John Proctor and Abigail Williams: the Blame in ‘The Crucible’

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Updated: Aug 04, 2023
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John Proctor and Abigail Williams: Morality, Infidelity, and Deception in Salem’s Witch Trials Era

The play The Crucibles, written by Arthur Miller the play talks about the witch trials in Salem. The setting, however, is based in 1692 and identifies who is at fault in Salem during the Witch trials. What happened between John Proctor and Abigail Williams is bad, but you can’t Really blame anyone for John’s affair because they both wanted to do it. If you were to blame, Someone would be John Proctor because he knew what he wanted before he did it.

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He could’ve Said no. Who is more at fault, John Proctor or Abigail Williams? John Proctor appears to be in his mid-thirties.

In the play, on page 21, the author states John is in his mid-thirties. John is a farmer who does not go to church on Sundays. John has kids And is married to Elizabeth Proctor. People think John is a sinner because he does not go to Church on Sundays. John Proctor should not be forgiven for cheating. It is wrong to do this when You are married. John Proctor is a bad man not only because he had an affair but Abigail Williams at seventeen years of age. Abigail Williams is seventeen years old but acts more immature for being seventeen. Abigail is a liar around Salem because she does not want to admit that she did witchcraft.

Abigail and John Proctor’s Relationship: A Tangled Web of Desire, Manipulation, and Blame

She Is Also jealous of John Proctor’s relationship with Elizabeth. Abigail is also obsessed with John. Proctor because she leads the girls to do witchcraft thing so that John Proctor will fall in love with her. John also tries to tell her that he does not want to keep messing around with her. But she tries to convince him to stay with her. At the beginning of the play, it tells you that. Abigail Williams is caught dancing in the woods with other girls. The Girl also claim she’s in Love with John Proctor. There’s really no one to blame for John Proctors’ affair because Abigail is a persuasive Person. She could have said something to Proctor to get him to do what she wanted. John Proctor It is also bad because he knew what he wanted.

He could have said no, but then again, only they will know the real answer. John Proctor is the one to blame if you were to blame someone. He Could’ve been the older person and put his foot down and said no. All in all, when you look at the situation and John Proctors’ affair, you can point the finger. At both because they are both bad. John Proctor could have said no, but also Abigail could’ve said. Something that you will never know you. All you know is John Proctor had an affair. With Abigail Williams. John Proctors is the one to blame if you were to blame someone.


  1. Miller, Arthur. The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts. Viking Press, 1953.
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John Proctor and Abigail Williams: The Blame in 'The Crucible'. (2023, Aug 04). Retrieved from