What are my Weakness or Vulnerabilities and how to Accept them

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Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Nobody in the world is perfect. If this were true, the world would be very boring. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some people know how to properly deal with their weaknesses and try to learn from them. Others continue to hide their weaknesses and do not want to help them. I am one of those who hid my weaknesses inside and hid it all the time. I realized that I needed to change by getting help, and I must overcome my fear of this, because my weakness bothers me and prevents me from succeeding.

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Strengths are often talents and hobbies that people enjoy and never get bored with. Some people use their talents to help others with their weaknesses. I hid my weaknesses and strengths from others because I am ashamed to let people know who they are. To be successful, I need to overcome my fear of sharing this information and share my talent with everyone.

I have discovered several of my weaknesses, which are mainly related to education. I understand that my works are not as good or perfect as others. Every time I try to write an essay, I have to reread and rewrite it several times, but I still get poor grades on my assignments. English is my second language; so I am really afraid to write or read for fear of getting a bad grade. I try not to write as much as I can, because grammar and sentence structure are my weak points. I’ve taken a few classes to improve my writing, but I don’t see any improvement so far. Sometimes I feel very awkward and embarrassing to ask a question about my article. I just keep quiet and hand over my assignment as it is.

Communication with other people is another weakness in which I never feel any improvement. When I talk to a stranger or to an older person, I usually get nervous and stutter. Sometimes I even shiver as if I were cold. I remember one time when the CFO of my company asked me to help with using the computer, I got scared and nervous. I felt my heart flutter in my chest, and thoughts beat in my head. As I spoke, she could not understand a single word coming from my mouth. Many people thought I was a shy person, but the truth is that I am afraid to talk to anyone because of my nervousness.

However, one of my strengths is my love for children. I have been working in preschool for several years now, helping with children. I help keep the classroom tidy and keep the room and children clean. When children see me in class, they are really happy. This is what motivates me to become an early childhood education teacher because I know it will make me happy if I find out that I was the one who helped these children get off to a good start in their education. I want to be a good role model for them and be the person they can count on.

Organization is my other strength in many ways. I always know where all my belongings are and I rarely ever lose them. If something or a place is organized, such as my room, it is much easier for me to find where I put something. This strength is very important, as it has led me to success and will continue. When my school supplies are organized and I have everything I need to learn and do my job, it shows that I am interested in learning and leads to higher grades. This quality is highly regarded in any career because it shows a willingness to work and do great work.

Listening to others is another strong point of mine. If one of my friends is having a bad day or just needs a shoulder to lean on, I am always there for him. While I can’t always get rid of their problems, I just help them feel more positive and cheerful.

My strengths and weaknesses are part of who I am and will lead me on the path to future success. While my weaknesses lie in reading and writing, education and communication with others, my strengths have a greater impact on who I am and how I present myself. My strengths include love of caring for children and organization, two very important personality traits that go hand in hand. If I didn’t love and care for children, I would not have found a career that I would like to pursue as a preschool teacher. To be an excellent teacher requires being organized and able to listen to others and help them with problems, which are important qualities that I possess.

Why spend so much time talking about the weaknesses that make us so imperfect, insecure, and ordinary? On the one hand, they do not lead us to success, on the other, it is these human traits that help create strong connections with others, which give energy to move on, inspiration and create trust.

I would not want to reduce everything written to the fact that you need to artificially become hypersensitive, start to be afraid of something, tell others about your problems, and this will make you a better leader. It will just be the other extreme. Being human means that if you are not standing on a pedestal, then it is easier to look others in the eyes and experience your own failures and failures.

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What Are My Weakness Or Vulnerabilities And How To Accept Them. (2021, Jul 07). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/what-are-my-weakness-or-vulnerabilities-and-how-to-accept-them/