To Cheat or not to Cheat

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We all know that we live in a competitive society, and at least at the age of six, you had winning on your mind. You thought there was a hard way to win and an easy way to win. As a child, you think the easy way is the best way you can go through. This “easy way” could also be cheating. Cheating is the receiving of an award for the ability or finding to a simple solution of an unpleasant scenario by dishonest means.

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It is mainly in most cases used for the breaking of rules to achieve an unfair advantage during a competitive scenario. The reason I believe children cheat is because of stress, peer pressure, anxiety, and sometimes curiosity(to see what would happen if they were to cheat). Stress can sometimes lead to cheating. Stress is your body’s approach of responding to any kind of demand. It is caused by both positive and negative experiences. When individuals feel stressed by something happening around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals provide people additional energy and strength, which may be a good factor if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this could be a nasty factor if their stress is in response to one thing emotional and there’s no outlet for this additional energy and strength. Stress makes us feel threatened about a situation.

Stress causes us to feel threatened and even if the “threat” is something as small as a test, our minds shift into self-preservation mode, which may cause us to make immoral decisions. Alex Fradera from the British Psychological Society’s analysis Digest summarized a recent study printed within the Journal of industrial psychology wherever researchers found underneath stained conditions we have a tendency to become self-loving which may cause students to cheat. The study consisted of sixty-three student participants split into 2 teams, wherever they were either tasked with paying attention to 3 minutes of calm music or physiologist Herrmann’s diseased person score. The latter was meant to induce anxiety among that exact cluster of participants.

The students claimed that the tune did cause them to feel a small amount a lot of on-edge. The groups were then put in front of a computer to complete a task where there were obvious options made available to cheat. Researchers tracked how many times each group used the cheat and found the non-anxious participants averaged 19 times. Whereas the anxious group’s numbers shot up to an average 24 times, causing the researchers to conclude that the more threatened we feel, the more liable we are to cheat. Maslow’s hierarchy of desires best illustrates this idea: If a definite want is not being met—in the case of the scholars it’s safety—then our actions are dominated to target fulfilling that need. The researchers provide their own suggestions, the first being that the stressed students were looking for a buffer—anything to help themselves in their anxious mindset. The other probability is that in their frazzled state, their judgments were impaired so that they were unable to properly weigh-out their options–for them, cheating was the sole possibility. What’s attention-grabbing, though, is when judging someone else for cheating, anxious and non-anxious participants would look at a third-party’s cheating with the same level of severity. So, we have a tendency to could also be lenient on ourselves for immoral infractions in our addled state, but look down on others for a similar wrong-doing. The bottom line is once we have a tendency to vulnerable long-run thought goes out the window and we’re a lot of probably to utilize resources we all know we should not. It’s a smart factor for folks to be aware of to save lots of ourselves from turning into hypocrites.

Peers are those that are a part of the same group, therefore the term “peer pressure” means that the influence that peers will wear one another. Although peer pressure doesn’t essentially need to be negative, the term “pressure” implies that development influences people to try and do things which will be resistant to, or might not otherwise choose to do. So typically the term “peer pressure” is employed once people are talking concerning behaviors that aren’t thought of socially acceptable or fascinating, like experimentation with alcohol and drug use. The term “peer pressure” isn’t typically used to describe socially fascinating behaviors, like taking additional exercise, or educational success. Peer pressure ties into this because the child’s peers will tell he/she to cheat. Anxiety

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To Cheat or Not to Cheat. (2021, Mar 13). Retrieved from