Personal Statement and Academic Interests

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Personal Statement

Business subjects have always been my area of interest. My passion for business studies developed from observing my family members operating their business. I was always curious to know how the business operates and how to grow while maintaining profitability. The most significant influence on my life has been of my parents. They have always encouraged me to learn more, work hard, face challenges and enjoy the crests and troughs of life. They succeeded in developing in me an urge to know beyond what is evident and an eagerness to study more than what the textbooks demanded – habits which have helped me immensely in my academic performances.

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Today, with my passion for business and desire for lifelong learning, I aim to pursue a Doctoral Degree in Business Administration at Florida State University

After completion of my high school studies, I received a scholarship for my undergrad studies and I joined the College of Business at Eastern Michigan University. After being exposed to the different disciplines of business, I decided to choose Human Resources Management as my concentration. I developed interest in this area after taking several classes with a diverse group of professors, with extensive experience in Human Resources. The cases and researches I completed in those classes besides the real-life projects led me to understand the importance of Human Resource in the business environment. During my undergraduate studies, I have proven my outstanding performance by receiving financial awards besides being academically distinguished and named in the dean’s list at the college of business for four consecutive semesters during my junior and senior years. In my Master’s program, where I undertook human resources and organizational development studies, I had the chance to be exposed to various aspects of Human Resources functions as well as current Issues in the real world. Every course of the program has challenged my thinking in some way which pushed me to learn more about the subject in concern. Outside of class, I had an internship at a private school in Ann Arbor, MI. where I assisted in the onboarding of newcomers by assessing the existing system and creating a new one. The new onboarding system aimed to help newcomers adapt to the organizational culture with the help of senior teachers who were assigned as mentors.

During my time of employment, I have learned a lot about business development, teamwork, relationship between employees and their managers. Although I work in the business development department, which is not directly related to my area of interest .i.e. human resources, but my interactions with the HR team and employees of other departments have helped me in understanding many HR related issues such as absenteeism, discrimination, minority groups mistreatment, employee relationship with managers and how it affects productivity and performance. I also have credible voluntary work experience in HR and recruiting that has helped me in gaining fair understanding of different functions of the HR such as retention and turnover rates, recruitment process, and employee selection. I have a firm belief that my excellent academic record, personal interests, practical aptitude, and academic performance would play a key role in qualifying me for the doctoral program offered by your institution role in getting me distinguished among other candidates applying for the doctoral program offered by your institution.

My goal of joining this program is to in a experienced researchers which will help me in taking my academic excellence to the highest level and to be placed in prestigious and world-class university upon graduation. My most important values include commitment, hard work, honesty, and integrity. I am also keen on exploring new ways of learning and improving. My commitment to success, coupled with the preference for teamwork, helps me to improve my innovativeness. In my past academic journey, I have played the role of team leader several times and have always completed the assigned tasks in a timely manner with full attention to details and always led my teams to success. Moreover, I also have the ability to work independently in under pressure situations with satisfying outcomes.

I have gone through the profiles of the management department faculty and found many of them having research interests and published researches in the same areas of my interest. Particularly, I would like to mention Dr. Chad Van Iddekinge and Dr. Gerald Ferris. Both of which have research areas similar to those of my mine. Some of Dr. Iddekinge’s research subjects are Employee selection, Measurement and prediction of job performance and Measure development whereas those of Dr. Ferris’s include Organizational politics and Human resources management. I believe I would have a great opportunity studying under the guidance of these faculty members considering the level of similarity in our preferred research subjects.

In conclusion, I believe pursuing a Ph.D. degree from FSU would prepare me to achieve my professional and academic goals. I would be grateful if the admission committee considers my application and finds my strengths and goals commensurate with those of the program.

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Personal Statement and Academic Interests. (2021, Oct 16). Retrieved from