NoJax Organizational Behavior Analysis

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Organizational behavior is perceived as one of the primary factors that determine the success and growth of a business organization because of its capacity to determine how employees act as individuals in the company and their interactions as part of work groups.

Therefore, NoJax Organizational behavior plays a leading role in determining the level of popularity the company has gained, as well as the company’s developmental achievements. Upon review of the employee profiles provided in the company’s background document, it’s observable that NoJax organization makes noticeable differences by age and ethnicity in its hiring process.

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The ages of the employees range between twenty-seven and sixty-two years, illustrating that Nojax Company adopts age diversity, which has a positive impact on the overall performance of the company.

This diversity of age enables Nojax to enjoy a broader knowledge base and a varied experience that exists among the employees. It provides the company with a significantly positive effect because the employees can deal with varying roles and tasks. Moreover, hiring employees with diverse ethnic backgrounds allows the company to enjoy positive outcomes. Nojax employees are Caucasian, African-American, Hispanic, and Pakistani.

This organizational behavior creates an opportunity for innovative thinking and inclusive task implementation in the company. The company ends up with improved performance and progressive growth. However, the employee profile for this company does reveal a noticeable gender bias. The entire workforce presented by this profile comprises primarily of the female gender.

This behavior fosters a negative impact on the company by exposing it to an increased rate of employee turnover and hostile work conditions. Therefore, the development of this company is likely to encounter problems due to lack of consideration, recognition, and the promotion of essential skills that may be acquired through gender consideration in the hiring process.

The organization’s meso level is another important component of the company’s behavior that has been observed from the document. This observation pertains to work groups that are affected by the organization’s behavior. The background shows that NoJax’s brand targets the fitness lifestyle and adopts a psychographic segmentation strategy to achieve its marketing needs. Both observations have positive impacts on the company.

The first observation provides a positive impact by creating a business that targets a specific group of people. On the other hand, psychographic segmentation creates an opportunity for the organization to understand its customers by uncovering their personality traits. This helps to address the emotions, habits, hobbies, and challenges that affect the purchase decisions of the customers. Regarding the company’s policy, three important observations may be made at the macro level. These observations lie in the sociological factors and their economic impact on the life of the organization.

In connection to the macro level of the organization, the Nojax organization adopts a pure bureaucracy and inspirational leadership that foster positive impacts on the organization. The company’s governance relies on centralized power and a decision-making strategy that ensures effective monitoring of the employee activities and an effective problem-solving process. The policy section outlines a clear hierarchy, a division of labor among the employees, and promotes specialization within the company. These two observations are perceived as an ideal strategy for administering control over organizational strategy decisions and make decision-making a timely process because fewer individuals are involved in the process.

In addition, the policing process promotes standardization and practices that bolster the effective and efficient execution of duties. However, at NoJax Inc., one observable feature poses a negative impact on the company.

This observation lies in the handling of human resource responsibilities. The company relies on the senior management team to accomplish tasks typically managed by a human resource department. The failure to establish a human resource department poses a significant challenge to the organization in implementing tasks such as recruiting a superior workforce and instituting activities that ensure the achievement of organizational goals.

In my opinion, the level of surface level dissimilarity can be said to be medium. This perception emanates from the fact that the company’s employee profile only deviates from the accepted surface level similarity on a gender basis. However, the company meets other important factors of surface level similarity such as age diversity, ethnic consideration, and employee personality diversity in relation to the implementation of various duties within the company.

In addition to these various factors of surface level similarity, the company ensures its employees exhibit different levels of personality. All of the female employees differ in terms of conscientiousness, openness, emotional stability, extraversion, and agreeableness. Therefore, this level of surface level dissimilarity positively impacts the company’s performance.

Despite the similarity in employee gender, personality dissimilarity emerges as a method of creating positive employee diversity. This is attained by embracing differences in employee morale, motivational levels, and emotional differences, all of which contribute to the positive performance of the organization.

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NoJax Organizational Behavior Analysis. (2020, Jan 13). Retrieved from