White Like Me: Full Documentary

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In this paper it will discuss the analysis of the video documentary White Like Me presented by author Tim Wise. In the writer’s purpose of this film is to explain how white privilege damages people of color more than society is leading to believe. Moreover, this can be damaging to white people as well and how racial privilege shapes to lives and outcome of most minority Americans when it comes to institutions such as education, employment, housing, criminal justice and healthcare.

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When it comes to prejudices, discrimination and segregation of minorities in the U.S. the believing cause is racial profiling. Wise talks about how African Americans males and Latino males are three times more likely than Caucasian males to have their cars stopped and search for drugs (https://phdessay.com). Even though white males are more likely to have drugs on them when stop by law enforcement. In fact, these officers in society based their decisions on an individual’s race or ethnicity in whether to engage in enforcement racial profiling. The Fair Housing Act, which was passed in 1968: but the highest number of discrimination complaints based on race was in 2006, 38 years later (https://phdessay.com/).

In explanation of higher detention rate with African Americans, Spohn study found that some judges used racial stereotyping as a factor in their decision to incarcerate before trial (Walker,2012).

Meanwhile, media often reports individuals facing hate crimes, but rarely do they report systematic and institutionalized injustice. Therefore, racial bias still effects the way we treat others. People of color are always victimized by violent and property crimes at a higher rate than Caucasian. This factor is because of the community or low poverty areas which are target areas for the criminal justice system for crime.

Today, Laws were created, privileges were enforced. But, whites were persuaded that their solidarity should be focused on race, not class. Do you believe that the sole purpose of affirmative action is to allow less qualified minorities to take jobs and positions from the smarter and more qualified? In fact, in the writer’s view racial discrimination still exist in society. Back in the 1930’s before African Americans could get assisted with housing, healthcare and education they gave it to low income Caucasian Americans only. 30 years later African Americans was finally accepted to use federal government assistance. Furthermore, the lack of acceptation with African American led them to commit crimes to survive that’s why the gap between Caucasian and minorities remains wide. Meanwhile, people of color may have good or better ethnics than Caucasian but still are not recognized or accepted because they were not born to belonging, in other words “privileged” (White like me [Video file]). In the writers view he stated he grew up without class privileged but in school he was considered capable than other minorities. He made bad grades, but he was underperforming because of minorities.

However, this is an unburdened by race, with these characteristics it triggers negative stereotypes for people of color. During the Civil War, rich southerners persuaded poor Caucasian who did not own slaves to help put up a fight concerning that their skin color was more important than their interest with a free market job (www.mediaed.org/). Does this justify racial privileged? In fact, it does not in the writer’s view he breaks downs the racial barrier against African Americans and Caucasians in society. In the documentary there are tremendous factors on how racial privileged still exist and it needs to stop. These factors are unethical and unlawful to people of color.

However, these racial barriers only provide hate and violent actions toward race. How will we become one nation when there are segregation barriers still at large? Race should not be an issue, we all are human beings. We all should be treated equally no matter what color, race, ethnicity and/or sex preference you are. Mr. Wise spoken powerful words and meanings toward this racial privileged nation. In fact, he stated “silence is collaboration. Regardless of color, we have clear responsibility to stand up to injustice perpetrated against others” (Wise,2008). In this meaning he is stating we should reunite as one to stand up for our rights. As this society breathes racism it should focus on other factors that is going on in the nation such as: crime, violence, employment and youth. In the writer’s view we must explore the ways Caucasians challenge their unjustified privileges. However, this is a path were culture awareness should take place. Caucasians should fight against racism. Resistance is the key barrier to prevent this hate crime. To my awareness there is no place called justice. People of color are being forced to accept redemption. This tactic does not accomplish factors of justice. No one should not be held against acceptance in society. Furthermore, the justice system should not be color blind with equality and freedom. This barrier provides Caucasians to feel like they are a dominant group in society. The justice system should empower growth within the society not just race. Unity should be a major factor to be explored. Racism is preventing privileges not only for African Americans but for Caucasians as well. Due to economical factors as listed previously.

Is it possible to get rid of racism in the justice system? In actions, since slavery was abolished African Americans were still separated from acceptance. Tradition is what we make it. No one should be living off an oppressive resistance. In America, they came with a system where African Americans should be servants while Caucasian are they superior. The vision America provided centuries ago has cause damage images toward African Americans in society. Today, people of color are fighting for acceptance, employment and equality. Therefore, we must draw a conclusion about color. We should try to prevent racism in society by establishing equality in employment, voting, and housing opportunities. In more words, white privileged tactics are currently directed with politics. Lets’ make America a unity with proper equality and acceptance by ending racism in society. More politics should promote this tactic doing their campaigns, billboards and newspaper ads.

In the writer’s view, he is trying to get Caucasians to see the vision of the belief that was carried on in their generation is wrong. Moreover, using stories from his own life, Tim Wise demonstrates the ways in which racism not only burdens people of color, but also benefits, in relative terms, those who are “white like him” (White like me [Video file]). The writer discusses how racial privilege can harm whites in the long run and make progressive social change less likely. Nevertheless, race is still a topic that sparks a sense of uncomfortably today. “Even though we have an African American president, many do not dive deep into the issues at hand pertaining to racism” (White like me [Video file]).


  1. Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.mediaed.org/
  2. Home. (2017, October 04). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/
  3. Walker, S., Spohn, C., & DeLone, M. (2012). The Color of justice: Race, ethnicity, and crime in America. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
  4. White like me [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gXXKn91hKs&feature=youtu.be
  5. Wise, T. J. (2008). Tim Wise on white privilege; racism, white Denial & the costs of inequality. Northampton: Media Education Foundation.
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White Like Me: Full Documentary. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/white-like-me-full-documentary/