The Catholic Reformation – Great Awakening during the 18th Century

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“During the 1500’s the main theme was the Reformation, The Catholic Reformation as well as the Great Awakening during the 18th Century. Around this era there was a lot of misguided, corrupted individuals, therefore many movements were created in the early church. Thus, this movements were created to guide individuals, many questioned their beliefs and what was implemented in each of them. For the most part, at the time theology was not a main concern and was seen as unimportant. Theology was in favor to many, but not in favor enough to believe they had to follow a leader to guide them through.

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However, Churches were still seen as the main priority, but were being control by those above in power. Churches are known to be pure because it is a temple, that has been constructed to be able to worship God, but in some cases corruption can come along with it. It is quite shocking how many can visit a temple, and not understand the concept that is being spoken because of how is being interpreted. Theology was one of the main themes, that the church taught during their mass but failed accordingly due to their lack of knowledge. For the most part, their prayer were memorized, rather than being known for the significance of each prayer.

There were different reasons why a Reformation was though of such as religious, economic base, social and most influential one the political one. Unfortunately, the church did not have any control within, it was actually being controlled by higher monarchs that though that the pope shouldn’t be allowed to have any control.

During class, there were three individuals that were taught to be Christian or Norther Renaissance Humanisms. Desiderius Erasmus was one that Dr. Pilant spoke about. He is known for several books he wrote during his time such as Handbook of the Christians, The Philosophy of Christ, The Praise of Folly. Eramsus was indeed a Renaissance Humanisms, he had a great effect during the reformation. It is quite interesting how Erasmus always found himself questioning, he would compare and contrast the different incomes and outcome of situations. For example, the nature of faith and the theory of knowledge. When I think of the nature of faith, what comes to mind is where exactly is our faith coming from, like is there an specific source we are getting our faith from. As well as the theory of knowledge, I believe is a questionable thought do we know our source or we don’t have any clue where its coming from. Erasmus strongly believed that faith was something that as individuals we had to guard and protect because It could be broken if not kept safe.

We live in a world that people tend to envy others, during this era Europeans found themselves envying the wealth that Church had at the time. When this events were taking place, the Catholic Reformation was taking place and was known as the “” counter-force to Protestantism””. Even before the spread of Luther, the Catholic Church reformation had started. It all started because of Catholics demanding change, Erasmus as well as Luther himself was including in this demands. Thomas Aquinas, wrote a book on “”Summa Theologica”” that was based on the Christian belief as well as Aristolean Philosophy. He strongly believed that a man was able to see the different between what was right and wrong. That they had it within themselves to obtain salvation but needed guidance in doing so. Throughout his scripture, it reads of to be a very optimistic whom believed in human kind and its ability to save themselves with just the proper guidance.

As mentioned before, there were three important themes, The Reformation, The Catholic Reformation, and the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening was an impact to the English colonies during the 1730’s as well at the 1740’s. This movement came at a time when individuals were not so into religion and visiting churches was not their main priority. Christians decided to implement a different method to have people attention, so they decided to travel from town to town, teaching about how important it is to always keep their faith close to them, as well as practicing it frequently because this will secure your salvation from your sins. There were several leaders such as Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, David Brainard in between many more who took their time to preach to hundred’s of people the importance of Christianity faith. I believe that this three different themes had in common was the unity of its own people, keeping faith strong and stable. As well as demanding nothing but honesty to be able to provide the fundamental knowledge that its people need in order to remain faithful, stronger to the faith they have decided to follow.”

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The Catholic Reformation - Great Awakening During the 18th Century. (2021, Jun 26). Retrieved from