Cyberbullying Technology: the Prevalence of Cyberstalking

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Cyberbullying Technology: the Prevalence of Cyberstalking

A comprehensive look into how advancements in technology have facilitated the rise of cyberstalking. The discussion would encompass the tools and platforms most exploited, the profile of typical cyberstalkers, and protective measures for potential victims. At PapersOwl too, you can discover numerous free essay illustrations related to Bullying topic.

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Cyberbullying is the utilization of technology to promote unwanted behavior towards others. Devices such as the internet, social media forums and gaming apps can be used to post and share harmful information about someone else. Cyberbullying is considered extremely dangerous because in just a matter of seconds hurtful posts about someone else can be shared and become a kind of public record. Cyberbullying can have implications for everyone involved. However, more is being done to help address cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is continuing to become more problematic.

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Every state in the U.S has instituted anti-bullying statutes and 34 have rulings particularly aimed at cyberbullying. Also, school communities are emerging with their own regulations. Cyberbullying can be harder for schools to address because it usually takes place outside of school and each state address cyberbullying differently.

Currently, there are preventatives that schools and educators are taking to help stop this issue in school and in the community. One measure that schools are trying to take to prevent cyberbullying is by introducing the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. The program is considered a systemic approach to bullying prevention and has shown notable scaling in bullying behavior among students. However, the school faculty must be committed long-term to ensure a positive change. Schools that already have bullying prevention programs are at an advantage when it comes to issues with cyberbullying. Parents, educators, and the community must work together and talk about cyber bullying issues. There is a consensus about how schools and educators should handle cyberbullying. According to Cyberbullying: bullying in the digital age, one of the first things that schools need to do is access the problem. Adults need to find out how much students know about cyberbullying. One of the ways that schools can find out how much students are aware about cyberbullying is through a questionnaire. Secondly, staff should be trained on cyberbullying and the many ways it can take place. Also, certain staff members such as school counselors should be well educated on the issue.

Trainings should include district polices on cyberbullying and have a clear definition of what it means. Thirdly, repotting acts of cyberbullying should be encouraged among students. Students need to know that they can have supportive faculty when reporting acts of bullying behavior. Lastly, resources need to be shared with parents because they may be among the first to hear about the cyberbullying occurring. There have been several solutions aimed at ending cyberbullying. One of the ways that schools have started to work to end cyberbullying is by addressing the school culture. Schools have begun to have separate conferences with students, parents, and faculty. Also, some schools have banned use of social media while in school. Schools are trying to prepare students in mindfulness, readiness and ability in dealing with and anticipating harassing behavior. Research has demonstrated that 70 grade schools that reliably utilized the Olweus Bullying Questionnaire (OBQ) in a four-year follow-up time of 2007-2010, two to eight years after unique execution of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, had striking long haul improvement as far as harassment issues. Additionally, a study concluded that in a Norwegian grade school that did not use the OBQ, harassment quotes were additionally relatively 40% higher than schools who did utilize OBQ.

Taking everything into account, the exploration found that schools who did not utilize OBQ had the capacity to change their school culture better. The barriers to solving cyberbullying can be that there can be such a lack of knowledge on the matter. Also, students may be hesitant to report cyberbullying when it happens. Next, educators and parents may not be well informed on the laws regarding cyberbullying. Lastly, schools that lack a bullying prevention program put more students at risk for different forms of bullying. Schools can deter students from cyberbullying if the community atmosphere unified. There are strategies that can help adults recognize and care for students who are tormented and cyberbullied. Individuals in the community can use their strength and expertise to anticipate bullying wherever it occurs. For example, after school programs may prepare facilitators how to address bullying. Companies slogans on their products to promote anti bullying. Books can be read about bullying and tolerance to kids and examine them. Ongoing discoveries additionally recommend that addressing self-esteem in students is important for the future. Addressing the youths’ confidence is important.

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Cyberbullying Technology: The Prevalence of Cyberstalking. (2019, Jan 14). Retrieved from