Parents and Children Reunification Issue

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Reunification is the Department’s first and foremost goal for long-term permanency for Travis and Saborah; however, if the parents of the children are not able to reunite with the children before the Juvenile Court ordering termination of Family Reunification Services, the Department would recommend the setting of a hearing to suggest adoption as the best permanent plan for the children. On February 5th, 2019, Ms. Teachey and Mr. Teachey had a meeting with the social worker and went over the alternate permanency plan of adoption for Travis and Sbaorah.

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During the meeting Ms. Teachey and Mr. Teachey came to the agreement that they would like the children to remain with their aunt Saborah Williams, if they are not able to reunify. During this meeting they agreed to meet again with Ms. Williams to discuss adoption and guardianship. Ms. Williams has no problem being a long term placement for Travis and Saborah, if the parents are not yet ready. She is willing to consider long term placement (adoption or guardianship) and wants to discuss each option with the parents and the social worker.

This has not been an easy road for Ms. Teachey and Mr. Teachey. Ms. Teachey recently relapsed and is currently engaged in outpatient substance abuse treatment. She is progressing from active substance abuse to becoming committed in her journey of sobriety. She has been positive about attending the recommended programs . Mr. Teachey is currently in the process of completing his treatment programs and looking for employment. He is participating in alcohol treatment. Both Ms. Teachey and Mr. Teachey are taking parenting classes, and periodical psychological evaluations.

Saborah and Travis are living with their maternal aunt, Crystal Williams. Travis is performing at a higher rate in school and participating in sports. Saborah is showing significant improvements, and starting piano classes. Both Travis and Saborah are scheduled for counseling to help them process the changes in living arrangements.
The department has determined that at the time neither parent is ready to be reunified with their children. While they are both fully engaged in treatment programs and making progress toward their case plan goals, Mr. Teachey is unemployed and unavailable to financially care for the children and Ms. Teachey has recently experienced a relapse and is in the early stages of treatment . The department would like to recognize the progress Ms. Teachey and Mr. Teachey has made, and reassures the parents that there is a chance of reunification in the next 6 months if the parents continue to progress. The department recommends that the parent receives visitation and overnight stay once a week.

The social worker had a meeting with the family in person 3 times a month and worked with them to ensure they had access to the services identified (substance abuse treatment, visitation, mental health services) in the case plan and were making progress on their case plan goals (maintain sobriety, visit regularly). The social worker completed the following:

  1.  Monitored the children’s safety and well-being
  2.  Monitored the parents’ progress toward meeting the case plan goals
  3.  Met with parents and children in person every month
  4.  Maintained monthly contact with service providers, agencies and collateral parties
  5.  Provided mother and father with referrals to outpatient and inpatient substance abuse treatment programs
  6.  Provided the mother with bus tickets
  7. Arranged and provided transportation and supervision for visitation
  8. Referred children for mental health services
  9. Arranged, facilitated and attended Multi-Disciplinary Case Conferences
  10. Referred children to holiday gift program

Children & Family Services respectfully recommends that Saborah and Travis remain with Mrs. Williams, until Ms. Teachey and Mr. Teachey are proven fit to be reunified with their children.

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Parents and Children Reunification Issue. (2021, May 20). Retrieved from