Child Care during and after Pregnancy

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Starting a family takes a lot, you have take a lot into consideration. Are you planning on getting pregnant, or was it just on accident? Either way, you should know the different options. When you are pregnant, you will need to do a lot of self care for you and the fetus to stay happy and healthy. When you are ready to pop, you will need to know how to prepare and what happens during and after. After you give birth, you now have an infant.

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How do you deal with the beginning years? Lastly, how will you provide for your family and what do you have to learn for your child’s close future?

In planned and unplanned pregnancies there are different options such as surrogacy, adoption and foster care and miscarriages. Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction where intended parents work with the gestational surrogate who will carry and care for their baby(is) until birth. Parents planning to get pregnant use a surrogate when they want to start a family but can’t do it on their own. Depending on where the surrogate mother lives, if she has insurance, and also if she’s a first-time carrier or not, determines the amount of money she will receive. Surrogate mothers are usually paid around $30k-$40k and money for the time that they spend. In the U.s. it cost around $108k-$156k. Becoming a parent through surrogacy is an emotional but fulfilling path to parent. Parents planning to get pregnant have to put trust into the character as well as their surrogacy agency. These parents can pursue independent surrogacy or work with an agency like, circle surrogacy. Working with an agency gives partnership and gives more knowledge the parent didn’t already know. Having an agency manage the journey allows the parent to be prepared for when their baby(ies) arrive. Another planned pregnancy is adoption and foster care. Adoption cost can be confusing to plan because they vary so much by type of adoption and state.

For example, foster care adoption is the most low price type of adoption in most days. Usually, international and domestic infant adoption hav for example, foster care adoption is the most low price type of adoption in most days. Usually, international and domestic infant adoption just between $20,000 and $40,000 and are dependent. There are adoption grants and adoption loans. These parents can’t be single or they can be married. They must be at least 21 years old, financially stable, and responsible mature adults. You need to complete an application, share information regarding background and lifestyle, provide relative and non-relative references, you also have to show proof of marriage or divorce. A couple more things you have to do is agree to a home study which includes visio A couple more things you have to do is agree to a home study which includes visits with all household members, allow staff to complete a criminal history background check and an abuse/neglect check on all adults in the household, and attend free training to learn about issues of the abused and neglected children. Sometimes pregnancies don’t go as planned and you need to know that miscarriages are possible. A miscarriage is an unexpected loss of pregnancy before the 20th week of pregnancy. Most miscarriages happen very early in the pregnancy, often before a woman even know she’s pregnant. Things that can cause miscarriage or a genetic problem with the fetus, problems with the uterus, etc. sometimes women don’t experience any symptoms of miscarriage, however the possible miscarriage signs besides bleeding are mild to severe cramps, pain in your back or abdomen, loss of pregnancy symptoms such as nausea or vomiting, white pink mucus, and passing tissue or clot like material. In the first trimester the most common cause a miscarriage is that something is wrong with the babies chromosomes. Most causes two wrong chromosomes are damaged egg or sperm cells or a problem at the time that zygote went through the division process. Other causes are hormonal problems, infections or maternal health problems.

Prenatal care is a way of having a healthy pregnancy this includes making good choices and going to the doctor whenever you were told. Be sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor once you find out you are pregnant. The doctor will review your medical history, they will also want to know about your symptoms. Every visit the doctor what will where ar be sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor once you find out you are pregnant. The doctor will review your medical history, they will also want to know about your symptoms. Every visit the doctor Well where are you and take your blood pressure. Please help to track your health during your pregnancy. Urine and blood samples will also be taking on the first visit and again at later visits. Urine test check for bacteria, high sugar levels, and high protein levels, which can be a sign for free clamp well where are you and take your blood pressure. Please help to track your health during your pregnancy. You’re in a blood samples will also be taken on the first visit and again at leader visits. Urine test check for bacteria, high sugar levels, and high protein levels, which can be a sign for free preeclampsia, which is a type a blood pressure during pregnancy. Blood test check for blood cell count and blood type. The doctor will also probably do other tests.

They may be determined on your background and risk for problems. The test they might take are a pelvic exam to check the size and shape of your uterus, a Pap sperm to screen for cervical cancer, and ultrasound to view your babies growth and position. And ultrasound uses soundwaves to create an image of your baby on a video screen. After your first visit you will have a few visits probably every four weeks. And seven and eight months you’ll have a visit every two weeks. And your last month of pregnancy the visit will occur each week until you deliver your baby. At each visit the doctor would check your weight and blood pressure and test your urine again like the first appointment. The doctor will listen to your baby‘s heartbeat and measure the weight of your uterus and your abdomen after the 20th week. Make sure you discuss any issues or concerns you have with your doctor. If you eat food that is not fully cooked I can put you at risk for not eating more than two or three servings of fish per week. You cannot eat shark, swordfish, or tile fish. These fish have high levels of mercury, which can harm your baby. If you eat tuna make sure it’s light. Make sure you don’t eat more than 6 ounces of albacore tuna and tuna steaks per week. Make sure to clean every product you eat as well as the utensils you were using. Make sure you eat at least four or more servings of dairy each day. This will give you enough calcium for you and your baby.

The birthing process and after birth are very important to know. During this phase you just need to relax you don’t need to rush to the hospital or birth center. Try to enjoy the comfort of the familiar surroundings at home. Drink plenty of water, conserve energy, and eat small snacks. If early labor begins during the night, you need to try to get some sleep. If you cannot follow sleep, focus on doing some light activities. You should expect your early labor to last about 8 to 12 hours. Your cervix will dilate three cm. You have contractions that might last 30 to 45 seconds, giving you a 5 to 30 minutes of rest. After birth you’ll experience mild contractions that might last about a minute each. Those will help separate the placenta from the urine wall and move it through the birth canal so you can push it out . To help speed up the delivery , You can pull the cord gently with one hand while pressing and kneeling your uterus with the other, or Exerting downward pressure on the top of your uterus. Expect to feel hungry and thirsty. You also have a wide range of emotions, especially relief. You will be very impatient when it comes to holding your baby. After delivery, you’ll notice bloody vaginal discharge. This is almost like a heavy period, and you might experience chills.

When raising your newborn, there are many things to help you such as; learning how to deal with frustration, learning how to deal with their sleeping, eating, brain development, motor skills, knowing about diseases or disorders they may have or get, and your child’s doctor visits. When you are feeling frustrated at your child staying calm when your baby is crying may be difficult, but is the best thing to do because your baby reacts to your reactions. What you can do is; put your baby down in a safe place (like a crib) and take a break, try taking deep breaths, sleep, and remember that your baby loves you, but is having a tough time right now. Remind yourself that it’s okay to be frustrated by your baby’s crying, but getting angry isn’t going to help. If you’re alone, put your baby in a safe place, such as the crib or bassinet. Let your baby cry while you take a few minutes to regroup in another room.

A baby is born with a functioning brain. All parts of the brain are present and working correctly, but that does not mean that a baby’s brain is exactly the same as ours. Some things you can do to help your newborn’s brain development are spending time together, smile at your baby, making eye contact with your baby, play with your newborn, baby massage. Newborns don’t yet have a sense of day and night. They sleep around the clock, and because their tiny stomachs don’t hold hold enough breast milk or formula to keep them satisfied for long, they wake often to eat no matter what time of day or night it is. That’s why mothers sometimes have a hard time sleeping. And many mother adjust to the baby’s sleeping schedule.

Within the first 7 days of birth, it is very crucial to watch over them. When newborns get infections, they can get very sick quickly. The symptoms of serious illness in newborns can be subtle. Call 911 Now If The Infant, can’t wake up, not moving or weak, blue or gray lips, or you think your child has a life threatening emergency. Call a doctor or seek medical care if any symptoms of illness such as any of the following signs, having to wake up for feeds or can’t finish feeds, weak suck or can’t suck for very long, sweating during feeds, sleeping more than normal, change in color (such as pale, bluish or gray arms and legs), and of the baby is 12 weeks old or younger with a fever. NEVER give your baby any fever medicine unless prescribed by a pediatrician. Call a doctor within 24 hours if the baby’s urine is a pink or orange color (may be signs of kidney problems), or just have and questions or concerns regarding your baby’s health. Self care at home if your baby is feeding, moving and sleeping normally, there are no signs of illness, your newborn is well.

Some pediatricians’ schedules will vary slightly, but the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends babies get checkups at birth, 3 to 5 days after birth and then at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 24 months. The first few appointments consist of a full exam, looking for normal body function. They look for basic newborn reflexes, skin tone, alertness and hip stability. They take measurements, develop surveillance, do a psychosocial/behavioral assessment, physical exam, hearing screening, and a newborn metabolic/hemoglobin screening. In the first month they, do a tuberculosis test and immunizations. In the second month they give it the second round of immunizations. In the fourth month they will get a Hematocrit or hemoglobin screening. The sixth month is just the usual tests. At nine months they will receive another development screening.

Breastfeeding your newborn has many advantages. Perhaps most important, breast milk is the perfect food for a baby’s digestive system. It has the nutrients that a newborn needs, and all of its components lactose, protein, and fat are easily digested. Commercial formulas try to imitate breast milk, and come close, but cannot match its exact composition. Breastfeeding requires, of course, milk from a mother. Some new moms feel tied down by the demands of a nursing newborn. Because breast milk is easily digested, breastfed babies tend to eat more often than babies who are fed formula. This means mom may find herself in demand as often as every 2 or 3 hours in the first few weeks. This can be tiring, but it’s not long before babies feed less frequently and sleep longer at night. Your newborn will nurse about 8 to 12 times per day during the first weeks of life. In the beginning, mothers may want to try nursing 10–15 minutes on each breast, then adjust the time as necessary. A necessary amount of formula will cost up to $80. Breastfeeding pumps cost about $30. Both are necessary for the child.Experts estimate that new parents shell out about $7,000 in the first two years of a child’s life, funding everything from nursery furniture to diapers to medical care and child care. Some things you can do to help are: Discuss your spending priorities, Draw up a family budget, Don’t let money/power issues fester. You must, choose a pediatrician within your insurance network, start or check your emergency fund, order a birth certificate and Social Security card, add your child to your health insurance, consider a life insurance policy on your child, begin planning for child care, adjust your beneficiaries, look into disability insurance, write or adjust your will, keep funding your retirement, and save for his or her education. So-called “child-only” plans are health insurance policies in which no parent or guardian is covered and the policyholder is age 18 or younger. … However, concern that parents could delay purchasing coverage for children until they got sick led some health insurance companies to stop offering child-only plans.

Adding a baby to a family health insurance plan will cost in the neighborhood of $200 to $450 a month. Pediatric vision care is an essential health benefit under the Affordable Care Act; all new individual and small group health insurance plans, whether or not they are part of the ACA’s Health Insurance Marketplace (also called “exchanges”), must provide coverage of vision services for children younger than 19 years. States are required to provide dental benefits to children covered by Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Medicaid covers dental services for all enrolled children as part of the set of benefits, referred to as the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that a child go to the dentist by age 1 or within six months after the first tooth erupts. Primary teeth typically begin growing in around 6 months of age. 4 steps for choosing your child’s school. Consider your child and family. Gather information about schools. Visit and observe the schools. Apply to the schools you choose. There are a few different types of schooling you can choose from; Charter Schools, Magnet Schools, Online Public Schools, Private Schools, and Homeschools. Remember to make a list of the things you like and don’t like about the schools you check out, it will help you a lot in choosing your child’s school. When choosing a daycare , if you want one, make sure to; ask for a commitment, do a policy check, check it out, communicate nicely, problem solve, trust your gut, and be open to change. The average American Daycare costs approximately $11,666 per year.

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Child Care During and After Pregnancy. (2021, Apr 21). Retrieved from