My Favorite Toys as a Child

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My Favorite Toys as a Child

Reflect on the personal significance of favorite childhood toys. This nostalgic piece will recount memories associated with specific toys, their role in childhood development, and the emotional connection formed. It can include a broader perspective on how toys reflect cultural values and technological changes over time. PapersOwl showcases more free essays that are examples of Child.

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Reflecting on my childhood, I remember how a marker and a whiteboard used to be my favorite plaything. I recall myself pretending to be a teacher and scribbling words on the whiteboard to teach my imaginary students. Little did I know what a teacher was and how they impacted the lives of so many young people. But as I grew up, went to school and earned my educational experiences, I began to appreciate the immense contribution they made in molding the being I am today.

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Even now that I am enrolled in college, I truly cannot express the value of the skills and knowledge I have acquired in classroom that was only made possible through the hard work of my school teachers and college professors.

This is what has inspired me to take teaching as a profession in the future, because just like my teachers I desire to help my students learn and think critically and also instill the same positive thoughts into them that they had the ability to make positive contributions in the society. Hence, I believe that the Pathways to Science Teaching Program would be a wonderful addition to my experiences in order to develop myself as a future teacher.

Keeping my interests in mind, I have never ceased to miss an opportunity for teaching students. At present, I work as a Learning Assistant under WMU Student Success Services responsible for helping college students with their gateway courses by facilitating extra study sessions after class and also preparing activities that would enable students to understand the material better. This is serving as my first step towards preparing me for the teaching profession that awaits. As much as I enjoy talking about science and explaining concepts to my students, I also take pleasure in answering any sort of thought provoking questions that they pose. This not only helps me learn new information but also creates a platform for me to share my ideas and opinions on a subject.

I am confident that the Pathways to Science Teaching Program will further grant me the opportunity to explore my interests, giving me an insight of how my future job could look like. By being able to work alongside experienced mentors, I would have the chance to access from their pool of knowledge and put my learning into practice by applying them into teaching middle school students. More importantly, it would strengthen my skills that are necessary for me to have as a potential future educator, helping me to identify areas in which I still need improvement. As a result, I would be able to accomplish my passion through my exposure to both learning science and teaching simultaneously.

I feel that this summer program would be a perfect fit for my interests and my future as a science teacher provided that it accommodates all the aspects that I had been looking for in a program; learning, thinking practicing and teaching science. If I am given the opportunity to be a part of it, it would not only be a rewarding experience, but would also take the “childhood teacher” in me a step closer to her dreams.

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My favorite toys as a child. (2021, Oct 16). Retrieved from