Why i Want to Volunteer: the Personal and Community Impact

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The Joy of Volunteering

For this class, we had the opportunity to serve others. I have volunteered before, but this is different. I love that I had the opportunity to do some community service to inspire others. Through this experience, I like to volunteer, so shortly, I will probably volunteer on my own rather than doing it for a class.

Doing service projects is a great to become involved. Through this honors class, I volunteered for a cancer institution picnic. I enjoyed this project.

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During this project, me and Kirby went to the state park in Jackson. Our job was to help children and families pain their hands and press it on a flag that would be hung up on the wall in the cancer institution. I loved that I got involved in this because I am going to be an elementary education major and have the chance to interact with kids all day. It was neat to relate all the things I learned in class to the service I got to do.

Personal Influences and Service Projects

I thought 10 hours of volunteering would be difficult, but it was not. I loved every second of it. This service that we had to do allowed us to get to know the people we were volunteering for. I started my volunteering hours as soon as possible, knowing I would have plenty of time to complete them. Volunteering is something that everyone should want to do, and the benefits are a significant part, too. I have had many influences that helped me realize that volunteering can only help others.

My family has always influenced me to become a better person, and volunteering fits into that category. My grandmother serves every day. She makes little baskets and puts food, water, and other vital things. She then takes them to a women’s shelter where women can not care for themselves. She inspires me to do better in my service to my community. As I have gotten older, I know that helping others makes you feel better about yourself.

The other service project that I did was my church’s harvest carnival. This was my favorite service that I got to do because it was part of my hometown and my community. My job was to help kids and adults if they wanted to paint their pumpkins. All of the kids loved getting to paint their pumpkins. It got messy, but I was so glad I could participate and help all these kids. Many other booths got to participate in the carnival.

At the night’s end, everyone voted on what booth they liked the best, and mine won. I felt very honored that all the kids loved what I came up with and voted for me. I won a gift certificate from Wynndale Steakhouse. My favorite place to eat. I enjoyed this because, as I said, I love getting to help kids, and with elementary education being my prominent, it will help me in the long run on my resume. I have learned through my church family different ways to feel “needed” on this earth, and one of those ways is to help others. If you only put good deeds out there, someone or something will eventually do good deeds in return.

Overall, volunteering only betters yourself, and it helps others. It is a great way to support a community, meet new people, and help out others. Everyone should volunteer for something that they are passionate about. This honors class has prepared me to enter the world and serve. I look forward to shaping this world and turning it around. After all, my generation needs to be turned around. I am glad I got to volunteer because I feel better about myself knowing that I helped others, and I look forward to many more opportunities.

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Why I Want to Volunteer: The Personal and Community Impact. (2023, Sep 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-i-want-to-volunteer-the-personal-and-community-impact/