Apple Inc Revolutionary Influence on Consumer Technology

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Apple Inc Revolutionary Influence on Consumer Technology

This essay will analyze Apple Inc., focusing on its organizational culture. It will discuss how the company’s culture has influenced its innovation, business strategies, and employee relations. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Analysis.

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Apple Inc. is synonymous with innovation and excellence in technology, influencing both personal and professional aspects of life. In today's fast-paced world, technology allows us to perform myriad tasks at the touch of a button, from making phone calls to ordering food, to video chatting with loved ones across the globe. Apple stands as a giant in this technological landscape, providing cutting-edge electronic devices, computer software, and online services. This essay delves into the history, mission, organizational culture, and global influence of Apple Inc.

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, exploring how these elements have shaped the company into a leader in technology.

History and Evolution

Founded in April 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple Inc. has grown from humble beginnings to become one of the most influential technology companies in the world. Jobs famously began developing the Apple I in his garage, a venture that would eventually revolutionize the computer industry with the release of the Apple II. While Wayne sold his share back within 12 days, Jobs and Wozniak continued to push the envelope, launching the Apple III in 1980 to compete with tech giants like Microsoft and IBM. Despite setbacks, including Jobs' temporary departure in 1985 due to declining sales and market share, the company continued to innovate. Jobs returned in 1996, steering Apple back to its core mission of innovation and quality.

The iconic apple logo has its myths and legends—some suggesting it symbolizes knowledge, while others claim it honors Alan Turing or was inspired by Jobs' visit to an apple farm. Regardless of its origin, the logo symbolizes Apple's commitment to innovation and excellence. From iPhones and iPads to AirPods and Apple Watches, Apple products have become integral to our daily lives, revolutionizing how we interact with technology.

Mission and Vision

Apple's mission and vision statements are the bedrock of its success. The company's mission highlights its commitment to designing the best personal computers and leading the digital music revolution with iPods and iTunes. Furthermore, Apple's reinvention of the mobile phone with the iPhone and its pioneering role in mobile media and computing devices through the iPad underscore its innovative spirit (Rowland, 2019).

The vision statement emphasizes Apple's dedication to creating great products and focusing on projects that are significant and meaningful. This commitment to owning and controlling the primary technologies behind its products ensures Apple remains at the forefront of the industry. Apple's high standards and focus on innovation have propelled it to where it is today, constantly pushing the boundaries of technology and design.

Ethics and Culture

Apple's code of ethics ensures a safe and respectful working environment, complying with laws and guidelines in every country it operates. This ethical framework extends to suppliers, mandating adherence to Apple's standards and allowing for inspections to ensure compliance. Violating this code can result in termination as a supplier and potential legal action.

The organizational culture at Apple is driven by a relentless pursuit of innovation, a trait instilled by Steve Jobs. This competitive edge has allowed Apple to maintain its position as a technology leader. However, such intense pressure has at times impacted employee morale. Under Tim Cook's leadership as CEO, Apple has shifted towards a more collaborative and inclusive culture, fostering an environment where employees are motivated to innovate and excel.

Global Influence and Diversity

Globalization has played a significant role in Apple's success. By outsourcing manufacturing to countries with lower labor costs, Apple has increased profitability while contributing to job creation in the U.S. through its app store ecosystem ("Job Creation," 2019). Despite criticism for outsourcing, Apple's global reach has positively impacted the U.S. economy, reducing unemployment rates.

Diversity remains a challenge at Apple, particularly in a workforce that is predominantly white and male. CEO Tim Cook has emphasized the importance of diversity, and while progress has been slow, efforts are underway to improve representation within the company. Increasing diversity is essential for fostering a more inclusive and innovative environment, allowing Apple to continue leading in technology advancements.


Apple Inc. stands as a testament to the power of innovation, vision, and commitment to excellence. From its humble beginnings in a garage to becoming a global leader in technology, Apple has continually pushed the boundaries of what is possible. The company's mission and vision statements guide its path, while its organizational culture and ethical framework support its employees and partners. Globalization and diversity present ongoing challenges and opportunities, shaping Apple's future in the ever-evolving technological landscape. As Apple continues to innovate and inspire, it remains poised to lead the way in technological advancements, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

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Apple Inc Revolutionary Influence on Consumer Technology. (2021, May 17). Retrieved from