My Academic Interests and Goals Achievement

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I am a medical lab specialist, and I have a bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory Technology from Tibah University. My undergraduate degree has an extreme impact on my goals and interests. And consequently had influenced my choice for my graduate study in clinical biology specializing in Histotechnology at Barry University. Having a bachelor degree in Medical Laboratory Technology is allowing me to pursue my short and long term career goals.

My bachelor’s degree required a one year internship, and I took full advantage of this experience.

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During the internship year I trained in eight different lab departments at four different hospitals. While I was training I found myself slowly drawn into histotechnology. This is where I realized that I am interested the most in this field, and I decide to pursue my master’s in Histotechnology at Barry University. During the internship I was trained by the head pathologist in the histopathology department as well as three laboratory technicians. Handling specimens from cutting to learning about microscopic examinations is interesting for me. During my internship I volunteered in working in a hospital laboratory for two months in a busy time “Alhajj season”, were millions of pilgrims visit Saudi Arabia for religious reasons because I knew that I will learn a lot from this experience.

I’m possess with practical work and I worked in Saudi German Hospital for three months. I knew before I worked that I was accepted in the scholarship program, but I couldn’t stay longer without being inside a laboratory. I worked in three deferent department for three months Phlebotomy, Chemistry and Hematology. Unfortunately there were no histopathology department in the hospital, but I had to take that opportunity to gain the experience. Now this scholarship gave me the life chance to purchase my goal and be a histotechnologist.

In my plan for my future goals achievement, seeking a master’s degree in Hitotechnology at your university will allow me to purchase my goal in having a doctoral degree in Stem Cell. This program will allow me to learn more about cell examination and the new technologies and methodologies that being used in histopathology laboratories. By learning that I will be prepared to work in a histobathology lab for three months before I can apply for my PHD in stem cell.

Barry University is providing different degrees in histotechnology such as bachelor, master, and post graduate certificate. This is insuring their knowledge and experience with the field. In addition to that, the histotechnology master program at Barry University is one of the three accredited histotechnology master’s programs by National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) in the U.S. The university is also known for its academic quality that prepare candidates well for career opportunities.

I’m an organized person and a like everything to be in the right place at the right time, and I like to pay attention to every small detail that helps me to make sure I do everything successfully. My mathematical and analytical skills help me always in finding solutions and critical thinking. Working in hospitals allowed me to get use to the group work and I can also work effectively as an individual. 

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My Academic Interests and Goals Achievement. (2021, Oct 18). Retrieved from