Educational Systems Theory in Hidden Intellectualism

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Educational Systems Theory in Hidden Intellectualism

This essay will apply educational systems theory to analyze Gerald Graff’s essay “Hidden Intellectualism.” It will discuss how the theory sheds light on the essay’s argument that academic and street smarts are equally valuable forms of intelligence. The piece will explore the implications of this theory for educational practices and the recognition of diverse forms of intellectualism. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Academic Interests.

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Gerald Graff’s article titled “ Hidden Intellectualism” investigates the theory that the educational systems are neglecting to notice the possibilities in student’s so-called “ street smarts.” Graff brings up an idea to open up to students with non-academic interests in the attempts of “growing” a greater logical thinker. Graff’s use of logic, emotion, and credibility within the work takes into consideration thought of the possibility that intellectualism can be characterized as a more extensive sense than once comprehended.

A crucial theme that was represented throughout the article is Graff’s idea that not all subjects in the education system are mandatory in today’s society to become successful.

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He backed his statement by mentioning we should encourage and teach them subjects that interest them because they put more effort and logical thinking into it compared to a subject they may dislikeGraffs exact words were” more prone to take an intellectual identities if we encouraged them to do so on subjects that interest them.” the author engraves the reader with his love for sports stating it supported him to “ learn the rudiments of the intellectual life.” he explains people take sports to heart and with great amount of passion builds intellectual arguments which communicating about the topic which without the individuals knowledge develops the foundation.

By creating the argument that discussions about sports corresponds to “ what it felt like to propose a generalization, restate and respond to a counterargument, and perform other intellectualizing operations”, Graffs reasonably explains that arguments about personal situations taught him the greatest amount of intellectual analysis.continuing to support his thought the individual matters should be expanded in the process of developing intellectual minds, he remains realistic in the output of his approach. Most depending on one’s street smarts in not acceptable. acknowledging that “ there’s no necessary relation between the degree of interest a student shows in a text and the quality of thought or expression a student manifests in writing”, Graff stays determined and accepts the truth that showing effort in a subject isn’t always enough to spark analytical thinking. Also an alternative, it is important for the learner to show commitment “ through academic eyes.” Consequently, he states, once the basis for reasoning is developed, then the student may continue on to a complex subject. Graff’s logical argument assisted him to grab the attention of higher-ranked individuals who control the education systems and as well as the students who attend the system which he points out the positive, negative and uses personal examples to create a vision for the readers.

The components of emotion and credibility are broadly used to promote the author’s thoughts. By offering his own knowledge as a youth who “ hated books and only cared for sports” Graff builds up his validity as somebody who accepted quite a bit of his pre-adult life he was anti-intellectual. In writing he “ grew up torn” when choosing between being an admired no-intellectual or being more book smart, the author hopes to promote empathy from his readers. Further, in writing that “I and the 1950s themselves were not simply hostile towards intellectuals but divided and ambivalent.”  He uses examples from mainstream society to fortify that for a long time the content viewed as intellectual stayed split between what was firmly academic and what was not. By then sharing his amusement in finding the improvement of logical aptitudes through non-academic sports talk, Graff attracts the audience in being excited and encouraged by the opportunities that lay beneath their inclinations.  

Throughout the article, I found myself agreeing with a critical number of Graff’s examinations of being an intellectual. For one, he describes true intellectuals as anyone who can “ turn any subject, however lightweight it may seem, into grist for their mill through the thoughtful questions they bring to it” in communicating that intellectualism has no restrictions to the degree that subject go, he writes that any person who speaks in depths on a subject and involves a certain level of intellectual curiosity with it can be considered on who is educated. This conviction holds especially true in my mind, as I have known many individuals outside the academic world who are exceptionally capable about their own advantages.

Likewise, Graff states” street smarts… satisfy an intellectual thirst more thoroughly that school culture, which seems pale and unreal” as a young person exploring life, I have frequently ended up settling on significant choices dependent on the experiences I’ve had in reality as opposed to those purely in the academic world. Graff’s attestation that intellectualism can be created and sharpened in a setting outside of what we consider to be exclusively scholarly is a case that is sensibly made and that can possibly support a more prominent number of understudies to think fundamentally.

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Educational Systems Theory in Hidden Intellectualism. (2021, Mar 26). Retrieved from