Coming to Life: the Journey to Identity

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Who am I or how did I become this person? From the past until now, parents have made our decisions for us and that all changes when it’s up to us chose where we would like to pursue our future career. Life is like a sequel chain of life that is always has many preventable of in life. You are choosing this school based on how later it will define who you are. Our sense of self is influence by other’s view.

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Choice of college increases your identity positively.

Choosing college isn’t easy, but it’s something you want to do because it’s the path onto who becoming someone. According to Jones “… development of college student identities through our own negotiations ad journeys.” (pg. 3 Jones 2003). It starts with where the initial step takes place in. In other words, it all starts on the path where your education environment. This will lead you to many opportunities. For example, your surrounding reflects on the type person likes to facilitate with. It can be the way you study or where you like to socialize.

Choosing college is based on the facilitation who they want to be in life. Most adolescent choose their college based on facilitation towards the school. It is set that they must they must initially the type of person they want to be. According to Ma, Yingyi (2009) “It starts with the initial college major choice at the beginning of the postsecondary school when youth make their initial college major choice” (paragraph 7). In other words, the first process is the choice of major. Since, adolescents choose their chose of college based on who they want to be, they have to figure out who they want to choose their major. It’s a big factor where people choose to be based on the influence of others. It’s the likely hood where you can get a job with a degree of your choice.

We develop our sense concept independently on others, and then base our views based on how we see ourselves. Social comparison helps us determine skills and abilities. You have to start a whole new social life. According to New and Ghafar (2011) “process begins with the “self-awareness” by students of their social condition both in past and present situations. (paragraph 3). In other words, the way you put yourself out there is the way people will perceive you. When this happens, this will be the initial step on others will adapt towards your personality. Those who choose to associate with you will either influence you or you will be expanding how the perceive people. For example, changing your habitats based on new techniques that were showed to you can change how you process things. It’s effective because it’s the change the individuals proceed.

At the beginning of the journey, you were excited over the fact you have made it and now about to start college. You have your whole life planed out in your head, but it leads to a turn right when you begin to change habitats. Changing the aspect of how you surround yourself, leads to trouble half of the time. Those friends that you’ve created a bond with based on you chose to put yourself out there aren’t always the right friends. However, it can lead to peer pressure at times. For example, someone wants to fit in within the group, but has to do certain things they’re not comfortable with. This situation can lead to a parent’s worst nightmare. Students may learn to depend on drugs or alcohol. This is can lead addiction and bad grades that students most likely would drop out of college. This mostly likely would be hard for the students to realize who their becoming because they never knew they had it within them. It’s hard a hard situation to think about because it’s who they become later on life.

In conclusion, identity increases based on chose of college. Making a decision that can affect your whole life is the scariest and difficult decision. Yes, there is maybe things to consider because it’s the beginning of self-realization. For example, my decision on college was on the best interest for my career and it’s going to play out within the university. The worst circumstance appears when they start to walk a one-way route decreasing life qualities in general. The bigger picture is choosing the best fit college based on how the school offers opportunities to your needs. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there because it’s where everything as a growing up starts. We must not be afraid towards to put yourself out there because exploring can help define who you want to be in life.


  1. Jones, S. R., & Abes, E. S. (2013). Identity development of college students: advancing frameworks for multiple dimensions of identity. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass, 2013. Retrieved from
  2. Ma, Y. (2009). Pre-College Influences and College Major Choice: Gender, Race/Ethnicity and Nativity Patterning. Theory in Action, 2(2), 96–122.
  3. New, K., & Ghafar, M. N. A. (2011). The Social Change Experiences of College Students at an Institution of Higher Learning. Higher Education Studies, 1(2), 14–28. Retrieved from
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  5. Wu, S. C., (2006). An Investigation of Sense of Identifying among college students. Retrieved from
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Coming To Life: The Journey To Identity. (2021, Mar 10). Retrieved from