbage on the ground instead. Each year, approximately 9 billion tons of garbage end up in the ocean. Over 11.5 billion dollars are spent annually to clean up litter on the streets.

Our population needs to be more conscious of their actions. In a recent survey, 75% of respondents admitted to littering in the past five years. Over time, these seemingly insignificant acts accumulate.

Decaying garbage not only leads to litter pollution but also contributes to air pollution. With each passing year, the air becomes more polluted, particularly in urban areas. If people were more diligent about recycling their waste and disposing of their garbage responsibly, we could reduce our carbon footprint by 70%.

It’s widely understood that our pollution contributes to global warming. This has severe consequences for a variety of creatures, including Arctic and marine animals. By each doing our part, we benefit ourselves and reduce government spending on cleanups so more resources can be allocated to areas we deem important. It’s common knowledge that most of us litter; it’s an unfortunate habit we’ve acquired as humans. Many areas have responded to this issue by installing more trash cans, ashtrays, and recycling bins in parking lots, parks, and other public spaces to encourage less littering.

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The Long Term Effects of Littering and Pollution on the Environment. (2022, Dec 16). Retrieved from