Forced Marriage

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Forced Marriage

This essay will delve into the issue of forced marriages globally. It will discuss its causes, consequences, and the social, cultural, and legal aspects surrounding this human rights issue. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Arranged Marriage.

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The result of forced marriages has been traditionally treated with hesitation by governments, for fear of offending cultural sensitive. Many people think forced marriage and arranged marriage the same. But both are not the same . An arranged marriage is performed with the complete and free assent of both parties and is still the chosen practise for numerous individuals all over the world. Forced marriages are a result of social factors, and no major religion within the world advocates forced marriages.

In 2000, a government-working group to handle the issue of forced relational unions underscored the vital refinement between forced and arranged marriages.

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 “”The tradition of arranged marriage has operated successfully within many communities and many countries for a long time and remains the preferred choice of many young people.”

Working Group: Forced Marriages – ‘A Choice by Right’, June 2000

Forced marriage could be a marriage in which one or more of the parties is hitched without his or her assent or against his or her will. A forced marriage varies from an organized marriage, in which both parties probably assent to the help of their guardians or a third party such as a intermediary in choosing a spouse. Forced marriage is still practiced in different societies over the world, especially in parts of South Asia and Africa.

Forced marriage isn’t limited to Britain’s Muslim communities but exists among all minority bunches, the head of a commission into the issue has said. There are various reasons that change agreeing to the social, financial, political and legitimate setting clarifies the presence of arranged and possibly forced, marriage. They may be aggregate or they may cover. The respondents recognized a number of reasons that appear to be at the premise of these marriages. There are many reasons for forces marriage such as social act or family matter, to save family honor, to protect young women, to obey with a religious precept, guarantee against poverty and to control women’s sexuality.

Social act or family matter

Some parent’s think they don’t need to inquire their children for their supposition when they consider it appropriate for them to urge married. This is often most frequently the case when youthful young ladies are concerned, but moreover in some cases with youthful men, since parents consider marriage a social act that’s a matter for the nuclear or expanded family and indeed the community, and they consider it their obligation to have their children wed. As far as ,the guardians are concerned, this part is crucial and disappointment to perform it would be careless or indeed a desolation of obligation on their parts.

To begin with, a marriage is ordinarily organized between two families or between the girl’s family and a youthful or older man. The youthful girl is educated of an arrange at the starting, along the way or as it were when the wedding is planned to be held either within the nation of settlement or the nation of beginning. When the marriage is solemnized within the country of origin, regularly amid an clear occasion trip, the genuine reason for which is kept mystery by the parents or social circle, youthful girls are confronted with a fait accompli.

Protect Young Women

Parents utilize forced or arranged marriage to “”place”” their girls since they are still considered to be subject to parental specialist in a few families and so respected as minors. Accordingly, parents feel they got to secure them and act in their best interface by having them married, and preferably at a youthful age. In doing so they look for to guarantee a strong future for their girls by wedding them to men whom they consider to be best for them as information of the suitor’s family or relatives gives them the feeling that their girl will be ensured. In reality, they entrust their girl to a spouse and in-laws whom they believe and with whom they have a ties of respect, which they see as a ensure of security and appropriate treatment for the youthful spouse among in-laws who will not treat her as an outsider.

To Save Family Honor

Among migrants, a few families from preservationist backgrounds take after the arranged marriage and forced marriage model. Frightful of seeing their children marry “”strangers””, particularly individuals of the majority culture or other minority bunches considered to have diverse societies or religions, parents pressure to their children to wed inside the family or community circle to avoid assimilation within the have society. A forced or arranged marriage hence gets to be a matter of personality and could be a rampart for these families against assimilation and the misfortune of personality markers.

In reality, marriage is the institution in which family respect is most strongly contributed, and it is through marriage that a person’s and family’s social standing is kept up. It is subsequently an outright basic. Coming up short to perform that obligation can jeopardize the exceptionally establishments of the family bond, and people who avoid that obligation risk being shunned.

Poverty is one of the most causes of forced marriage. For a few poor families, the marriage of a girl to a man who is way better off is both a way of giving her get to to a better standard of living than they can offer and a way of securing a settle egg in return for a share. A few young ladies who have looked for and gotten help from specialists in shelters for casualties of violence were still underage when their parents married them off to men much more seasoned and wealthier than themselves. These were young ladies from nations in Latin America or the West Indies whose guardians, since of their extraordinary destitution, “”sold”” them, in return for cash, to French-speaking Quebecois men. One of these youthful young ladies was scarcely 13 years old when she was married, at that point supported and brought to Montréal where she was subjected to sexual violence.

Religious and social attitudes towards marriage are profoundly intertwined with attitudes towards sexual orientation parts, especially those of women. The center of diverse devout conventions on the family comes with desires of subordination of ladies inside the family. Which means that a girl’s wishes and sees on her marriage are often disregarded. Attitudes that accept women’s lesser capacities support approaches that consider young ladies as either a burden (to be shed as before long as conceivable) or an resource (to secure from dishonor or to capitalize through a bride cost). These attitudes have distant more to do with culture than devout convictions and lessons, but there are elements inside most devout traditions that expect diverse and regularly second rate parts for ladies. The challenge is to translate understandings of the genuine correspondence of all God’s children into practice where ladies, particularly, are concerned.


  1. BBC – Ethics – Forced Marriages: Introduction. (2019). Retrieved from
  2. Reasons for forced marriage – Analysis of Data Collected from Field Workers – Report on the Practice of Forced Marriage in Canada: Interviews with Frontline Workers: Exploratory Research Conducted in Montreal and Toronto in 2008. (2019). Retrieved from
  3. UK: Forced marriage is problem for all religious minority communities. (2019). Retrieved from”
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Forced Marriage. (2021, Aug 06). Retrieved from