Problems in Globalization: Jobs Loss and Transfer to Lower Cost Countries

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Updated: Mar 14, 2023
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One of the prevalent problems in globalization is that jobs are lost and then transferred to lower cost countries. China drained away 3.2 million jobs, including 2.4 manufacturing jobs. Workers in some developed countries face pay-cut orders from their employers, who threaten to export jobs. This has instilled fear in many middle-class workers in these developed countries who have little power in jobs around the world. International corporations are accused of social injustice, as well as lack of concern for the environment that surrounds them.

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They have also been accused of unfair working conditions like slave labor wages and poor living and working conditions. Globalization itself has led to the injustice use of prison and child labor. Many are used to work in inhumane conditions. There are little to no safety standards to increase the production of cheap goods. Child labor also increases human trafficking rates around the world. In these cases, globalization has deterred working conditions around the world. Working conditions in the primary sector of Germany, specifically farming methods are traditional. West Germany stayed a country of small family farms. 

By the beginning of the 21st century, large farms made up about half of the total agricultural area in western Germany and two-thirds in eastern Germany. The change in western Germany is reflective of a explanation of agriculture, with many small landowners leaving farming and the lingering farms increasing in size. The larger farms in the west are mainly focused in eastern lower Saxony, with smaller groups in Westphalia, the lowland west of Cologne, and southern Bavaria.

Small farms dominated in the central and southern parts of West Germany. The process of expansion decreased the total number of properties by more than three-fourths from 1950 to the end of the 20th century. The amount of people employed in agriculture declined significantly, from one-fifth of the workforce in 1950 to less than 3% by the end of the 20th century.

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Problems in Globalization: Jobs Loss and Transfer to Lower Cost Countries. (2021, May 03). Retrieved from