The True Nature of Heroism: Examining Odysseus

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To be considered a true hero, one might argue that a person would need to embody the epitome of goodness, standing as a beacon of hope and moral strength when others have none to rely on. Yet, the question arises: is it possible for anyone to be wholly good? Human nature, with its inherent flaws, weaknesses, and propensity for mistakes, suggests that complete goodness is an unattainable ideal. Thus, while heroic deeds can be performed, the notion of a true hero remains elusive.

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This essay explores the character of Odysseus, analyzing whether he fits into the mold of a hero despite his human imperfections.

Odysseus: A Complex Hero

Odysseus, the legendary Greek king, is often hailed as a hero due to his significant contributions during the Trojan War and his arduous journey back to Ithaca. According to Cait Caffrey in her article "Odysseus," he is depicted as a natural leader—courageous, intelligent, and articulate. These attributes undoubtedly contribute to his heroic image. Odysseus embarks on a journey that not only challenges him physically but also mentally, leading to personal growth and positively impacting those around him. Yet, it is crucial to recognize that Odysseus, like all humans, is subject to weaknesses and faults that prevent him from being a "true" hero.

Resourcefulness and Dedication

One of Odysseus’s most notable skills is his resourcefulness, particularly evident in his encounter with the Cyclops, Polyphemus. Trapped in the giant’s cave with his men, Odysseus cleverly devises a plan to escape, showcasing his ability to adapt to his surroundings. This cleverness, paired with his unwavering dedication to his companions, underscores his leadership qualities. Despite knowing that his men are doomed, Odysseus remains committed to their safety, exemplifying a sense of responsibility and loyalty that inspires admiration.

However, the essence of heroism is not only about actions but also about intentions. Odysseus's actions are sometimes driven by personal motives and pride. His decision to taunt Polyphemus after blinding him, although a clever escape tactic, reveals a petty side fueled by arrogance. This incident highlights the duality of Odysseus’s character, where moments of brilliance are often shadowed by human imperfections.

The Human Element

If heroism were determined solely by admirable traits and deeds, Odysseus might very well be classified as a true hero. However, his character is marred by less favorable qualities, such as a lack of self-control and a propensity for violence. For instance, upon his return to Ithaca, Odysseus faces the suitors who have taken over his home. Despite their pleas for mercy and offers of restitution, Odysseus opts for vengeance, choosing their deaths over forgiveness. This decision, driven by anger and a desire for retribution, illustrates the darker aspects of his nature.

The complexity of Odysseus’s character reflects the broader human experience. Humans are inherently flawed, capable of both greatness and moral failing. While Odysseus's humanity makes him relatable, it also prevents him from achieving the status of a true hero. In acknowledging this duality, we can appreciate his journey not as a quest for perfection but as a testament to human resilience and growth.


In conclusion, Odysseus exemplifies the paradox of heroism—he is both admirable and flawed. His journey is one of courage, intelligence, and dedication, yet marred by pride, anger, and vengeance. While he performs heroic deeds, his human imperfections prevent him from being a true hero in the ideal sense. However, it is precisely this humanity that makes Odysseus a compelling and enduring figure. His story invites us to reflect on the nature of heroism itself, recognizing that true heroism may lie not in perfection but in the struggle to overcome one's flaws and rise to the challenges of life. Therefore, while Odysseus may not be a true hero, his legacy is a testament to the enduring human spirit.

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The True Nature of Heroism: Examining Odysseus. (2021, Apr 03). Retrieved from