Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: Guiding Future Generations

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Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: Guiding Future Generations

This essay will discuss the importance of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in guiding future generations. It will cover the key principles of this code, such as integrity, fairness, and respect for diversity, and how these principles are essential in shaping responsible, educated citizens. The piece will also explore the challenges teachers face in upholding these ethics in diverse classroom environments and the impact of ethical teaching on student development. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Code Of Ethics.

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Teachers are the special gift of God to us. They build a good nation and make our world a better place. A person that plays a pivotal role in molding a student’s talent, skills, and life. Their teachings will remain in our memories until we die, and it is also a key to answering some of our few problems. Teachers are one of the most influential persons next to our parents, aside from teaching us to be kind and to know what Is right and what is wrong.

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They also transmit not only what they know or their knowledge of academics, but they also share ethical values and imbibe morality to shape our personality and become better human beings. (Prasanna, 2021)

Teachers as Role Models and Influencers

Teachers are not only assisting students with relevant Information, but they are also our role model who influences our growth and development and instill important values. They are the foundations of civilization, educating people with enormous tolerance, patience, and beautiful smiles. It is they who have held our hands and helped us to become what we are and excel in the profession that we will choose in the future.

In my first year as a freshman at The National Teachers College (NTC), taking up a Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English (BSED ENG), I met amazing friends and teachers. At first, it was hard because it is a new set of people, surroundings, subjects, and type of teaching, and sadly, it’s online learning because of the pandemic, but I surpassed all the stress, sleepless nights, and tasks because of them. As a future teacher or educator, I admire and look up to my professors that is excellent at teaching, and someday, I want to adopt how they teach, talk and smile at their pupil. I know that all the professions in the world are hard, but being an educator is on a different level; you must have and obey the ethics and standards that you must uphold in your teaching profession. Being a teacher is not only assisting your students, but you are also inspiring and imparting life lessons that are helpful for them in the future.

Ethical Responsibilities of Educators

Educators must be an example and role models to their students. They must also be dignified, have a good reputation, and have strong moral standards. Practicing technical and professional competence in their professions is also important because, with these, they also practice the set of ethical and moral principles as well as standards and values that are important in the teaching profession. Following and referring to a code of ethics is a way to help schoolteachers to teach in the most appropriate and ethical way, which will also guide them to deal with the students and other dilemmas. There are also rules and codes that they must not break, like the confidentiality of a child’s grades and other confidential Information. Discussing a child’s grades with other students publicly is not right; they might be ashamed of their grades, especially if they have low grades or failing grades, and it can affect them in some ways.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity

The most appropriate way to discuss it is with your colleagues or co-teachers and the student that is involved. Being biased and discriminating against students is also inappropriate; every opinion, thought, and point of view of every student must be heard or adhered to. And as a future teacher and educator, I want to create a diverse classroom setting where the students and teachers must work and learn together in unity with people that have various backgrounds, religions, and cultures. With that, we can make an effective effort to protect ourselves and our students from any conditions that can harm their learning, health, and safety.


  1. Prasanna, K. (2021). The Role of Teachers in Shaping Lives. Education Today, 15(2), 45-57.
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Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: Guiding Future Generations. (2023, Jun 19). Retrieved from