Why the Concept of Race is not Biologically Supported?

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The concept of race is not supported biologically nor can humans be naturally divided into racial categories. Humans are biologically different; however, do not fall in racial groups nor are biological units (Fuentes 2012, 73). The ABO system, Human Genome Project, and Ancestry Informative Markers explains how and why the concept of race is not biologically supported nor can humans be naturally divided into racial categories.

The ABO system does not have any human division alleles between black-white-Asian model of racial categories (Fuentes 2012, 78).

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This means that human blood are not mutuality specified from what race you are categorized in. Human blood varies from your genes that anyone has a possibility of getting one of the ABO blood types. The concept of race having no correlation with blood. Blood groups spread in variation through immigration of the human population which supports how blood has no connection with race (Fuentes 2012, 78).

The Human Genome Project is a project to determine the sequence of human genetic factors. Science of ancestral, ethnics, and racial-groups are inaccurate concepts of human variations that also increases the chance of prejudice of people’s traits, behaviors, diseases, and other attributes (Royal, Novembre, Fullerton, Goldstein, Long, Barnshad, Clark 2010, 661-673). This means that the science of ancestral, ethnics, and racial-groups of human variations are used to not be racially categorized or be defined as races but to provide patterns of the population (Fuentes 2012, 82). Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs) is a population genetic that displays different frequencies between different populations to estimate ancestry of an individual.

Although AIMs is where you determine population history, it uses a single-nucleotide polymorphism that differentiates parts of the world with proportion of ancestry from an individual. AIMs associates itself with specific geographics and cultural clusters not categories of race (Fuentes 2012, 83). AIMs is not used to provide analysis of race nor racial categorization but to provide supported informative markers of ancestry from each population.

Race is a cultural construct means that the importance of culture of race builds on who we are. Our society see each others as people who treat people differently by the color of their skin. The cultural construct that racially identifies who we are uses hypodescent, people who identifies people by their mixed or sexual relations and turn it into a single relation. For example, having one drop of “black blood” mixed with many drops of “white blood” while “looking” black automatically makes the society sees you as black rather than white (Fuentes 2012, 95). This relates to hypodescent because you have that one drop of black blood in you that our society will focus on that black blood rather than the white blood. Biologically, some races are far less important than others and that our multiple biological characteristics can indicate what race you really are (Fuentes 2012, 95).

In an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2004 indicated that black patients had the poor health care than white patients (Fuentes 2012, 103). This explains our society when it comes to health care. People treat each other differently by their physical appearance because of how inferior they are and their low income to afford a poor health care. Our society will treat the less important people because of their low position and still race is still not biologically defined.

Race is not biology, but education is affected to the People of Color. To be specific, the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 1954. This case discussed the conflict between African American students entering the white schools. This case goes back to 1896, Plessy v. Ferguson, where the doctrine, “separate but equal,” comes to play. This doctrine was ruled to allow constitutionality of racial segregation laws in any public areas; however, must ensure equality to all races. Brown v. Board of Education began in Topeka, Kansas. A plaintiff named Oliver Brown filed a lawsuit against the Board of Education of Topeka for his daughter’s rejection entrance to Topeka’s all-white elementary schools. This created an outburst because the doctrine was being ignored. Brown v. Board of Education impacted all of those who were racially segregated from schools by the help of the NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Many African American families joined in the lawsuit to fight for their rights and ended when a big victory for Brown.

This case modeled for future racial segregation cases. It impacted on many people over the world that this inequality showed no changes. The NAACP and the Brown family impacted the livelihood of people of people classed into this biological category. With their help, they were able to win the case. The Brown family became the most inspirational family for fighting for their civil rights. The NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson said, “We are thankful for the life of Ms. Linda Brown and for her relentlessness to bring equality to public schools in this country”, (NAACP Statement on Passing of Civil Rights Activist Linda Brown, 2018) showing his thanks towards Ms. Linda for the great change they did for the country. The Brown family also inspired future marches and demonstrations of the civil rights movement. Still as of today, Brown v. Board of Education continues to seek racial balance in public schools.

In our society today, school segregation is actually getting worse according to scholars, journalists, and civil-rights advocates. An article written in 2018, “School Segregation Is Not a Myth”, by Will Stancil, provides evidence that school segregation is occuring, but even worse. In 1996, racial diversity increased from 17 to 31 percent of Hispanic and Asian students. Stancil claims that if diversity increases, then segregation is likely to rise. What he means by this is that if new Asian students were continuously enrolling, one day the school will become segregated because there would be more Asian students than other students. It would be seen as a segregated school because Asian students are continuously enrolling. Although Brown v. Board was a success, the policy never made it pass reality as school segregation still continues; however, there are people who still have hope that one day our society will change.

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Why the Concept of Race is not Biologically Supported?. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/why-the-concept-of-race-is-not-biologically-supported/