Marriages of Convenience: Beyond Love and Affection

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Marriages of Convenience: Beyond Love and Affection

This essay will explore the concept of marriages based solely on practical necessities rather than love or emotional connection, analyzing its implications on individuals’ emotional well-being and societal perceptions of marriage. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Arranged Marriage.

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One primary reason individuals enter marriages of convenience is to conceal their sexual orientation. In societies where being homosexual is stigmatized, people may resort to such unions to avoid familial or cultural shame. These are often referred to as "lavender marriages" or "bearding," where one partner serves as a cover for the other's true identity. Hollywood has seen its share of such marriages, with notable examples including Rock Hudson and Liberace, who used marriages to shield their homosexuality from the public eye.

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These arrangements highlight the societal pressures that force individuals into marriages that do not reflect their true selves.

Legal loopholes also motivate marriages of convenience. For instance, individuals may marry to obtain a visa, allowing them to enter or remain in a country more easily. This phenomenon is not limited to one culture or region but is a global occurrence, reflecting the desperation and lengths people will go to for a better life. A notable example is found in the book "Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy" by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild. The story of Andrea, a Dominican sex worker who marries a German man for a visa, illustrates how economic necessity can drive women to use marriage as a stepping stone to escape poverty.

Moreover, mutual benefit can be a reason for these marriages. Historically, widowed women in the U.S. during the 1800s engaged in such unions to survive harsh conditions. These marriages were based on survival rather than romance, showing that convenience marriages have been used as a practical solution in times of need.

Political motivations have also played a role, especially in historical contexts. Marriages were often used to forge alliances between kingdoms. Jeanne d'Albret's forced marriage at age 12 for political reasons exemplifies how these unions served as strategic tools in maintaining or expanding power. In modern times, marriages have been used to protest laws, such as in Australia, where people married to draw attention to the government's Youth Allowance laws.

Entertainment's Portrayal of Convenience Marriages

Entertainment media often romanticize marriages of convenience, presenting them as whimsical or even desirable. The reality TV show "90 Day Fiancé" by TLC is a prime example. The show dramatizes the lives of couples navigating the complexities of international relationships, often glossing over the genuine struggles these couples face. The narrative frequently ends with couples overcoming obstacles and falling in love, sidelining the reality that participants might be driven more by necessity than romance.

Movies and books frequently follow a similar pattern, portraying marriages of convenience as leading to eventual love. In the romantic comedy "On the Wings of Love," characters marry to stay in the United States, ultimately finding love. Such portrayals can skew public perception, leading audiences to overlook the serious implications and challenges faced by individuals in these situations.

Consequences and Implications

The consequences of marriages of convenience extend beyond the immediate participants. Women who marry for convenience, especially those from impoverished backgrounds, often face dire repercussions. They may leave behind children who become vulnerable to exploitation, including trafficking. If these marriages fail, women may end up deported, homeless, or imprisoned for fraud. The legal penalties for engaging in fraudulent marriages are severe, including hefty fines and potential jail time.

Debates around marriages of convenience highlight their complex nature. Some view these marriages as a form of human trafficking, exploiting individuals for tangible benefits. Others argue that, particularly in LGBTQ+ communities, these marriages provide a necessary means of navigating cultural and religious pressures. These differing perspectives underscore the need for nuanced discussions that consider both the risks and motivations behind convenience marriages.

Historical Context and Evolution

Historically, marriages of convenience have roots in arranged marriages, prevalent across various cultures and eras. These unions were often orchestrated for economic or political gain, with little regard for the couple's personal desires. In the Elizabethan era, marriages were arranged to bolster economic status and maintain bloodlines. Today, while most cultures have moved away from arranged marriages, their echoes remain in the form of convenience marriages, where individuals seek better opportunities through marriage.


In conclusion, marriages of convenience are a multifaceted phenomenon with motivations ranging from concealing sexual orientation, navigating legal systems, achieving mutual benefits, to fulfilling political objectives. While entertainment often romanticizes these unions, the reality is far more complex, involving significant risks and repercussions. Understanding the historical context and modern implications of these marriages is crucial for addressing the challenges they pose. By fostering informed discussions and policies, society can better navigate the delicate balance between personal freedom and the socio-economic pressures that drive such marriages.

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Marriages of Convenience: Beyond Love and Affection. (2021, Apr 19). Retrieved from