Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing

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Each year the are more and more jobs that are being done by Artificial Intelligence(AI) driven automated machines instead of people. Artificial intelligence refers to machines with capabilities that imitate human intelligence associated with the learning and problem solving. AI already plays a large role in the field of content marketing by helping to streamline processes at a time of large content overload. There are only a handful of sectors in which automation is not threat, but that to might change.

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People you have jobs that require require creative thinking and original ideas like content creation have had little to worry about when AI technology was still primitive, but in recent years there has been progress in imitating natural human creativity.

The rules of content marketing change every year. Blog posts are longer now, hyper-focused web pages and personalized advertising have become a necessity, and Google has launched new machine learning updates.
Artificial intelligence is helping marketers decipher the ever-changing world of content marketing by analyzing user data and helping marketers make sense of user intent.

With artificial intelligence marketers can automatically generate content for simple stories such as stock updates and sports reports. Youve probably even read content written by an algorithm without noticing it.
It may surprise you that the following opening sentence is a sports story written solely by an algorithm:
Tuesday was a great day for W. Roberts, as the junior pitcher threw a perfect game to carry Virginia to a 2-0 victory over George Washington at Davenport Field.
Looks like a sentence youve read before, right? Thats because machines have been automatically generating content for years. Companies such as the Associated Press, Yahoo, and Fox have been using them for quite some time.

Chatbots are computer programs that use artificial intelligence to mimic conversation with users. One example is in Facebook Messenger, which uses chatbots to carry out quasi-conversations with users, answering queries and concerns in real time.
Companies such as Uber and 1-800 Flowers use Facebook Messenger chatbots to allow users to request a ride (without having to open the app), or to choose their flower arrangements.
Facebook Messenger chatbots can also be used to send promotional content, if a user initiates the interaction. Chatbots help streamline the customer support process. Instead of having users fill out a form, they can just type in their query and get an answer in real time.

Though were only at the beginning stages of implementing artificial intelligence into content marketing, were seeing what tasks AIs can already take care of, and what theyll be able to handle in the future. So, lets explore what these tasks are and how trusting AIs with these tasks will free up time and improve your results.Currently, personalisation takes a lot of work on the backend to have any chance of success.
Not only do you have to have access to massive amounts of data points from all your contacts, but you also have to be able to analyse the data appropriately to see what personalisation will lead to the most conversions.
AIs, fortunately, have the ability to record this data in seemingly an instant.

Artificial intelligence enables social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to customize users news feeds. This allows them to only see the posts theyre interested in. These social networks analyze literally hundreds of variables, and can predict with reasonable accuracy which posts a user will like, comment, hide, or mark as spam. Algorithms also give relevancy scores to social media ads so users only see the ads they might be interested in.This information helps marketers understand which type of content visitors find engaging. This in turn helps marketers create similar content to increase their social engagement. Knowing which ads your target audience are likely to click also helps you create your own Facebook advertisements.

Predictive intelligence makes businesses more efficient. It helps companies understand an individual customer and personalize content that appeals to their needs and interests. It also greatly affects lead scoring a points system used to determine where your prospects are in the buyer journey. Predictive lead scoring allows marketers to fast-track the sales process by ascertaining which customers are ideal to convert, depending on their past behaviors and history.

According to a recent Gartner study, Predictive Lead Scoring Can Yield Significant ROI for Technology Provider Marketers, Even for Lower Lead Volumes. Predictive intelligence also gives marketers insight into which content pieces to target to which customers. When you understand where users are in the buyer journey (via predictive lead scoring), you can apply that information to target the specific style of content they are most likely to engage with.

Seeing which content an audience positively responds to helps you create future content that yields better results.
And once they have the data, they can begin building individual profiles for each contact and matching their profiles to content most relevant to them.

That means email newsletters only featuring articles, eBooks and videos that relate to the problem they came to your business to solve. This level of personalisation is in demand, too. In fact, 80% of consumers want to do business with companies that offer personalised experiences.

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Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing. (2019, Nov 24). Retrieved from