John Proctor’s Motivation: Sin to Heroism in ‘The Crucible’
How it works
Loyalty Beyond Bounds: Proctor's Unwavering Commitment in 'The Crucible'
Not all heroes are born heroes; many develop the characteristics of a true hero. These characteristics include bravery, nobility, courage, and loyalty. In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, the main character, John Proctor, can be characterized as a hero.
One reason that John Proctor is a hero is his inclusive loyalty to his loved ones and friends during the trials. After his wife Elizabeth had been accused and arrested, Proctor and his friends went to court.
The court officials tell him that since his wife is pregnant, she will be saved. They hope Proctor will quit challenging the court. Instead, his response is ¨These are my friends. Their wives are also accused.¨ (Miller pg. 185, line 281-282). John could have effortlessly left his friends and their wives behind since his wife was no longer in severe danger. However, his loyalty keeps him in the court to help save Rebbecca Nurse and Martha Corey. These women, like his wife, are very well-respected Christan women, and he knew they did not deserve the accusations they were under. He sought to help prove the innocence of others, not just his wife. Loyalty is a characteristic that shapes a hero and is an attribute that John displays in this act of the play.
Elizabeth Proctor's Motivation: The Transformation of John from Sinner to Defender
Next, bravery, courage, and nobility are three more hero-like traits that John Proctor demonstrates to have in the last act of the play. Proctor is asked to confess to a crime that he did not commit. He battles within his inner self to make the brave and honest decision. As he signs the confession, he realizes he would rather die than live a life on a lie. ¨Proctor tears the paper and crumples it.¨ (Miller pg. 212, line 738). He knew the paper represented his life, and he had just given that up. Proctor's act of bravery and courage sheds light on the real truth of the Salem Witch trials that many good people will and have died. He does end up being hung along with Rebecca Nurse but dies an honest, brave man who did not let the cold-blooded court influence him to give up his name. Proctor's courage to face death and seal his fate by being genuine depicts him as a hero whose true potential was sadly never reached.
The flaw many skeptics might point out about John Proctor is his failure to stay loyal to his wife at the beginning of the play. While yes, he did commit the fictional act of adultery with Abigail Williams to create an exaggerated drama in the play. However, this is not a strong enough reason to label him a villain. Eventually, John experiences a sense of growth, forming into the husband that Elizabeth crucially needs. He ends up going after his former mistress, Abigail, to ruin her schemes, despite the reality that his darkest secret will and did get out. Proctor tries his hardest to bring to light Abby's real motives for accusing Elizabeth; in front of the court he says, ¨God help me, I lusted & there is a promise. In such sweat. But it is a whore's vengeance, and you must see it.¨ (Miller pg. 193, line 865-868). As we see, Proctor confesses to sin in these times, punishable by death.
Redemption and Sacrifice: John Proctor's Quest for Integrity Amidst the Salem Trials
Proctor is no villain for giving up his own life and reputation for his wife. On the other hand, the court does not believe him, and Abigail denies it to not make her accusations look false. His love and loyalty to his wife became so strong despite a sin he committed that he sacrificed everything to try to save her. Proctor's prior lustful nature and his longing for a good reputation within the village do not hold back his love for his love wife. A hero would sacrifice the same, not all heroes have a perfect past, but it is how they use and learn from their past.
In The Crucible, the protagonist, John Proctor, has a profound character change to become an honored hero in the play until his tragic fate finds him. Digging deeper, Proctor represents a sinner who repents from their sins. His actions and characteristics show us that you can change your course of life, redeem yourself and your reputation. He represents the overall longing that many humans have to reach goodness and be accepted by society. Maya Angelou once said, ¨I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people.¨ In conclusion, we can see John Proctor was very adamant about stopping the corrupt Salem witch trials, even if it meant he went to his grave for it.
- Miller, A. (1953). The Crucible. Viking Press. New York.

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